Uta Rachov


Getting Rid of Mum
Impoverished former soprano Anneliese Behrens is forced to leave her house and collapses in an underground passage, when looking for a place to sleep. In the hospital, she learns that she suffers from a brain tumor and needs 24-hour attention. Although they have maintained no contact with each other, she will be hosted by her daughter, who, however, has already booked a Christmas vacation with her family in Thailand. The only solution is to take her mother with her.
Machen wir's auf Finnisch
Intern Annika gets the chance for a permanent position at the record company "GrandMusic". As a rehearsal, she is supposed to prepare the Finnish boy group "Ripili" for a youth competition in Germany. When the band arrives at the airport, Annika realizes that the band is the third-rate Finnish death metal band.
Сбежавший лось
Накануне Рождества на крышу дома Вагнеров с неба упал лось. Каково же было удивление детей, когда летающий лось представился: «Муз, мистер Муз. Семейство оленевых». Оказалось, что лось вез на санях своего хозяина Санта-Клауса и не вписался в поворот. Рождество не наступит, если лось вовремя не вернется к Санте.