Elaine Edwards
Рождение : 1928-02-04,
Смерть : 2004-04-26
Elaine Edwards was born on February 4, 1928. She was an actress, known for The Bat (1959), Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre (1963) and Old Oklahoma Plains (1952). She was previously married to Ed Kemmer and Wilbur Paul. She died on April 26, 2004.
История Тевье, бедного молочника, пытающегося выдать замуж своих трех дочерей. Действие происходит в маленькой украинской деревушке в 1905 году.
Mrs. Wilde
In the year 2177, the world is under the control of a master computer. For recreation, however, people are allowed to view sex tapes.
Story revolves around adultery, with Pamela (Elaine Edwards) having a problem explaining her indiscretion to stepdaughter Susan (Mary Lindsay). Matters escalate when Calvin goes after Susan, too.
Lois Collins
Tough insurance investigator Mahoney goes to LA to look into the murder of a fellow investigator. It's found that the murdered man knew three different women — all blondes — and with each he had had a love affair. What is their connection to the crime? And will Mahoney bed all of them as well?
Laurie Maitland
Dr. Frank Harlow is in the process of trying to save a man badly beaten by two gangsters whom he identifies to the police. When the victim dies the charge becomes murder and Harlow hightails it to the far woods where he finds a job as clerk Roger Condon in a sporting-goods store. Harlow's plan is to lay low until the gangsters forget about him. But complications arise from two different sectors. First, Harlow falls in love with the local beauty Laurie Maitland and second, the murderers find out where he is hiding.
Gladys Harley
The story of the infamous Purple Gang - a ring of bootleggers, hijackers and killers in 1920's Detroit.
Anne Balcom
A mob assassin holds innocent hostages at an airport in upstate New York.
Dale Bailey
Писательница снимает особняк, а вернее замок для того, чтобы написать там свою новую книгу. В городе, где она остановилась, происходит странное ограбление банка, а люди начинают говорить о возвращении некоего убийцы по прозвищу «Летучая мышь». Он одевается во всё чёрное и убивает своих жертв специальной железной перчаткой с когтями. Полиция бессильна что-либо сделать. И вот в одну ночь писательница слышит странные шумы в своём доме...
Lt. Mary Ferguson
The trials and tribulations of a platoon of U.S. Marines, led by 1st Lt. Frank Davis, during the Korean War.
Tina Enright
A stone-encrusted body is unearthed at Pompeii, and people left alone with it keep dying of crushed skulls...
Vince's Girlfriend (uncredited)
Спортивный журналист Эдди Виллис вращается в мире профессионального бокса и становится, как сейчас говорят, «пиарщиком» начинающего боксера. Проработав 17 лет в газете и не заработав ничего на «черный» день, он соглашается вести грязную «раскрутку» бездарного, слабого боксера внушительной внешности и роста.
«Бокс — это балет, шоу, на котором делают деньги», — так говорит ему полукриминальный промоутер Род Стайгер, — но ведь в балете не убивают в раздевалке танцоров, отказывающихся танцевать. Только сейчас Эдди понимает всю подноготную этого безжалостного мира, где менеджеры жестоко и без всяких сантиментов манипулируют своими боксерами. Хватит ли у него силы воли восстать против хорошо отлаженной машины криминального бизнеса?
Terry Ramsey
One-time cavalry officer Rex Allen, between jobs as a star rodeo rider, is asked by his former commanding officer, Colonel Bigelow, to help settle a dispute between the army and local ranchers. The cavalry has commandeered a large parcel of land needed to test their newly-designed tank and prominent rancher Jenson has encited the locals to rebel at this intrusion. It is up to Rex and his sidekick, Slim, to thwart Jenson and convince the residents that these army tests are essential.
Emery Slade was one of the brightest stars in Hollywood in 1932, but by 1949 his career has hit the skids. Fortunately, he is able to convince studio head Melville Crossman to cast him in the adaptation of a hit Broadway show. Crossman has one condition: Slade must travel to New York and convince the female star of the stage production to join the film. Slade goes, but, when he eyes the winsome Julie Clarke, he hatches a different scheme.