Nicole Pierce


Quality Problems
Rich Mom
Bailey and Drew are a 40 something couple much like other couples: They have two kids, two jobs, one dad with Alzheimers and one boob with cancer. Toss in planning an 8 year old’s birthday party and the only thing you CAN do is laugh.
Камень, ножницы, бумага
Detective Walker
Питер Харрис, по прозвищу "Кукольник", возвращается в родной дом после того, как его выпускают из психиатрической больницы для душевнобольных преступников. Однако, оказавшись среди детских воспоминаний, Питера начинают преследовать призраки прошлого.
Where The Devil Dwells
In 1989, the schizophrenic son of a serial killer is remanded to house arrest after attacking a man, but when his allegedly-slain father reappears to him and threatens to resume killing, he must grapple with the question of what is real and how he will survive.