le petit terezes’s


Desktop Treasure
"One day when surfing through the internet, a young women discovers an old blog from several years ago. She attempts to delete it but cannot remember the password. This film attempts to go beyond borders through mixing up personal areas of the Internet by bringing out online records and analogue records, personal spaces lived in by the actor and old blogs and e-mail log in screens, and mixed video footages of various qualities." -UMMMI.
Opening Demo
"This installation piece explores the forewarning signs which occur before a defining event taking place. It develops through a mixture of documentary and scripted footages of my father, with texts related to my memory of him mixed into it. Since the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster of 2011, I have felt that the people of Japan are now forced to live more consciously of the forewarning signs before an incident. This feels as if it’s universally bearing over general social issues as well as miniscule personal level incidents. I decided to feature my own father in this video piece filmed in the style of a fictional documentation. This is all bout Drinking, and weakness." -UMMMI.
Angel at the Dump
"I made this video because my grandmother had erotomania. Erotomania is a type of schizophrenia where the sufferer can’t distinguish between real life and one’s own imagination life. One day my grandma suddenly said, ”I had someone I truly loved when I was young and he is looking for me to pick me up” The next day, she started riding a taxi for few hours trying to find him. ... No one knows if my grandmother’s true love exists or not. ... At the same time as my grandmother I was also on a search. I was looking for angels. My interest in angels started when I discovered Paul Klee’s Angel Drowning series. This series had a profound effect on me. Within the same week my friend took me to a Walter Benjamin lecture where they discussed his angel theories. It was synchronicity. My grandmother and I were both searching for something, something that no one knew existed or not." -UMMMI.