Jean-Marc Bory

Jean-Marc Bory

Рождение : 1934-03-17,

Смерть : 2001-03-31


Jean-Marc Bory


Aller simple (Tres historias del Río de la Plata)
Farinet, Heroes and Outlaw
Gaspard de Sépibus
Back in Saxon after ten years of absence, Farinet discovers that the village is under the yoke of Gaspard de Sepibus, director of the casino and president of the commune. He starts making counterfeit money to pay off his father's debts and help the villagers send their children to school.
L'Affaire Seznec
Le commandant Romain
Guillaume Seznec and Pierre Quéméneur join forces to sell cars to the Soviets. It was then that the latter suddenly disappeared, while driving with the former about 30 kilometers from Paris. The body will never be found. Seznec quickly became the main suspect and was sent to prison for life, even though nothing clearly indicated that he was the culprit.
Le curé Peyramale
Evocation of the life of Bernadette Soubirous, the eldest of four children, who, at the age of fifteen, experiences a religious vision at the Massabielle grotto near Lourdes.
Le temps détruit
Via the New York Times: ""Le Temps Detruit" is a low-keyed, dreamlike recollection of the first year of World War II as recorded in the letters sent home by three French soldiers, each of whom was killed shortly after the "phony war" came to an end with the German offensive in May 1940. One of these was the father of the film's director. The two others were Paul Nizan, the writer and Communist, who became disillusioned with Marxism when the Hitler-Stalin pact was signed, and Maurice Jaubert, the composer who wrote the scores for a number of films, including Jean Vigo's "Zero de Conduit.""
Le Meilleur de la Vie
Véronique's father
Two quarreling lovers from opposite sides of the economic scale take central stage in this drama about Veronique and Adrien. Veronique is wealthy and from the provinces, Adrien is impoverished and his ancestors come from Brittany. In spite of their different backgrounds, the two fall in love, marry, and eventually have a baby girl. At just about that time, Veronique decides to go back to school, and Adrien becomes both mother and father to their baby. Unable to cope with Veronique's new-found intellectual friends and different lifestyle, Adrien clashes with her, and their arguments lead to a separation for awhile. The two then get back together again, but not for long. It is on a return trip from visiting his mother in Brittany that Adrien's life undergoes a dramatic change, and his story takes an equally unexpected turn.
Antoine leaves his new bride behind to go on a skiing excursion with his uncle up the mountain behind their village of Derborence. Nine weeks after an avalanche apparently buries them alive, Antoine returns home. Certain that his uncle has also survived, he resolves to go back up and look for him—leaving his now-pregnant wife behind once more.
Шальная любовь
Simon Venin
Главный герой Леон утверждает, что он потомок венгерского принца. Его выпустили из психиатрической больницы, и из Венгрии Леон отправился во Францию. По пути он встречает грабителя Микки, который после успешного ограбления банка собирается жестоко отомстить братьям Венен за надругательство над его подругой Мари. Леон с трудом понимает намерения Микки, но он повсюду следует за ним и вскоре влюбляется в Мари…
L'amour des femmes
Although there are women in the lives of the three main protagonists -- a middle-aged architect, his construction designer, and a journalist -- the women are not as crucial to the men's search for an identity as the title might suggest. When the three men run into a former professor of the architect and designer, they are inspired by his fanfare and expansive nature. Still in search of solutions to their particular problems, the men head out to visit the professor and get to the bottom of their own issues. Unfortunately, the professor turns out to be more "loco" than otherwise, and the three men watch their hopes burst like a popped balloon -- it seems like their ability to assess human character should now be added to their list of problem spots.
Chaste and Pure
Dr. Natal
Antonio is married to a very wealthy woman but the sole heir of the family fortune is his daughter. He induce his dying wife to swear in the daughter of remaining "chaste and pure" ( so that she cannot marry ) until his own death.
La Faute
Docteur Mangin
Légitime défense
le juge Morlaix
Catherine de Heilbronn
Theobald Friedeborn
In the Middle Ages, the earl Wetter von Stahl is accused of having bewitched Catherine, the daughter of the blacksmith of Heilbronn. The earl tries to be exonerated by proceeding himself to the interrogation of the young woman, who apparently shows an "unnatural possession".
Les fougères bleues
Love affairs of a couple on hunting week-end.
Следователь Файяр по прозвищу
Monsieur Paul
Jean-Marie Fayard is a young examining magistrate in a large provincial french city. He belongs to that generation of judges who are endeavoring to re-adapt the notion of justice to our changing times. His methods are not agreeable to every one. Criticism and pressure are brought to bear upon him but he is aware of his value, professionally, and refuses to make any concessions. He follows an unwavering course. He uses dynamic methods and takes uncustomary initiatives. He behaves like a crusader, a battler, whence the nickname given him by the reporters : the sheriff.
Jamais plus toujours
Claire (Bulle Ogier) returns to France following the death of her actress friend Agathe (Loleh Bellon). She attends an auction of her friend's possessions, provoking memories of the past. As her camera glides across the auction house bric-a-brac, Yanick Bellon mixes past, present and future to create a delicate piece of cinematic poetry. Set to the music of Georges Delerue.
Раса господ
Делон играет молодого, но амбициозного политика-социалиста в самый напряженный момент его жизни - он за 24 часа должен вырвать шанс получить министерский пост в формирующемся правительстве. Для него это прорыв и Делон готов ради этого согнуть всех в бараний рог. Но дело осложняется тем, что в этот, самый неподходящий момент, он испытывает проблемы на личном фронте. Любовница, известная модель, уставшая от поддерживания крайне нерегулярных отношений с занятым политиком, бросает Делона и тот, в кратких перерывах между политической борьбой, мечется по Парижу , пытаясь ее найти…
Madame Baptiste
Le père
The narrator, who is expecting her train, following a funeral procession to care . He learns that the deceased was raped in her youth by a valet and was considered, not without hypocrisy, as an untouchable in his village.
At the Meeting with Joyous Death
The premise deals with a family living in a country-house which turns out to be 'alive' – to the point where a TV crew is brought in to 'capture' the paranormal phenomena
A Prostitute Serving the Public and in Compliance with the Laws of the State
François Coly
A hooker, mother of two, leaves her abusing husband for a young boxer. On the street she gets assaulted and beaten by pimps.
Countdown to Vengeance
10 years ago, François Nolan and his brother have been betrayed by one of their accomplices after a break-in. During the fight with the police, Francois's brother was killed, and a cop disfigured by François. Now, François is back for revenge. As nobody knows who the traitor was, the former accomplices lose their head. The disfigured cop is also waiting for the right moment to take his revenge on François.
Тройной крест
Resistance Leader (uncredited)
Учтивый, остроумный, смелый, красивый и крайне аморальный английский взломщик сейфов Эдди Чапман берется за самые невероятные дела и с блеском их проводит. Он грабит дворцы и замки богатых вельмож с такой легкостью и выдумкой, что, кажется, любой желающий может сделать так же. Он ведет красивую жизнь плейбоя, общается с самыми изысканными красавицами Старого и Нового Света, сорит деньгами и не думает о будущем. Он любит риск и острые ощущения по определению и не боится трудностей и опасностей. Но идет Вторая Мировая Война, и человек в таких исторических условиях не может полностью располагать собой. К удачливому грабителю Эдди Чапмэну приходит посланник одной из секретных служб воюющих государств и делает предложение, от которого невозможно отказаться…
Portuguese Vacation
Françoise and her husband Jean-Pierre invite some friend couples to spend a weekend in their large villa on the Portuguese coast. What follows is a romantic intrigue, with each character discovering a little more about themselves.
A Sentimental Attempt
Драже с перцем
Жерар, молодой человек из хорошей семьи, мечтает стать актёром. Для этого он следует повсюду за своей сестрой Фредерикой, большой приверженницей «синема-веритэ». В среде странной и пёстрой фауны она направляет свою камеру на всех и каждого, на всё и вся...
Husband (segment "Il nuovo mondo")
Четыре рассказа четырех авторов, которые весело рассказывают о причинах конца света. Название фильма — это сокращения от фамилий четырех режиссеров, участвовавших в создании фильма — РО(сселини) — ГО(дар) — ПА(золини) — Г(регоретти). Новелла «Овечий сыр (La ricotta)» Пьера Паоло Пазолини итальянскими властями была расценена как оскорбляющая государственную религию (католицизм) и режиссёр, по решению суда, был осуждён на 4 месяца заключения, которого удалось избежать уплатив штраф. Позднее апелляционным судом данное обвинение было снято с Пазолини.
Love on a Pillow
Pierre Leroy
A young girl rescues a man from a suicide attempt. He turns out to be a sociopath, who begins to take over her life, abusing her both verbally and emotionally, yet she can't seem to tear herself away from him.
Where the Truth Lies
François Rauchelle
A young veterinarian falls in love with a strange woman, a former explorer who might be a Voodoo priestess, after he comes to help her ailing cheetah. She begs him to return to Africa with her, but he doesn’t want to leave his wife. Soon his wife finds herself plagued by a series of bizarre accidents.
Очаровательная лгунья
Жюльетт – патологическая лгунья, обманывающая любого мужчину, плененного ее девичьей красотой. Влюбившись в зрелого мужчину, она дает клятву, что будет говорить только правду. Она уверяет его в своей любви, вот только он ей не верит.
La grande bretèche
Transposed to the 1960s, this short story by Balzac tells the story of a jealous husband who hears a door slam when he returns home. His wife swears there was no one there, but refuses to open the oil tank. To get to the bottom of it, the husband has fuel delivered. To what fatal outcome will their stubbornness lead them?
Il carro armato dell'8 settembre
Carlo Bollini
Italy signed the armistice and in the general confusion a corporal decides to bring the tank back from the coast to the barracks.
Arden de Faversham
Les loups dans la bergerie
Wolves in the Abyss
At some point, somewhere in the relentless events of the Second World War: A submarine returns from a long, successful patrol. Shortly before their native coast, however, they are bombarded by enemy aircraft. The submarine sinks and for the men begins a fight for survival at 110 meters depth.
Bernard Dubois-Lambert
Жанна Турнье не первый год замужем. Прекрасный загородный дом, состоятельный муж, очаровательная дочка, холеный любовник, дорогие наряды, великосветские приемы… Скука. Случайно она знакомится с археологом Бернаром, который абсолютно не похож на людей ее круга и, мало того, презирает их образ жизни…
Black Dossier
Juge Jacques Arnaud
The title of this French noir drama translates to The Black File. Jean-Marc Bory plays Jacques Arnaud, an idealistic young investigator who comes to work in a small French town. He is soon involved in a mysterious case incriminating a town notable. Arnaud devotes himself to the case but the upshot of this is rather surprising to all concerned, not to mention the audience. Like Cayatte's previous efforts, Le Dossier Noir is based on the proposition that the phrase "French justice" can at times be oxymoronic.