Mariangela Melato

Mariangela Melato

Рождение : 1941-09-18, Milan, Lombardy, Italy

Смерть : 2013-01-11


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Mariangela Melato (19 September 1941 – 11 January 2013) was an Italian cinema and theatre actress. Born in Milan, the daughter of a traffic policeman and a seamstress, Melato from a young age studied painting at the Academy of Brera, drawing posters and working as a window dresser at La Rinascente to pay for her acting lessons with Esperia Sperani. A striking, blonde actress, she began her stage career in 1960, entering the stage company of Fantasio Piccoli and debuting as an actress in the play Binario cieco.From 1963 to 1965 she worked with Dario Fo in Settimo: ruba un po' meno and La colpa è sempre del diavolo, then in 1967 she worked with Luchino Visconti in The Nun of Monza. In 1968, her final theater breakthrough with Orlando furioso by Luca Ronconi.She made her film debut in 1969 with Pupi Avati's Thomas e gli indemoniati.


Mariangela Melato


Noi siamo cinema
An Italian documentary about Italian cinema.
Behind the White Glasses
Self (Archive Footage)
It is a musical portrait that shines a spotlight on unknown aspects of the creative, visionary and groundbreaking talent of filmmaker and writer, Lina Wertmüller.
Behind the White Glasses
It is a musical portrait that shines a spotlight on unknown aspects of the creative, visionary and groundbreaking talent of filmmaker and writer, Lina Wertmüller.
Filumena Marturano
Filumena Marturano
Rebecca, az első feleség
Signora Danvers
A naive young woman moves into the mansion that belongs to her new husband, a rich widower. She soon realizes the memory of his deceased first wife maintains a grip on her husband, as well as the staff of servants.
Elio Petri: Notes About a Filmmaker
A documentary on the director’s career, featuring interviews with friends, collaborators, and filmmakers.
Come Away with Me
Maria Grande
Maria, daughter of Italian emigrants, lives with her son Santino who lives by expedients. In a small American town, inhabited mostly by children of Italian immigrants, the woman does everything to prevent her boyfriend from getting lost by taking the wrong path, so every time Santino tries to score a shot, Maria manages to blow his plans. Until one day the loving mother decides that the time has come to teach a fundamental lesson for the life of her son.
L'amore ritorna
Federica Strozzi
Luca is a famous actor working on his new film as both its star and director. One day he gets extremely sick and, while at the hospital, rethinks his life.
Probably Love
La vita cambia
Un uomo perbene
Anna Tortora
In June 1983 the journalist and TV presenter Enzo Tortora was arrested on charges of drug trafficking and belonging to the Camorra.
Dirty Linen
The Razzi family owns a small factory of sweets in Macerata. Their desire to enlarge their business to cope with the new Unified European Market brings to a string of fatal mistakes that will ultimately doom their wealth.
La fine è nota
Elena Malva
A young lawyer returns home and discovers that a man has committed suicide jumping through a window of his house. His wife, Maria, says that she let the unknown man enter because he said the lawyer was the only one who could help him. Bernardo start to investigate about the man and about the reasons of his suicide.
Before finally entering the afterlife, the dead spend a period in a limbo from which they depart only when, among the living, there is no one who remembers them. Under the care of the salacious Domenico the visitors of a small cemetery recount how they arrived at eternal peace.
Антон Сергеев, звезда балета, приезжает в Италию на съемки киноверсии «Жизели». В труппе появляется молодая американская танцовщица Лайза Стрессер, которая должна исполнять главную роль. Сергеев влюбляется в Лайзу, что, конечно, замечают другие участники труппы. А самой Лайзе суждено пережить то же, что и ее героине - Жизели.
Summer Night with Greek Profile, Almond Eyes and Scent of Basil
Fulvia Bolk
Mariangela Melato stars as Fulvia Bolk, a self-made tycoon interested in ecological preservation. She is fed up with the terrorists who are poaching Italy’s natural beauty, and as part of a crazy retaliation scheme she hires a former CIA agent to abduct the number-one violator, Giuseppe “Beppe” Catania and hold him for ransom.
My Dearest Son
A respectable lawyer finds out his son is a heroin addict. Heartbroken, he'll do anything to help his only child, even if it means sharing his hell.
Segreti segreti
Giuliana, il giudice
Начало века. Belle Epoque. Прекрасная Эпоха. Время, когда в мире искусства изумительно сочетались изысканность с манерностью, демократичность с элитарностью, утонченность с декадансом. И какие только таланты не появлялись в артистической среде...Зажмите носы, любители нежных ароматов! Заткните уши, поклонники Баха и Генделя! Закройте глаза, читатели исключительно подцензурной литературы! Речь пойдет об артисте, который проповедовал раблезианское отношение к жизни и искусству.Пужо был артистом редкой квалификации. Его звали Артист-Пердун.
Tomorrow We Dance
Aliens send a hypnotic signal through a TV channel, and the signal makes people dance and makes them forget their fears.
My Darling, My Dearest
Gennarino Laganà is a poor Sicilian who struggles with menial jobs to support his family, while his parents pressure him to seek his fortune in the North. Gennarino would never leave his beloved island if he had not stumbled into a love affair with Donna Egeria, wife of the Mafia boss Don Mimì. To escape certain revenge, he boards a goods train. In a dream, Saint Totino appears to him and promises him protection in exchange for a regulated life. He thus arrives in Milan, where he meets Armida, a woman of the streets, who takes him into her home and makes him her protector and lover. But San Totino appears again to Gennarino and reproaches him for being a kept man: he must work and Armida must change her life. 
The Good Soldier
As a young boy, Tommaso's (Gerard Darier) interest in women and in his cousin Marta (Mariangela Melato) in particular, inspired him to bore peep holes into her wall and vicariously partake of her forbidden private life, including her wedding day. Time goes by, and after living through many changes going on around him, Tommaso has grown up and is now a soldier in the military. When he sees cousin Marta at a train station one day, he jumps off his train, talks to her for awhile, and tries to give her some strength to face the various problems in her life. Both Marta and Tommaso suffer deceptions over the next crucial period -- Marta becomes estranged from her husband, and her daughter is more distant with each passing day.
So Fine
While trying to get his father out of a financial jam, a man comes up with an idea that turns into an unexpected overnight financial fashion success - the bottomless pants.
Aiutami a sognare
In 1943, during the war, Francesca, widowed, moves with her three daughters to her country house, to get away from the bombing of Bologna. In the villa she finds her childhood friends and her old love Guido, who has not forgotten her. Francesca has a passion for everything that comes from America, like music and cinema. She even tells her daughters that her husband who died in the war would actually leave for the USA, where he would live.
Oggetti smarriti
In the Pope's Eye
unselected actress
The Pope is disturbed by the fact that today's youth are not as spiritually inclined as they should be, and so he decides to set up a Vatican television station and entice them back into the religion of their ancestors. In order to particularly grab the wandering flock, a priest invites the comedians from "The Other Sunday," an actual comedy program on Italian television, to perform on this new channel.
Флэш Гордон
Странные энергетические волны сместили Луну с орбиты, вызвав тотальное солнечное затмение на Земле. Жизнь человечества в опасности. Доктор Зарков уговаривает звезду американского футбола Флэша Гордона и прелестную Дэйл совершить вместе с ним отчаянный прыжок в гиперпространство — на планету Монго, откуда исходят разрушительные энергетические волны. Планетой управляет император Минг Беспощадный и его дочь, злобная красавица Аура. У героев есть только одна возможность спасти Землю — уничтожить Минга, объединив враждующих между собой принцев этой далекой планеты…
I giorni cantati
Забыть Венецию
Эрланд Джозефсон возвращается к своей семье, чтобы навестить свою сестру в итальянской деревне. Он привозит с собой молодого мужчину - любовника. В доме с сестрой в то время жили две женщины, одна из которых, Мариангела Мелато, заботилась о хозяйстве. Детство Эрланда было связано с этими женщинами. При встрече они предавались долгим воспоминаниям. Вскоре они собрались отправиться в Венецию, но судьба вмешалась в планы веселой компании.
A young busker goes around in Milan with his saxophone, whereby he always plays the same tune and he experiences surrealistic adventures throughout the big city. Meanwhile, a wealthy woman from the local "jet set" falls in love with him.
La Presidentessa
Yvette Jolifleur
Gobette, a young avant-garde dancer, finds herself unemployed after the closure of the provincial club where she performs. By pure coincidence, Cipriano Gaudet, Minister of Justice, meets her at a judge's house and, convinced that she is the wife of the subordinate, gives promotions to the unsuspecting representative of the law in order to remove him from the woman and be able to get married with the soubrette. ..
Пляжный домик
Лето. Воскресенье. Пляж Лидо-ди-Остии, недалеко от Рима. Множество людей и историй: женская баскетбольная команда; два помешанных на фитнесе солдата; два заправщика с бензоколонки и их подруги; священник и его секрет; бабушка, дедушка и их беременная внучка; молодая пара, пытающаяся впервые заняться сексом. И так далее...
Ofelia Pecoraro
Амадео и Офелия — брат и сестра средних лет, вместе проживающие в старом доме. Из дома начинают выселять жильцов. Герои не хотят уезжать, а когда умирает их любимый кот, талисман их жизни, оба они меняются: Амадео начинает ухаживать за молодой Вандой, а Офелия обольщает священника Дона Пеззоллу. Тем временем полиция ищет убийцу кота.
Dear Michele
Mara Castorelli
Michael is the younger son of a middle-class family, a strong-willed and free-thinking fellow, who is off in some distant country fighting for a revolutionary cause.
Тодо Модо
Заброшенный Рим. Волонте направляется в духовный центр Зафер на встречу политических и экономических деятелей с представителями католического духовенства. Но религиозные обряды - только ширма. Видный государственный деятель бесследно исчезает, священники взяты в заложники, сенатор изрешечен пулями. Директор центра священник Дон Гаетано совершает самоубийство. Оставшись один на один с трупами, Волонте понимает, что стал жертвой заговора.
Eye of the Cat
In this intellectual drama, Ras (Eli Wallach) is a ruler or dictator who, somewhat like the Biblical King David, covets another man's wife as his own. Unlike David, however, Ras wants to humiliate Marcello (Nino Manfredi), a dedicated musician whose life he has already ruined. He forces Marcello to seek an annulment to his marriage through the Vatican.
C.I.A. Secret Story
Faccia di spia tries to tell the story of the CIA and other government intelligence agencies with lots of re-creations and dramatizations and points out some of the more brutal aspects of the intelligence community from around the world. Wars are started, all facets of everyday life are controlled, innocent people are tortured needlessly and subjected to extreme violence.
The Tree of Guernica
The fictional town of Villa Romero is the set upon which the events of Spain's civil war play out. Villa Romero is home to Vandale (Mariangela Melato) a witch, count Cerralbo (Bento Urago) a powerless land baron, and his four sons. Three of Cerralbo's sons are ruthless sadists who pillage the countryside, but the fourth, Goya (Ron Faber), is an artist challenging authority and the church.
Под каким ты знаком?
Marietta detta "Claquette"
Фильм из четырех новелл: «Вода», «Воздух», «Земля», «Огонь»: летчик решает поменять мужской пол на женский; танцевальный конкурс; один день каменщика в роли миллионера; назойливый телохранитель.
Moses the Lawgiver
Prinzessin Bithia
Story of Moses. Originally a TV Miniseries recut for theaters
Отнесенные необыкновенной судьбой в лазурное море в августе
Raffaella Pavone Lanzetti
Богатую и своенравную красавицу Рафаэлу и матроса-бедняка-коммуниста Дженнарино судьба забросила на необитаемый остров. Вокруг, на много миль, ни души. Где-то далеко осталась роскошная яхта, на которой дамочка с друзьями и мужем отдыхала, а матрос трудился в поте лица, молчаливо снося капризы эксплуататоров. Теперь у него появилась прекрасная возможность отыграться за все унижения. Но от классовой ненависти до страстной любви, как известно, не так уж и далеко…
Giovanna Abbastanzi
Молодая девушка Джованна, под впечатлением от просмотра спектакля о Жанне Д`Арк, устраивается на работу в полицию и объявляет настоящий крестовый поход против коррумпированной верхушки своего родного города.
Il generale dorme in piedi
Lola Pigna
A colonel in the Army has a problem: when resting lying starts screaming anarchist and antimilitarist phrases. Because of his fitful sleep is therefore forced to sleep standing up.
Par le sang des autres
La fille du maire
In a little French town everything goes on as usual and people seem friendly and good-natured, until the day two women arrive from Paris. A man gets off the same bus, and that very night he seizes the two women and asks for the most beautiful woman in town as their ransom. After the initial shock, the mayor, his brother, the prefect, the police, and the gendarmerie gather around the house where the two woman are imprisoned. It will be a test for everyone and each of them will show his/her real stuff: hypocrisy, meanness, or humanity concealed under their provincial respectability.
Veronique Cash
Агрессивно настроенная бригада левых радикалов под названием NADA совершает дерзкое похищение американского посла во время его визита в парижский бордель. С этого момента и власти в лице полиции, и революционеры-анархисты ввергают страну в водоворот насилия и хаоса. Похитителям удается покинуть город и скрыться в загородном доме. Там они держат свою жертву, дожидаясь ответа властей на их требования…
Фильм любви и анархии
В публичный дом в Риме из Парижа приезжает анархист с детскими, испуганными глазами, всклокоченной головой и с множеством веснушек. Он приезжает к связной Саломее, которая работает там по специальности. Она должна помочь ему с убийством Бенито Муссолини и выдает его за своего кузена. Робкий парень в первый раз оказался в публичном доме…
We'll Call Him Andrea
Maria Antonazzi
Paolo and Maria are two elementary teachers, who love each other, but can not have a child.
Execution Squad
Bertone is a moderately honest homicide cop. Unfortunately, the court system is so inept and corrupt that many more-or-less honest policemen have begun taking the law into their own hands. Between his efforts to thwart the growth of crime and to control his vengeful co-workers, homicide-chief Bertone has his hands full
Мими-металлург, уязвленный в своем достоинстве
Fiorella Meneghini
Кармело по кличке Мими теряет работу из-за того, что на выборах проголосовал за коммунистов вместо кандидата от мафии. Мими покидает солнечную Сицилию и отправляется в промышленный Турин в поисках работы. А заодно бросает фригидную жену ради партийной активистки. Но мафия не дремлет – его переводят обратно на Сицилию, дают работу, но теперь ему приходится жить в постоянном страхе, скрывая от всех свою любовницу. К тому же беременную.
The Sicilian Checkmate
Rosaria Licata
Taking place almost entirely during a murder trial, the film details in significant detail the deep roots sunk by organised crime into the business and political life of Sicily.
Love story between a young man and a married woman. She's married to a businessman who's neglecting her. She would like to leave him but she's afraid of the age difference between her and her lover.
Come Together
An American stuntman working on spaghetti westerns in Europe picks up two pretty American tourists and they decide to take a road trip around Europe together. However, things don't turn out exactly as each of them expected.
Рабочий класс идет в рай
Добросовестный работник с завода остается без пальца. Инцидент приводит к тому, что за него разворачивается настоящая война между политиками, революционерами и управлением завода.
Between Miracles
Benedetto is a child who came out of an accident uninjured on his first communion's day. The people of his village attribute that to a miracle and made him undergo a strict religious upbringing. That fact will determine his life, which will be affected by inner torment caused by the confrontation between sexual desires and sacrifices of faith, sin and grace.
Basta guardarla
The Married Priest
A young Sicilian priest who moved to Rome comes into contact with the high bourgeoisie and receives a lot of sexual attention.
A professor and his wife suffer humiliation at the hands of an invading college dissidents protest.
Thomas and the Bewitched
Всеобщее восстание
Социальная сатира из трех частей. В первой — молодой человек устраивает беспорядки в студенческом городке и на телевидении. Во второй — крупный бизнесмен третирует своего подчиненного во время деловой поездки в Нью-Йорк. В третьей части священник требует у епископа машину, жену и новую паству.