Dieter Hallervorden
Рождение : 1935-09-05, Dessau, Germany
Oskar Kern
Grandpa Oskar takes neither the truth nor himself very seriously. The rascal has just been released from prison, where he was serving a sentence for imposture. Since the ex-con needs a place to stay, he quartered himself in the old construction trailer in the farthest corner of the garden of his daughter Tilda, who is still mad at him. The senior soon meets his autistic granddaughter Fanny, whose antics and peculiarities threaten to break the family under. In contrast to the old man, the 8-year-old takes the truth very seriously. In order to gain their trust, Oskar does not introduce himself to the comic-loving girl as the criminal grandpa, who has been missing for years, but as Professor Krypton. For Fanny, who prefers to wear a brightly colored superhero costume and is teased at school for it, the omniscient mentor from the Superman planet comes along just at the right time, because she has a dream: To win the talent competition at school!
Geist der vergangenen Weihnacht
Schlomo Wisniewski
Opa Dachs (voice)
Little Raven and his friends embark on a big treasure hunt. Competing against the beavers they have to solve riddles and navigate great dangers in order to finally find the most surprising of all treasures. Based on the books by Nele Moost and Annet Rudolph.
Walter Weiß
Юный Отто хочет провести большую часть школьных каникул со своим другом-слоном Бенджамином. Планы мальчика оказываются под угрозой срыва, когда выясняется, что зоопарк, где живёт Бенджамин, собираются реконструировать.
Olaf Hintz
Olav Hintz, a retired teacher who loves only himself, needs care as he sits in a wheelchair. The nurse, the single parent Trixi has several jobs to complete and gives the care to her 3 children. Chaos is on.
Olaf Hintz
Paul Brenner
17-year-old Jana has a congenital heart defect. To defy fate, Jana seeks every challenge, plunges into every wild and dangerous adventure. Her parents does not like that and are even more in constant fear of their daughter.
Uwe Hinrichs
A heart warming comedy about a grumpy old man, who is confronted with a group of migrant workers and has to challenge his prejudices.
Ziegenbock Zottel (voice)
Все знают историю о Робинзоне Крузо, попавшем на необитаемый остров. Однако, как же можно назвать его необитаемым, если он населен разнообразными веселыми животными и птицами? Они очень удивились, впервые встретив это странное существо, и даже приняли его за морское чудовище. Попугаю по кличке Вторник и его друзьям — хамелеону, тапиру и другим обитателям острова предстоит поближе познакомиться с незнакомым зверем «человеком» и вместе с ним пережить массу опасных и веселых приключений.
Edek Rotwachs
A comedy directed by Isabel Kleefeld.
Friedrich Müller-Mansfeld
Amandus Rosenbach
История 11-летней Тильды, которая просто обожает своего дедушку Амандуса. Когда тому диагностируют болезнь Альцгеймера, а родители, по ее мнению, хотят избавиться от него, сдав в дом престарелых, она берет ситуацию в свои руки и сбегает вместе с дедом в сказочную Венецию. Город выбран неслучайно. Ведь почти полвека назад Амандус сделал там предложение руки и сердца бабушке Тильды. Теперь внучка надеется, что оказавшись там, деду станет лучше, и он хоть что-нибудь вспомнит.
Dieter Jürgens
Follows "Live is Life" aka "Die Spätzünder".
Paul Averhoff
A former Olympic champion wants to compete in the Berlin Marathon one last time.
Николай возвращается в заброшенный отель, где пятьдесят лет назад он встретил свою единственную любовь. Охваченный воспоминаниями, он заново переживает трагическую историю своей юности, являясь одновременно рассказчиком и героем повествования. Действие разворачивается в трех временных пластах — в конце XIX века (времена юности героя), в пятидесятые годы XX века и в наши дни.
Mr. Stiemer
Известный адвокат Роберт Стерн знакомится с десятилетним мальчиком Саймоном. У Саймона опухоль мозга и жить ему осталось недолго, но он чувствует, что у него особая миссия — ему предстоит убить плохого человека. Каково же удивление Роберта, когда мальчик приводит его прямиком к трупу человека, которого он якобы убил пятнадцать лет назад. И это лишь начало целой череды загадочных событий, ожидающих героев этого фильма на пути к разгадке зловещей тайны.
König Karl
Twelve princesses sleep in twelve beds in the same room; every night their doors are securely locked, but in the morning their shoes are found to be worn through as if they had been dancing all night. The king, in mourning, promises his kingdom and a daughter to any man who can discover the princesses'secret within three days and three nights, but those who fail within the set time limit will be put to death.
Harry Vandenberg
German #2 (archive footage)
Interview with the italian composer Claudio Gizzi about his lifetime and work as part or the extras of the Blu-Ray edition from What? (Che?) (1972) from Roman Polanski
Lukas de Winter
Somewhere in the middle of nowhere: after a wild party, seven people take part in a high-risk game. A well-known media mogul becomes their host, but then turns into a cynic. In the end, the seven people realize that the game only took part in their heads...
Жил-был король со своей дочерью Херцелиндой. При принцессе был рыцарь-телохранитель Ланце. Она его любила, и он ее тоже любил, но не мог ей в этом признаться. Но в один прекрасный день принцессу похищает Черный рыцарь, и храбрый Ланце отправляется на ее поиски, а в помощь ему подряжается псевдо-рыцарь — трусливый турок. С тех пор и начинаются злоключения Полтора рыцаря.
Günther Kasulke
Willi Kritz
Willi Kritz earns his living as a night watchman and corpse washer at the East German Pathological Institute at the Berlin Clinic. In the process, he found another source of income: he steals pathological exhibits and smuggles them to West Berlin disguised as a Berlin bear. His customer is Frundsberg, and the delivery always takes place in his Yankee sleigh.
Willi Schulze
Willi Schulze is a car mechanic. Together with Paul, who escaped from an orphanage, he runs a garage. During the testing of a car, Willi finds out the brakes aren't working that good. A fatal accident can just be prevented. He tries to hitchhike home and gets picked up by American election expert Willy Schneider. Together they also get an accident and both lose their memory. The police assumes Schulze is the election expert and rapidly he turns into the pivot in a stone-hard election-contest.
Rick Strassmann
German vehicle fanatic Dieter 'Didi' accepts to drive a truckload of waste barrels to a French dump site. Didi ignores the plant needs to dump toxic waste after a major incident, which made the international news. But while the French site exploiter's agent Marcel believes it's Did's load, that's in fact a deliberately obvious diversion. Now everyone chases everyone else.
German vehicle fanatic Dieter 'Didi' accepts to drive a truckload of waste barrels to a French dump site. Didi ignores the plant needs to dump toxic waste after a major incident, which made the international news. But while the French site exploiter's agent Marcel believes it's Did's load, that's in fact a deliberately obvious diversion. Now everyone chases everyone else.
A series of murders eliminates the poverty-stricken heirs to a 10 million-dollar fortune while Didi Dodel, the unsuspecting main heir, blithely escapes the attempts on his life. After a wealthy miser dies and leaves his fortune to Didi and five others, the five each hit upon the idea of eliminating Didi from the list (Didi does not know he has been named), but they do not realize how fate can step in and alter the best and worst of intentions.
Dieter Dödel
A series of murders eliminates the poverty-stricken heirs to a 10 million-dollar fortune while Didi Dodel, the unsuspecting main heir, blithely escapes the attempts on his life. After a wealthy miser dies and leaves his fortune to Didi and five others, the five each hit upon the idea of eliminating Didi from the list (Didi does not know he has been named), but they do not realize how fate can step in and alter the best and worst of intentions.
Singender Kabarettist
Bruno Koob / Hans Immer
A wealthy businessman and the owner of a rundown pub share one thing in common - they look like identical twins! When the businessman hears of a plot against him, he hires the pub owner as a decoy. However, the pub owner is accident prone and causes more trouble than he is worth. An action-packed, physical comedy.
Till Eulenspiegel
Gustl Bayrhammer takes audiences big and small on a musical journey to “Wonderland”. There he meets various characters from comic books, fairy tales and legends.
Herbert Böckmann, Herbie Melbourne
Herbie Melbourne is a poor schlemiel who is inadvertently caught between the Devil and the deep blue sea in this German farce about a cab driver assigned to bring a "comrade" back to the East German side of the Berlin wall, a passenger who is dead to the world, permanently, when he arrives. Herbie the cabbie is recruited by the KGB and East German Intelligence to help them discover who murdered the man in his back seat. After arriving on the West German side of the divide, Herbie is then recruited by the CIA and West German Intelligence to become a counterspy, for double what the other side is paying him. As Herbie seems to have no viable way out of this mess, he goes to a therapist for help. Reaching into her bag of tricks, she gives Herbie a small bottle he can sniff when in need of self-confidence, an act guaranteed to put him on top of any situation. Now Herbie is a cabbie, a KGB agent, a CIA agent, and a bottle sniffer -- and he is falling in love with his gorgeous therapist.
Leo Bergert
The unsuccessful inventor Leo Bergert is the awkwardness in person: Everything he tackles goes wrong. His latest project, the development of a totally new fuel goes, clearly failed. Now he is deeply in debt, and the bank will immediately return their money. As also leaves him his Dauerverlobte and also the rich Erbtante nothing rausrückt, he sees only one way out: Suicide. But even while he proves to be a failure: All attempts to convey himself to death, miscarry. He hires a hitman to kill him. But then his situation improves suddenly, he wants to live and make the job undone. But that turns out to be not so easy.
Willi Wusel and Onkel Willibald Wusel
Willi Gimmel
Herr S
A hitchhiker, carrying a suitcase full of toys, is given a ride by a wealthy businessman in his 1965 Ford Galaxie 500 Convertible. The two first talk about the businessman's life and the hitchhiker's hobby of collecting toys. Then everything gets out of hand.
Andreas Schuster / Andreas Klaiber / André Klébér / Andreas Kleiner
Наивность и впечатлительность американских туристов давно сделала их героями анекдотов в большинстве стран Европы. Хорошенькая любопытная американка, путешествующая по всему миру, добирается до Италии. Страсть к приключениям доводит ее до того, что она, без вещей и документов, находит ночлег в роскошном пансионате на берегу Средиземного моря. Здесь никого не удивляет необычная гостья — все заняты своими делами и решением каких-то абсурдных проблем. Роковой стареющий красавец Алекс проявляет заботу о девушке, что прибавляет немало откровенных страниц в ее дневнике. Но никак не ясности обо всем происходящем!
Köhler ( Chef der Köhlerbande )
A candidate in a game show is hunted by three men. He will get a Million DMark, if he survives for a week; the hunters will get the money, if they can kill the candidate. The audience of the show is watching the transmissions of twenty camera teams filming the hunt. The showmaster appeals to the TV-viewers to help either the candidate or the hunters, whomever they want.
Lukas Andreas Martin Schmidt
A student of chinese languages tries to find a wife.
Ulrich Vogler
A student of chinese languages tries to find a wife.
В течение нескольких лет в ряде европейских стран происходят загадочные преступления: убийства, похищения людей, террористические акты, крупные финансовые кражи. Все они остаются нераскрытыми, но их объединяет одна общая черта — все жертвы бывали постояльцами берлинского отеля «Луксор». К комиссару полиции Крассу, ведущему дело об убийстве известного тележурналиста, обещавшего выступить с сенсационными разоблачениями, в добровольные помощники настойчиво набивается слепой ясновидящий Корнелиус…