Claire Gagner, a graduate student in psychology at McGill University, has inherited a large sum of money after learning the truth about her French family roots. But unknown persons are at work to make sure Claire does not keep her inheritance. Who are these people and what are their motives? And who is this mysterious man, André, who suddenly comes into her life? Is he there to help her or does he have ties to these unknown persons? What happens to Claire and what she learns about the people around her will keep you watching to the very end.
Jeune infirmière
Главные герои фильма связаны друг с другом невидимыми нитями судьбы. У каждого из них свои проблемы, которые они изо всех стараются решить, но это, увы, не всегда удаётся. Однако, если постараться искренне постараться помочь ближнему, отданное добро обязательно вернётся.