The sixth popular suspense series based on the original work by Akimitsu Takagi. Kyosuke Kozu was invited by former actress Shinobu Yuki, who had previously appeared on a magazine, to announce the production of the drama. The producer is Kako's husband, Fujita. When the press conference was about to end, the leading actress Hitomi was shot dead. She is suspected of being abandoned by Hitomi, her nephew Mizukami, but there is no evidence. Subsequent investigation reveals that Hitomi has been dating Urushida for three months. A few days later, Kako showed Kyosuke three threatening letters stating "Your life will be end in 10 days"...
В начале 2-й Мировой Войны четыре сестры (Цуруко, Сатико, Юкико и Таэко) из знатной семьи Макиока борются за сохранение традиций, хотя времена изменились и знатное имя значит в Японии намного меньше, чем деньги и карьера. Жестокие времена рождают жестокие чувства, но любовь к своей семье, тесная связь между сестрами помогают им преодолеть все невзгоды и добиться счастья.
Arrested and interrogated by the police for a murder, Kiyoshi Ôkubo remembers his past and ends up confessing to several murders. Inspired by the true story of the serial killer who raped and killed eight women in Japan in 1971. The case moved the whole country.