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Carmine Bonavia wins election as the mayor of New York on a promise to legalize drugs. After the election, he marries Carrie and goes to his ancestral home of Sicily for their honeymoon. In his hotel, he meets Il Principe, a Sicilian prince who has spent years confined to the hotel because he crossed the Mafia. Amid the beauties of Sicily Carmine discovers that men of power will stop at nothing to prevent the legalization of drugs, which threatens their business.
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Bartoloni from Milan exchanges apartments with his colleague from Rome and moves toa new place. And everything could be good, if not unexpected trouble with which he will have to face ..
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The teenage boy, Giuseppe, lives with his mother in Cammarata, a Sicilian mountain village. His father left the family years ago, and has since then settled down as a guest worker in West-Germany and established a family. Under local moral rules, Maria is a so-called "white widow", who must stay faithful to her husband even if he never returns to her again. Maria and the newly arrived young doctor fall in love with each other. Their happiness is frowned upon not only by Giuseppe, but the entire village as well as the distant husband.
Production Design
The teenage boy, Giuseppe, lives with his mother in Cammarata, a Sicilian mountain village. His father left the family years ago, and has since then settled down as a guest worker in West-Germany and established a family. Under local moral rules, Maria is a so-called "white widow", who must stay faithful to her husband even if he never returns to her again. Maria and the newly arrived young doctor fall in love with each other. Their happiness is frowned upon not only by Giuseppe, but the entire village as well as the distant husband.
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In 1900 in Rome, the poor carpenter Francesco, by a twist of fate, is recognized component of a noble family in the process of decay. Francesco knows the cynical and ruthless Prince Torquato Terenzi, disappointed by life and progress, and also falls in love with the beautiful Duchess Elisa. When Prince Terenzi dies, Francesco realizes that he's not enriched for nothing with the inheritance, because the noble family is broke; so he enlistes himself for the war in Libya, but quickly returnes to Italy, disgusted by the atrocities of the fighting. His dream is to be a singer, and so he goes to America with the Duchess Elisa.
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A large international cast takes part in this comedy in which the stories of numerous individuals whose cars are stalled in a massive Roman traffic jam are told.
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В основе сюжета — жизнь короля Баварии Людвига II, одержимого любовью к музыке Вагнера и строительству сказочных дворцов и замков, его нарастающему одиночеству. В трактовке Висконти Людвиг (Хельмут Бергер) — не безумец, а опоздавший родиться абсолютный монарх средневековья, чувствующий себя в плену конституционной монархии и церемонного двора. Центральный женский персонаж — императрица Австрии Елизавета (Сисси), её играет уже выступавшая в её роли ранее Роми Шнайдер. Действие в «Людвиге» развивается медленно, но полно внутреннего драматизма.
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После совершения ограбления среди его участников разгорелся спор при дележе добычи. Новичок в банде решил спор в свою пользу. Прибрав все, он скрывается вместе с золотом. Остальные отправляются на его поиски, которые приводят их в один из городков Мексики…
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Экранизация Великой Книги, библейские истории об Адаме и Еве, Каине и Авеле и многом другом, известном и не очень известном…
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In this crime-thriller, Rome proves to be an unhappy destination for an American couple when the husband is kidnapped and his wife begins a desperate search for him.
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Трудная жизнь у Сильвио Магноцци. Жена его бросила, за участие в политических выступлениях он попадает в тюрьму, а когда выходит на свободу, отказывается от выгодной работы у богатого промышленника и снова пускается во все тяжкие.
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An old prince lives in his ancient palace in Rome together with the ghosts of his ancestors. For years he has proudly rejected huge offers by a real estate group seeking to buy the palace and build a department store in its place, but when he suddenly dies his nephew signs the deal. The palace seems lost, but the ghosts forge a plan to save it from destruction.
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During the period between world wars, vaudeville sketches were popular before film showings.Gastone is one of the characters played by the famous Ettore Petrolini who figures in these sketches.
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A tale on the Italian upper class of the '60s and their ways to kill time.
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Молодой итальянец Марио встречает русскую девушку Наталью с удивительно милым лицом и светлым взором и безумно влюбляется в нее. Бабушка Натальи, почти слепая содержательница меблированных комнат, неусыпно и очень строго следит за внучкой.
К разочарованию влюбленного Марио, девушка помолвлена с мужчиной средних лет, снимающем комнату в бабушкином пансионате, Тенантом. Он неожиданно покидает город, пообещав Наталье вернуться через год. Девушка терпеливо ждет весь год, а влюбленный итальянец, пользуясь отсутствием соперника, открывает героине новый мир. Сердце красавицы разрывается между долгом и новым чувством, овладевшим ею.