Additional Muppet Performer (voice)
Маппеты — выходцы известного ток-шоу, теперь еще и выпускники колледжа. Они полны решимости доказать всем свою уникальность и творческий талант. Следуя своей мечте, вся компания отправляется на улицы Манхэттена, разыскивая продюсера и попадая во всевозможные комические ситуации.
News Crew Soundman
TV movie 1981 Vacationing Georgia construction worker (John Schneider) meets and falls for Manhattan's comely Director of Urban Renewal (Marilu Henner) and despite her initial rejection of him, sets out to build a dream house for both of them.
Younger Cop
Elizabeth Winfield is a retired teacher, who desperately tries to keep her family together. While she's traveling through the country and meeting her relatives, back in her hometown, a group of shopping mall developers are planning to take over her family land in order to begin their ambitious project. Now she needs to find ways to stop this construction in time before the town's annual festivities.