Robert Cochran

Robert Cochran


Robert Cochran


24: Искупление
Соединенные Штаты готовятся к инаугурации нового президента, а скрывающийся в Африке Джек Бауэр попадает в очередной международный кризис: военный переворот в стране Сангала. Кроме того, сотрудник госдепартамента, имеет приказ доставить Бауэра в суд.
Moscow Nights
During the First World War, Russian officer Ignatoff, wounded, falls in love with his nurse, Natasha. But she is subject to an upcoming marriage of family convenience to Brioukow, a wealthy industrialist of peasant stock. Brioukow is unjustifiably jealous, since Natasha has not betrayed him. He forces Ignatoff into his debt as a means of humiliating him. When Ignatoff's new friend, Madame Sabline, offers to pay his debt, preventing his ruin, Ignatoff comes quickly to realize that Madame Sabline has an ulterior motive, one that could prove dangerous to more lives than just Ignatoff's.