Michael Liska


Cora Bora
Dolly Grip
Cora senses her open relationship is on the rocks. When the struggling musician and messy millennial goes home to Portland to win her girlfriend back, she realizes it’s much more than her love life that needs salvaging.
Sinister Stepsister
Best Boy Electric
Jeff Mitchell seems to have it all. He has an interesting and lucrative job, a loving wife, and two amazing kids. Therefore, life is good. However, on one bright day, a cosmic sucker punch comes out of the blue. When Jeff was in high school, unbeknownst to him, he got his girlfriend pregnant. Next, the girl moved away, had the baby, and raised her as a single mother, never telling her daughter, Carlee, who her real father was. However, Carlee's mother recently died in a tragic accident, prompting Carlee to try and uncover the truth. Maybe Jeff is not so lucky after all?
Космические баталии
Key Grip
Лидер злобной Коалиции угрожает разрушить планету повстанцев из-за её ресурсов. Поэтому у его дочери нет выбора. Она вынуждена стать на сторону повстанцев и сражаться за правое дело.