

Follow the Sun!
Sound Designer
While we have a few minutes before the show, stop by our refreshment stand! We have all kinds of tasty treats! Popcorn for all eternity! Hell's on it's way!
Follow the Sun!
While we have a few minutes before the show, stop by our refreshment stand! We have all kinds of tasty treats! Popcorn for all eternity! Hell's on it's way!
Follow the Sun!
While we have a few minutes before the show, stop by our refreshment stand! We have all kinds of tasty treats! Popcorn for all eternity! Hell's on it's way!
Follow the Sun!
While we have a few minutes before the show, stop by our refreshment stand! We have all kinds of tasty treats! Popcorn for all eternity! Hell's on it's way!
007: Квант милосердия
Main Title Designer
После предательства Веспер, агент 007 борется с желанием превратить последнее задание в личную вендетту. В поисках истины, Бонд и М допрашивают Мистера Уайта, от которого узнают, что шантажировавшая Веспер Организация намного сложнее и опаснее, чем можно было подумать.