Amanda Shaw


Never Cry Werewolf
Key Hair Stylist
Jared Martin moves next door to the Hansetts, along with his hot motorcycle and eerie, ill-tempered dog. Although everyone else in the neighborhood takes an instant liking to him, Loren Hansett can't get over the bad vibes her new neighbor gives her. She starts to spy on his nocturnal activities and comes to believe that a recent killing might the work of a werewolf who happens to be her new neighbor. Her internet surfing provides a lot of collaborative detail but everyone but her friend Steven dismiss her story as teen-aged fantasy. Fearing for her life, she convinces Steven to take her to a gun shop to buy silver bullets in a gun shop, where their neighbor's supernatural dog attacks. When she dispatches the beast, her actions get the attention of Redd Tucker, a washed-up TV hunting show host to believe her as well. When Steven is attacked by the werewolf and Loren's brother goes missing, she and Redd team up to kill the lycanthrope before he can finish them both off.
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Makeup & Hair
Психолог-криминалист Салли Роу должна решить, достаточно ли улик для обвинения в убийстве 17-летнего Алекса Форбса, выстрелом оборвавшего жизнь своего одноклассника Найджела. Салли приходится нелегко: «крутой» отец Алекса давит на следствие изо всех сил. Но, как выясняется, дело не только в отце мальчика: даже погибший, Найджел оказывает на Алекса странное, поистине гипнотическое воздействие…
Внутри моей памяти
Makeup Supervisor
Когда Саймон пробуждается в больнице, он не помнит событий последних двух лет: ни собственной свадьбы, ни автокатастрофы, ни гибели брата, в которой обвиняют его. Но вскоре он обнаруживает, что может вернуться назад в своей памяти! А значит должен попытаться изменить будущее!
Fanny & Elvis
Makeup Artist
Yorkshire writer Kate finds out her biological clock is ticking down the same day that her husband leaves her. To get over the financial crisis this creates she takes in car-dealer Dave. He's homeless as Kate's husband has moved in with his wife. This leaves the problem of how to get promptly pregnant. Surely not with increasingly interesting Dave. They can't even agree on a baby's name - he thinks Fanny is silly and she finds Elvis, well, inconceivable.