Arus Aznaburyan


Песнь прошедших дней
Действие фильма происходит в годы Великой Отечественной войны в городе Ленинакан. Герои картины — члены самодеятельной театральной труппы, разделившие со всей страной горести и утраты военного времени.
Another Five Days
A notebook falls into the hands of a young journalist, where he finds memoirs about his grandfather, who died in the civil wars of the early 20s. The writing does not correspond to the family legend woven about the grandfather. The young man tries to restore the truth.
Autumn Sun
Aghun, early married by her despotic father against her will, wages a war against her husband, her family, the village, the world... She couldn't restrain even when the war is won.