

My Sister’s Girlfriend
Reiko is a sister who is studying with his successful lawyer brother Sato as a role model. She joins Saburo who is a motivator of the same subject, and she introduces Saburo’s sister, Maya, to her brother to turn her brother’s heart, who does not recognize her boyfriend. Sato is taken away by beautiful Maya. Reiko, who is relieved to see the two of them and dreams of a happy future, suddenly appeared to her ex-girlfriend, Kanbe, and began to blame her for having lost her girlfriend to Sato.
Wife's Affair 2
Nozomi and Youta are newly married couples for six months. Her lasting nightmare and her exhausted husband, Yu-tae, are unable to answer the nozomi's desire. One day, however, Nozomi committed an affair with a friend of his husband whom he happened to know, and Kanbe, the son of his company president. Youta, who became aware of this fact, was angry and went to the president's house and began to express his anger to Ayako, the wife of the president who kept the house alone.