Knut Kuhles


Der Fisch
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
Голые звери
Set Runner
Потерянные в немецкой провинции и без особой поддержки пятеро подростков формируют свою маленькую компанию и живут по своим правилам. Катя, Саша, Бенни, Лайла и Шёллер – они ищут друг друга, они убегают друг от друга. Они целуются, они ссорятся. Они любят друг друга. Близость и боль идут рука об руку. Но после этой зимы, когда они закончат школу, их пути разойдутся.
In the near future, you can insert any knowledge directly into your brain. "J-4N413742" is a young woman bred to collect knowledge for these consumable "mindchangers". When "J-4N" experiences the truth about her existence she escapes and experiences a journey about realization.
In the near future, you can insert any knowledge directly into your brain. "J-4N413742" is a young woman bred to collect knowledge for these consumable "mindchangers". When "J-4N" experiences the truth about her existence she escapes and experiences a journey about realization.
In the near future, you can insert any knowledge directly into your brain. "J-4N413742" is a young woman bred to collect knowledge for these consumable "mindchangers". When "J-4N" experiences the truth about her existence she escapes and experiences a journey about realization.
In the near future, you can insert any knowledge directly into your brain. "J-4N413742" is a young woman bred to collect knowledge for these consumable "mindchangers". When "J-4N" experiences the truth about her existence she escapes and experiences a journey about realization.
In the near future, you can insert any knowledge directly into your brain. "J-4N413742" is a young woman bred to collect knowledge for these consumable "mindchangers". When "J-4N" experiences the truth about her existence she escapes and experiences a journey about realization.
Um Gärten
Director of Photography