Jerzy Kalina


Объятий нужно мне твоих...
Пожилая женщина, живущая в глухой белорусской деревне, на закате жизни листает истрепанные тетради дочери. Вместе мы отправимся в путешествие в неизведанный мир брошенного и забытого всеми человека.
Svajo Mesca
Can one tear oneself from hearth and home, even if it is very boring and lonely there? Andrei, a small man in a small place, has spent 15 years of his life working in a community club. But today the large hall is empty; from time to time children come in here to sing. Meanwhile real Belarusian culture with its authentic singing conceals itself far from the state institution in a small local country house. Every now and then Andrei calls on here. Nevertheless he tries hard to revive virtually dead cultural center, his only place and reason for existence.