Vladislav Hofman

Рождение : 1917-04-06,

Смерть : 1961-05-15


Jak se zajíček chtěl klouzat
Production Manager
The Parasite
Production Manager
Two linear characters typical of Émile Cohl are situated in the same frame, in different coloured rectangles making up their respective settings. One is good, the other is bad and lives off the first.
Lidé, bděte!
Production Manager
Pošťácká pohádka
Production Manager
Место под солнцем
Production Manager
Чехословацкий мультфильм, ставший номинантом «Оскара» в 1961 году. Герои сюжета — два рисованных человечка — загорают на пляже у моря. Погода хорошая, но теплое местечко всего одно, и мужчины начинают бороться за место под солнцем. Их ссора и ругань в конечном счете приводят к тому, что мужчины остаются в кромешной тьме. Солнечный свет исчезает, и герои чрезвычайно расстроены этим. Но солнце скоро снова выйдет из-за туч. Будут ли мужчины продолжать ссору из-за этого?
Moon Fairy Tale
Production Manager
Animated short about an ice figure who took a doll drawn on paper to his kingdom.
Production Manager
The cartoon film sets out to justify the existence of UNESCO as an instrument for world peace.
Сотворение мира
Production Manager
Шуточный рассказ о создании мира на основе рисунков Жана Эффеля.
Hrnečku, vař!
Director of Photography
While all the inhabitants of a small rural village are working hard to survive the harsh daily routine, the mayor and his wife are gorging themselves to death. Without generosity, they even refuse alms to a penniless old lady. Among the hard workers trying to subsist, a little girl works courageously to help her exhausted mother. One day, during her lunch break, she goes into the forest to fill her cup of water in a river. There, a poor old lady asks for alms from the young lady, having nothing but her little piece of bread, willingly offers it to her. It is then that the old lady, as a reward, enchants the cup of the little girl ...
O makovém koláči
Director of Photography
Jak si pejsek roztrhl kalhoty
Director of Photography