Guillermo Represa


The Hidden Battle
During the Second World War, the Allies threaten to attack Spain, an allegedly neutral country, if the Francoist regime keeps allowing Nazi Germany to extract Galician tungsten, a strategic mineral, paramount to the war effort.
Секс ангелов
Карла и Бруно влюблены друг в друга и наслаждаются беззаботным времяпровождением в компании друзей, пока однажды в их жизни не появляется Рей — обаятельный и загадочный парень, живущий не по правилам. В этой истории о любви и дружбе все привычные границы стираются ритме брейкданса и провокационном, возбуждающем и глубоко трогательном взгляде на романтические взаимоотношения.
Executive Producer
На небольшом острове происходит взрыв местной фабрики, и жизнь школьницы-мышки Динки необратимо меняется. Она — единственная, кто хорошо относится к мальчику-птице, который никак не может научиться летать.
Приключения коровки Му-Му и ее друзей. Чтобы стать настоящей звездой, ей предстоит отправиться в волшебную страну, где всегда светит солнышко. Во время путешествия она понимает, что не важно звезда ты или нет, главное, что у тебя есть друзья!
Wrap Up
Valeria (Manuela Pal) has changed his native Buenos Aires by Betanzos, a town of Coruña, in Spain from which his family. Eccentric, dreamy and fun, at 25 years old is in the most surreal emotional crossroads in his life: after the sudden death of her mature and attractive lover, Marcelo falls for the son of the deceased. Her friend Adela (Mary Bouzas), owner of the salon where they both work, will help clear up questions. A story about the universal desire to find their own identity, deciphering the collective love and live in a land that has nothing to envy to the boulevards of Paris.
The Contestant
Martín's lucky hit when he wins the most lucrative prize in television history puts his life upside down.
The Witch Affair
The night of San Juan, Miguel murders his associate. Two elderly people are witness to the crime and predict that all of his dreams will come true thereafter. He will know the price he has to pay when he sees a black cat with a moon shaped mark on its forehead. Twenty-two years later a messenger begins to see all his dreams come true...
Solo Mia
A women meets a charming man and falls in love, they get married and start a family. As they age and have children, the man's becomes violent and abusive.
Killer Housewives
In Madrid, Azu's husband Filipe is smug and boorish, but it's his money she slips to family members constantly in need of cash and that she uses to buy gifts for her lover, Pablo. Things start to fall apart when Pablo wants to leave her and when Filipe wants to evict Azu's cousin from a butcher shop he rents. Azu hatches a plan that relies on her sister, her cousin the butcher, and his mentally-challenged delivery man. When things start to go wrong, can Azu make them right?
El árbol del penitente
The Miracle of P. Tinto
Wafer factory-owner P. Tinto and his wife Olivia want a child of their own more than anything else in the world. Years of trying, however, have left them with nothing but a pair of extraterrestrial midgets living in the spare bedroom. When they decide to try adoption, a series of misroutings and chance encounters results in an escaped adult mental patient arriving at their door with adoption papers in hand. P. Tinto and Olivia accept this without question and welcome him in as their son. Can this family arrangement work?
Опасности любви
Санти и Диана были влюблены друг в друга с юных лет. Сейчас у каждого из них своя жизнь, но сила их взаимной страсти такова, что, как только они оказываются рядом, с ними начинают происходить самые невероятные, смешные, а порой и просто опасные события…
Лицом к лицу
Ради быстрого заработка безработный актер устраивается в «Секс по телефону». Однажды он получает звонок от загадочной жены одного из своих лучших клиентов…
All Men Are the Same
Three divorced men who share a flat live together without trouble until they hire a cleaning lady.
Pink Sauce
Ana's husband is the perfect wealthy middle-class man. Koro's husband is a cook with no more ambitions. One day, Ana meets Koro in a night club and she proposes Ana to seduce each others husbands. The following morning Ana thinks this was a joke, but things are not always what it seems. Written by Dulzz
Jet Marbella Set