Neil McCarthy

Neil McCarthy

Рождение : 1932-07-26, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England, UK

Смерть : 1985-02-06


Neil McCarthy


Десять негритят
Anthony Marston
Десять не знакомых между собой людей собираются в африканской саванне по приглашению некоего мистера Оуэна.
Бандиты во времени
Robber #2
Лента рассказывает о шести предприимчивых карликах, которые устраивают обычному мальчику по имени Кевин грандиозное путешествие по туннелям времени. Дело в том, что крошечные бандиты завладели волшебной картой, принадлежавшей их бывшему хозяину — Верховному Существу, сотворившему Мир. С помощью заветной карты герои путешествуют из одной эпохи в другую и попадают в самые удивительные ситуации: они оказываются в компании подвыпившего Наполеона Бонапарта и царя Агамемнона, отправляются в плавание на корабле морского монстра и злополучном «Титанике», гостят в Шервудском лесу у Робин Гуда и пытаются выбраться из заточения Вечной Пустоты. Но помимо могущественного хозяина карты, ею хочет завладеть и Воплощение Зла, заточенное Высшим Существом в крепость Вечного Мрака.
Битва Титанов
Персей — смертный сын Зевса, пытаясь спасти свою возлюбленную Андромеду от жестокого заклятия, сражается с чудовищами. К счастью, у Персея есть свои волшебные помощники: прекрасный крылатый конь и удивительно умная сова. Но даже эти волшебные силы не всегда в силах помочь герою в борьбе с могущественными врагами и спасти свою любимую!
George & Mildred
Big screen spin-off of the Seventies sitcom. Mildred Roper is determined to make husband George celebrate their wedding anniversary in style, at a posh hotel in London. However, upon arrival George is mistaken by a gangland criminal for a rival hitman, and soon the Ropers find themselves up to their necks in trouble on the wrong side of the law!
Measure for Measure
When the Duke of Vienna takes a mysterious leave of absence and leaves the strict Angelo in charge, things couldn't be worse for Claudio, who is sentenced to death for premarital sex. His sister, Isabella (a nun-in-training), however, is a very persuasive pleader. She goes to Angelo, but instead of freeing her brother, she gets an offer from Angelo to save Claudio's life if Isabella sleeps with him. The only sympathetic friend Isabella has is a priest who, in actuality, is the Duke in disguise...and he has a plan.
Doctor Who: The Power of Kroll
The Doctor and Romana arrive on the marsh moon of Delta Magna in search of the next segment of the Key to Time. They are caught in the conflict between the native Swampies and the crew of a chemical refinery. The presence of a gun runner complicates matters; to make things worse, the Swampies intend to awaken Kroll, the giant god that lives beneath the swamps.
The Thief of Baghdad
Jaudur's Aide
A resourceful thief helps a handscome prince fight an evil wizard and win the hand of a beautiful princess.
The Ghost of Ardachie Lodge
An old house appears to be haunted - but only one woman can sense it.
Trial by Combat
Ben Willoughby
A group called The Knights Of Avalon are unhappy with the justice system so are taking the law into their own hands by executing criminals using medieval methods such as jousting.
Operation: Daybreak
Man at Quarry (uncredited)
Czechoslovakia, 1942. Three brave Czech patriots risk everything to rid their country of its brutal Nazi leader, SS-General Reinhard Heydrich.
Steptoe and Son Ride Again
Albert Steptoe and his son Harold are rag-and-bone men, complete with horse and cart to tour the neighbourhood. They also live amicably together at the junk yard. Always on the lookout for ways to improve his lot, Harold invests his father's life savings in a greyhound who is almost blind and can't see the hare. When the dog loses a race and Harold has to pay off the debt, he comes up with another bright idea. Collect his father's life insurance. To do this his father must pretend to be dead.
The title character is a married provincial schoolmaster and a notorious philanderer. He is a russian Don Juan except that he himself doesn't seek to seduce; the women around him simply find him irresistibly attractive, and he is only too happy to go along. The play predates the realism of Chekhov's later works in its desjointedness, but many of its scenes show the seeds of brilliance that would eventually emerge.
When the Bough Breaks
Eddie Gosse
NSPCC social worker Margaret Ashdown is given the case of investigating into the Gosse family, when the young mother, Sheila, is unable to explain her baby's fractured skull at the hospital. She discovers the family live in poverty and ignorance, and have a tradition of instability.
Doctor Who: The Mind of Evil
George Patrick Barnham
Professor Emil Keller has created a machine that can pacify even the most dangerous of criminals. But when the Doctor and Jo arrive at Stangmoor Prison for a demonstration, things start to go horribly wrong - especially when they discover that the Doctor's old enemy the Master is responsible for the machine.
Там, где гнездятся орлы
Sgt. Jock MacPherson
Во время Второй Мировой войны британский самолет сбивают над нацистской территорией. Единственного выжившего американского генерала немцы забирают в ближайший штаб СС. Немцам неизвестно, что генерал обладает полным набором знаний об операции «День Д». Британцы решают, что генералу ни в коем случае нельзя позволить раскрыть детали высадки в Нормандии и приказывают майору Джону Смиту отправиться на его спасение с отрядом спецназа. В отряд входит американский рейнджер лейтенант Шаффер, озадаченный своим участием в британской операции. Когда один из солдат погибает после сброса с парашютом, Шаффер начинает подозревать, что у миссии Смита цель более секретная.
Seven Times Seven
A gang of prison inmates escape and rob the Royal Mint. They then sneak back to prison.
The Cuckoo Patrol
Superman No2
Freddie and the Dreamers play part of a Scout troupe that get caught up in a series of misadventures on their way to camp.
Действие ленты разворачивается в британском дисциплинарном лагере, затерявшемся в африканской пустыне во времена Второй мировой войны.
Two Left Feet
Based on David Stuart Leslie's novel Two Left Feet is a story about Alan Crabbe (Michael Crawford a callow youth desperate for a date with any girl who can offer him the experience he lacks. Every time Alan tries a manful stride into the jungle of sex, his two left feet turn the attempt into a trip-and-stumble. Then he meets Eileen (Nyree Dawn Porter), the new waitress at the corner cafe, who signal unmistakable messages with her large inviting eyes.
Pvt. Thomas
Южная Африка периода разгара англо-зулусской войны. Англичане еще не оправились после ужасного поражения 22 января 1879 года, но Британскую армию уже ждет новое жесткое испытание. Сто сорок отважных валлийских стрелков вступят в кровавый бой с четырьмя тысячами свирепых воинов-зулусов. Из этой неравной двенадцатичасовой битвы храбрые солдаты выйдут героями. Но какой ценой?!
"Hammer" Harris
When three year old Willy wanders away from home he falls among thieves. They are forced to kidnap him. The police ask Dickie, his elder brother and his friend, Johnny to help in the search. Johnny's friends all join in and meet with varied adventures. The children find Willy in a disused warehouse but cannot rescue him. Three more are caught by the gang who lock them in with the now unconscious gang leader and escape with the jewels. The police, alerted by the children, capture the gang, recover the jewels and finally rescue the children, including Willy
The Searchers
When three year old Willy wanders away from home he falls among thieves. They are forced to kidnap him. The police ask Dickie, his elder brother and his friend, Johnny to help in the search. Johnny's friends all join in and meet with varied adventures. The children find Willy in a disused warehouse but cannot rescue him. Three more are caught by the gang who lock them in with the now unconscious gang leader and escape with the jewels. The police, alerted by the children, capture the gang, recover the jewels and finally rescue the children, including Willy
In Deep Water
When three year old Willy wanders away from home he falls among thieves. They are forced to kidnap him. The police ask Dickie, his elder brother and his friend, Johnny to help in the search. Johnny's friends all join in and meet with varied adventures. The children find Willy in a disused warehouse but cannot rescue him. Three more are caught by the gang who lock them in with the now unconscious gang leader and escape with the jewels. The police, alerted by the children, capture the gang, recover the jewels and finally rescue the children, including Willy
When three year old Willy wanders away from home he falls among thieves. They are forced to kidnap him. The police ask Dickie, his elder brother and his friend, Johnny to help in the search. Johnny's friends all join in and meet with varied adventures. The children find Willy in a disused warehouse but cannot rescue him. Three more are caught by the gang who lock them in with the now unconscious gang leader and escape with the jewels. The police, alerted by the children, capture the gang, recover the jewels and finally rescue the children, including Willy
We Joined the Navy
Lt Commander Badger, RN: an exceptionally likeable fellow, the Artful Bodger has one besetting sin a shining honesty which compels him to say the right thing at entirely the wrong time! When untimely remarks to some new recruits are splashed across the tabloids, the rush is on to find him a new posting somewhere far away.
The Cracksman
Van Gogh
Ernest Wright's peerless prowess as a locksmith comes to the attention of a tough big-time crook, who feels that the little man would be a valuable asset to his crime kingdom. In order to inveigle him into a series of jobs, he sets up a beautiful hostess as a trap, into which the hapless Ernest inevitably falls..!
The Young Detectives
Adventure of stolen jewels and the kidnapping of a little boy who saw the robbery. Serial in 8 episodes.
The Pot Carriers
New inmate Rainbow has just been imprisoned for a year for his part in a fight over his girlfriend Wendy. After being assigned to kitchen duty, he becomes involved in a food-trading racket. When the scheme is betrayed to the prison's governor, its prime mover is threatened with an extended sentence - unless Rainbow can come up with a way to save him.
Leo Farrell
When Scotland Yard finds themselves up against a brick wall in tracking down a vicious gang of thieves and bank robbers, they call in Layton, a loner from MI5 to work his way into the gang and help bring them down.
The Criminal
When a robbery at a racetrack goes wrong ex-con Johnny Bannion is caught and sent back to prison. He won't tell the rest of the gang where he has stashed the loot leading to violent consequences.
Gugu and Andile
Father John
The year is 1993, democracy is at hand, and South Africa's townships are burning. Gugu, a sixteen year-old from a Zulu speaking family falls in love with Andile, an eighteen year-old Xhosa youth. Their love is frowned upon by both communities.