"Bamboula": this word was chosen in the 1980s for a chocolate cookie well known to children at the time. In 1994, he sponsored an Ivorian village set up in the Port-Saint-Père zoological park south of Nantes, where children and adults lived in a zoo to offer their folklore as a show to visitors. This documentary film, narrated by Jean-Pascal Zadi, gives a voice to those who lived in this African safari and to those who fought for their dignity
As the Internet finally arrives in tiny Bhutan, documentarian Thomas Balmès is there to witness its transformative impact on a young Buddhist monk whose initial trepidation gives way to profound engagement with the technology.
Гениальный автор, отец современных комиксов, Рене Госинни завещал Франции наследие огромной важности: «Астерикс», «Счастливчик Люк», «Изногуд», «Маленький Николя»... Качественная масс-культура.