Students at an academy of singing, dance, and music are subjected to strict rules and arduous challenges in an atmosphere of fierce rivalry as they pursue the dream of becoming show business stars. The clandestine relationship of Lisa and Damiano is likely to cost them the opportunity to participate in the final contest and will have to decide whether to sacrifice love to achieve success.
The uneventful encounter between Eva and Rainbow will give each of them a chance to reconcile with themselves and take revenge.
Oscar, not quite a child anymore, scavenges for scrap metal for his father. He spends his life in improvised landfills among what remains of leftovers. Worlds apart, yet close-by, there is Stanley. He tidies the church in exchange for a monetised hospitality, picks fruits, herds sheep: anything that keep his foreign body busy. Oscar, the young Sicilian, and Stanley the Nigerian don’t seem to have much in common. Except for the feeling of being thrown into the world, to suffer the same refusal, the same overwhelming wave of choices imposed on them by others.
Boom Operator
Деннис и Алессия по просьбе отца показывают свои дневники с отличными оценками многочисленным родственникам и соседям, собравшимся за большим столом. Дымка идиллического быта нескольких итальянских семей вскоре рассеивается, делая очевидными проблемы патриархального общества. В противостоянии доминирующих отцов и молчаливых матерей зарождается гнев подростков, который грозит обернуться настоящей трагедией для всех вокруг.
Sound Director
Boom Operator
Two very different men have something in common: the work. When their companies are bought by a bigger one, who will take the only place of boss of the new company?