Fana Mokoena

Fana Mokoena

Рождение : 1971-05-13,


Fana Mokoena is a South African actor best known locally for his lead roles in the television series Yizo Yizo, Generations and The Lab. His biggest film role to date is the supporting role of General Bizimingu in the 2004 film Hotel Rwanda. He has a starring role in the 10th season of the SABC1 drama series Soul City, in 2010.


Fana Mokoena


Чёрный юго-восточный ветер
While investigating a smugglers' turf war in Cape Town, township cop Sizwe discovers police corruption. He must set loyalty aside to act with integrity, alone.
Долгая дорога к свободе
Govan Mbeki
Хроники о жизненном пути Нельсона Манделы, начиная от детства в глухой деревне, до его вступления в должность первого демократически избранного президента ЮАР.
Война миров Z
Thierry Umutoni
Сотрудник ООН Гари Лейн наперегонки со временем пытается остановить заражение, способное полностью истребить человечество.
Man On Ground
Ade and Femi are expatriate Nigerian brothers. Ade is a successful banker in London, while Femi, once a political dissident in his home country, has had to escape to South Africa, live in refugee tenements and work menial jobs. The brothers have not only been physically estranged, their relationship is riddled with unspoken betrayal, guilt and scorn, which they have carried since the early days of their youth. During a short visit to Johannesburg, Ade discovers that his brother has been missing for a week. He sets out to investigate Femi's mysterious disappearance, reconstructing the pieces of his everyday life and the cruel hardships he endured just to survive. A riot erupts while Ade is visiting Femi's former boss in one of the townships. Ade is forced to take shelter with the employer. The mounting violence outside seeps into their exchanges and, eventually, prompts an explosion of revelation.
State of Violence
When the wife of a successful black businessman with roots in the struggle against apartheid is murdered by a young stranger who knows his name, he has to go back into his own past to find the answers that will lead him to the killer. But when he finds him and the reasons for the murder, will vengeance still be possible?
Отель «Руанда»
General Bizimungu
Сюжет фильма основан на реальных событиях середины 90-х годов прошлого века, когда народ хуту, составлявшее в Руанде этническое большинство, устроило в стране кровавую резню, уничтожив более миллиона (!) человек, принадлежавших народу тутси.Главный герой фильма по имени Пол — управляющий престижного отеля в столице Руанды, в котором от убийц укрылись несколько сотен человек. Пол делает все от него зависящее, чтобы их спасти. Ситуация осложняется тем, что жена Пола также принадлежит народу тутси. У Пола большие связи, он не гнушается ни подкупом, ни шантажом; он угрожает, умоляет, льстит… И спасает от гибели 1268 человек.
Jump the Gun
Man in shacks
Set in Johannesburg, JUMP THE GUN follows the tangled lives of six very different working class characters, formerly kept apart by apartheid and now all striving to succeed in the new "rainbow nation". United by their insecurities - both physical and financial - the film follows their struggle to discover their niche in this brave new world, where opportunity beckons, but violence is always lurking.
In a Time of Violence: The Line
This controversial political thriller, which provoked mass demonstrations and nine deaths in South Africa when it was first shown, gives dramatic form to the African National Congress's basic program of reconcilliation within a non-racialist, democratic society. A train massacre by an Inkatha militant causes the sole witness to the crime to flee the Soweto townships to take refuge in Johannesburg; but the violence follows him when his ANC comrades try to buy guns for a retaliatory raid against Inkatha supporters.