Serge Lecointe


Включен красный свет
Луи Бертен с группой сообщников совершает успешное ограбление инкассаторов Французского банка. Благодаря этому получает большие деньги, открывает собственный автосервис и может жить как добропорядочный буржуа, заботиться о старой матери и младшем брате Пьере. Но в скором времени принимается за старые дела и организует новое ограбление.
The Little Rebels
Francis Lanoux
Judge Julien Lamy regularly deals with the welfare of children, namely down on their luck delinquents. When an orphan named Alain Robert burns down a barn belonging to his abusive foster family, Judge Lamy has no choice but to send him to a juvenile jail. There he meets an older boy named Francis Lanoux, who is desperate to escape and be reunited with his girlfriend Sylvette. The boys eventually flee the institution, as Francis goes in search of his lost love and Alain continues looking for his parents. Unfortunately, the little rebels run into some big problems once on the outside.
The Beautiful Otero
Le groom américain
An Italo-French biopic about one of the most famous women of Belle Époque, Spanish-born dancer and actress, star of Folies-Bèrgere: Carolina Otero.
The Last Robin Hood
Un gosse
While Ludovic Dubois, a young summer camp monitor in Saint-Benoît, entertains the children by playing Robin Hood, the lord's niece is kidnapped by her uncle, in the castle next door. Helped by the children and the customs inspector, the last of the Robin Hoods will free the "Princess Isabelle", and will end up marrying her.
Crimson Curtain
Pierrette's eldest son
Bertal, a despotic and hated theater director, is assassinated before a performance of Macbeth in which he was to play with Aurélia Nobli, his companion and Ludovic Arn, her lover. The police arrive on the scene and the investigation begins. Suspicion first falls on Sigurd, an old actor who had threatened Bertal. But parallels appear between the characters in the play and the actors who play them.
Запретный плод
Le garçon radiographié (uncredited)
Доктор Пеллегрин, вдовец после первого брака, женился на Арманде, любящей и преданной женщине, но не вызвал в ней страсть, на которую он надеялся. Во время возвращения она встречает неизвестного молодого парня, на самом деле своего любовника и представляет его в своём доме помощником. Когда Пеллегрин отправляется к молодой женщине, он понимает, что он обязательно сломает дом, который он основал, и вернулся, один, к жене, которая больше не надеялась его увидеть.
Alone in the World
François wants to buy a house to help underprivileged children. He lacks money, but a generous donor allows him to realize this dream.
Little Albert
Professor Louis Delage is a kidney transplant specialist. He is so good in his field that his peers nickname him the "great man". But one day, one of his patients die during surgery and Delage starts doubting. Is he actually such a great man? To fight desperation he decides to take in the deceased child while devoting more time to Florence, his hitherto neglected wife.
God Needs Men
The inhabitants of a Scottish island in the 19th century follow their own religion without need for clergy, but as strangers arrive, their faith and beliefs face a deep crisis.
No More Vacation for the Good Lord
A urchin of the band
Montmartre in the summertime. A group of street urchins idles outside while the other kids of the neighborhood are away on holiday.To keep the gang busy, Pivolo, their leader, has an idea : they are going to kidnap Aunt Faguet's doggy. Just for the fun of it. A few days pass after the crime is accomplished and one of them suddenly realizes that a reward is being offered by the aunt to anyone who would bring her her pet back. Mademoiselle Hélène, the kind-hearted social worker, does it for them and gives them the reward money, which is instantly exchanged for lollipops, nougat and merry-go-round and cinema tickets. So, why not continue? That's what they do, abducting several dogs, until they realize they are becoming ... too rich! They can't buy themselves luxurious gifts or else their parents are bound to suspect something. Instead, they decide to do good by helping poor people around them. One day, Pierrot, a member of the gang, gets run down by a cyclist and becomes blind.
The Elders of Saint-Loup
Due to financial problems, the boarding-school of Saint-Loup is on the verge of closing its doors. In desperation, Jacquelin, the headmaster, has the idea to invite former students to a fund-raising reunion. Among the alumni, three men whose common point is to have been in love at the time with the headmaster's niece. One is a banker, the second a priest and the last one a globetrotter. All of a sudden, the peace of the assembly is disturbed: Jacquelin's niece has just been murdered.
Wear His Heart on His Sleeve
Little altar boy
Léon Ménard, the village verger, is a decent young man whose hobby is to play the accordion. One day he is fired for having accompanied Mary Pinson, a singer deemed scandalous by the right-minded parishioners. Blinded by his love for Mary, Léon follows her to Paris where he becomes her plaything. With Mary's complicity, a gang of swindlers make him the puppet proprietor of a night club. But Léon can't live in a fool's paradise forever and soon finds himself on the street, forsaken and desperate. Luckily, the manager of a circus notices him while he is busking and he hires Léon at once. Not only will success come to him but he will win the love of sweet Solange.
Si jeunesse savait...
Charles Vigne, a wealthy banker, frees Abdul, a good genius imprisoned in a vase. To thank him, Abdul grants his wish: to become a child again, while retaining the experience he has acquired. But the "disappearance" of the banker panics the financial markets and has disastrous consequences for the bank. Eventually, Charles Vigne will ask Abdul to give him back his real age.
The Loves of Colette
François, a young student at a provincial college, likes Colette, the daughter of the headmaster. Turlot his colleague, who commits suicide, left a diary where he writes of his relationship with Colette.