Seba is a teenager who lives in a small town by the sea. He has a fully trusting relationship with Cristofer, the kinesiologist of his ill mother. Seba goes into deep sentimental questions when he finds out that Cristofer is going to live far away and they won't be able to see each other anymore.
Film inspired by the real story of Rodrigo Rojas de Negri. Killed on July 2, 1986 during the first national protest against the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.
A group of girls from a humble little town in the middle of the desert disappears systematically without the police or the authorities taking action on the matter. Families desperately seek help, but are faced with bureaucracy, discrimination and total abandonment.
An intense religious drama set during the Pinochet regime and based on a true story.
Birdman's Wife
In Chile, during the 60´s, the son of a poor single teenage girl turns out to be a gifted painter. The man to discover his talent is the owner of the drugstore that lies in the outskirts of the small rural town, next to the railroad. He himself is an amateur painter who will try to make the boy into a great artist, like all the ones in his art books. From the pharmacists point of view in his old age, unfolds the story of this young boy who could have become a great art genius, had he not disappeared at the age of 13, along with all his works, on September 11th 1973, the day of the coupe d´état.
Eyelets Lady
Alberto, a young law student struggles to realize his ultimate dream: to follow the call of his priestly vocation.
Miner's Wife
Фильм повествует о путешествии по странам Латинской Америки, совершенном в 1952 году Эрнесто Че Геварой и его другом Альберто Гранадосом. Он рассказывает о жизни простых латиноамериканцев и о том, как под воздействием увиденного у Че Гевары зарождаются основы его идеологии.