Eleonora Diana


The Accident
Production Designer
After being fired, Marcella, a gentle hearted mother going through separation, buys a tow truck; she gets trapped deeper and deeper in a cynical and aggressive world until a terrible opportunity shines in front of her.
Transitional Seasons
Production Designer
A young couple gets ready for a ceremony. Emilia is not dressed yet and Pietro is struggling with his tie and also very annoyed about a speech he has to give. While they talk around their house, time travels back and forth revealing different phases of their life.
Art Direction
In a world that someone else has shaped for us, are we really in charge of our destiny?
Production Designer
In a world that someone else has shaped for us, are we really in charge of our destiny?
In a world that someone else has shaped for us, are we really in charge of our destiny?
Production Design
In the theater of a small village, rehersals are taking place for a show based on the opera I Pagliacci. There is no orchestra, just a piano and the singers. Amongs the few people in the audience there is the mother of the singer, a rich local lady and financer of the project, the sister, and a few other people involved in the show. During a dinner party at this rich lady’s house, a hiposis session takes place, where rancor and pain emerge from the brother and sister towards their mother and their impossibility of overcoming them.
Art Direction
Школа. Два часа дня. Раздается звонок - закончен еще один учебный день и здание пустеет. Внезапно, в дверях появляется человек, вооруженный кувалдой. Это Сабот, учитель, которого выгнали из школы. И то, что первоначально задумывалось, как акт вандализма, превращается в кровавую бойню. Каждый удар Сабота раскрывает нам глубинную подоплеку повествования о преступнике и жертве. И мы обнаруживаем в ней весь тот ужас, который скрывается под поверхностью тривиально повседневной жизни. Насилие над животным естеством - то, что многие люди скрывают и оправдывают каждый день за маской ролей и обязанностей. Каждый день...в этом "гражданском" обществе.