Daylin Willis

Daylin Willis


Daylin Willis


Betty's Bad Luck In Love
Cursed from childhood to fail at romance, Betty’s relationships have always ended in disaster. But when she meets Alex, she’s tempted to try once more. Can true love prevail over a curse?
Mistletoe Connection
Its Christmas and Kate runs a nostalgic gift store shop in neighborhood that has just been slated for redevelopment A chance encounter on the bus with Mark sets off sparks for them both.
Why Can't My Life Be a Rom-Com?
Eliza Sloane seems to be living her dream life until her boyfriend breaks her heart and she doesn’t get an expected promotion. Her best friend Sofia approaches her with a new path in life: move to the Hamptons and “marry a rich guy with a huge trust fund”.
Romance In Style
Ella's unique designs inspire publishing mogul Derek to include plussized fashion in his magazine. It's not long before Derek realizes that Ella's influence reaches far beyond the catwalk.
Рождество у Кластерфанков
Kenny (Assistant)
Холли должна купить гостиницу Кластерфанков, чтобы переделать её в мега-курорт, но она знакомится с Фрэнком и задумывается так ли уж нужна эта сделка и хочет ли она возвращаться к городской жизни, или стоит остаться с ним и найти дух Рождества.
Рождество в Койот-Крик
Родители Пейдж решают продать семейную гостиницу, не сказав об этом дочери. По воле судьбы оценщиком недвижимости оказывается её новый знакомый по имени Дилан. Судьбу гостиницы и их отношений решит волшебный рождественский сезон.
Подписано, запечатано, доставлено: От всего сердца
Postal Worker
The beloved POstables discover a 200-year-old valentine that could change history, while their investigation of a damaged letter leads them to a public figure who could be brought down by its contents. And in the aftermath of Valentine’s Day, Oliver, Shane, Norman and Rita are each dealing with heartbreaking circumstances