Jeong-sun as her name lives an uncluttered life with modest behavior even though working at a food factory. Young-soo, a factory colleague, approaches her. As they get closer, they enjoy their secret relationship, and he takes candid shots in beds with his mobile camera. One day, she gets inappropriate stares from others.
Знаменитую чемпионку по прыжкам в воду постигает несчастный случай, в результате которого женщина теряет память, а так же бесследно исчезает её лучшая подруга и напарница. Попытки вспомнить прошлое открывают неприятную правду.
A young poker player at the top of his game joins a team led by the legendary poker player One-Eyed Jack. While successfully working on a plan to win a huge jackpot, a single mistake puts the entire team in a life-or-death situation.