После неудачного ограбления банка отчаянный преступник, его вышедший из-под контроля брат и их разношерстная команда бывших морпехов вынуждены бежать из Нового Орлеана, спасаясь от преследующего их решительного агента ФБР.
Keyla is a beautiful young woman trying to get over a disturbing episode from her past. Unfortunately, her step dad's visits and the usual male harassment she suffers generate something dark within her. By the time her psychologist covers her secret, it is too late.
An unhappily married woman runs away from home and goes to Atlantic City for the weekend. While there, she meets a young gambler and becomes intoxicated by his spontaneous lifestyle. They develop an unlikely bond together, and soon a romance begins to grow between them.
Fresh out of foster care at age 18, a young drifter turns to petty crime to survive, and discovers an impossible love in an unlikely friend.