Javier Sardà

Javier Sardà

Рождение : 1958-04-16, Barcelona, Spain


Javier Sardà


Мир для Хулиуса
Padre Javier
Хулиус родился в семье представителей высшего класса в городе Лима, Перу в 50-е годы. Он живёт в шикарном дворце со своей семьёй и огромным количеством слуг. С возрастом Хулиус начинает понимать, что мир полон тайн
Catalonia: Spain on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
Himself - Journalist
A serious crisis has shaken Spain since the referendum on self-determination and the proclamation of the independence of Catalonia by the government of Carles Puigdemont, bold actions firmly fought by the Spanish government by applying the constitutional article that allows it to place a region under guardianship. While Spain is on the verge of implosion, Europe is holding its breath.
Plauto, Distorted Memory of an Eventual Fool
Plauto, the clown, tells us the story of the Circo de las Alegrías. Doña Alegría, owner of the Circus is determined that her son Palevhi, maintain the classic line of the show, which begs for a complete renovation. During the last years, the Circus has been dragging like a dying man until the threat of bankruptcy and unemployment has led his workers to anguish. One night in September, Palevhi decides to inform the big family of the circus the final closure. Tears of frustration give way to the search for solutions.