Louis Tancredi


East of Main Street: Taking the Lead
Executive Producer
The acclaimed documentary series East of Main Street returns with a celebration of Asian Americans working in the film and television industries.
Some Days in January
A short behind-the-scenes documentary shot by Tom Jarmusch while his brother filmed Stranger Than Paradise (1984).
The Boy Who Cried Bitch
Divorced rich bitch Candice Love has three sons at boarding school. The eldest, 12 year-old Dan, is totally unmanageable and aggressive, a bad influence on his brothers. When attempts to 'socialise' him fail, his mother takes him back home, where he gradually progresses into psychosis.
Уважаемые люди
Production Manager
Бесстрашный гангстер Майкл Батталья завоевывает уважение и восхищение своего могущественного «крестного отца» убийством лидеров соперничающих с ним группировок. Но его жена и предсказание цыганки подталкивают Батталью на убийство «крестного отца» с целью заполучить лидерство.