Emiko Miyamoto


Precure All Stars New Stage: Friends of the Future
Key Animation
In the city of Minato Mirai in Yokohama, the news of Fusion's defeat by the Pretty Cures is the hottest topic in town! Girls everywhere, were in love with the Pretty Cures, are dressing up and acting as their favourite Cures. Only Sakagami Ayumi, the new transfer student, is alone by herself. On her way home from school, Ayumi encounters a strange creature. After naming it Fuu-chan, Ayumi and the creature soon become good friends. However, Fuu-chan is actually a piece of Fusion, and holds the power of darkness. In an effort to make Ayumi happy, Fuu-chan swallows up everything that Ayumi dislikes, creating chaos in school and throughout the city! To help bring across Ayumi's true feelings to Fuu-chan, all 28 Pretty Cures were gathered once more. When everyone's power comes together, a miraculous light starts to shine.
Yes! Precure 5: The Great Miracle Adventure in the Country of Mirrors
Key Animation
While Nozomi and her friends are enjoying themselves at Princess Land, an amusement park, Coco and Nuts have been abducted into the Mirror Kingdom. At the same time, Shadow is after the Dream Collet so that he can use the power of the Pinkies to rule the Mirror Kingdom. To prevent this from happening, Migirin and Hidarin, who are residents of the Mirror Kingdom, become allies with Pretty Cure to assist in the fight against Shadow and rescuing Coco and Nuts. Source: Wapedia
Yes! Precure 5: The Great Miracle Adventure in the Country of Mirrors
Animation Director
While Nozomi and her friends are enjoying themselves at Princess Land, an amusement park, Coco and Nuts have been abducted into the Mirror Kingdom. At the same time, Shadow is after the Dream Collet so that he can use the power of the Pinkies to rule the Mirror Kingdom. To prevent this from happening, Migirin and Hidarin, who are residents of the Mirror Kingdom, become allies with Pretty Cure to assist in the fight against Shadow and rescuing Coco and Nuts. Source: Wapedia
Futari wa Precure Splash☆Star Tic-Tac Crisis Hanging by a Thin Thread!
Key Animation
In the middle of a karaoke contest, Saki and Mai find that time has suddenly stopped. Following some spirits, they wind up in the Land of Clocks where they find Sirloin, a warrior from Dark Fall who is keeping the Infinite Clock hostage. Naturally, Pretty Cure won't stand for this, and they begin to battle. But can they stop fighting with each other first?
Futari wa Precure Max Heart Movie 2: Friend of Yukizora
Key Animation
On his way to visit the Queen of the Garden of Light, the Sage of the Garden of Clouds accidentally drops the egg of the Houhou. The egg lands in the Garden of Rainbows, where it is found by Hikari, attracting the attention of a powerful pair of servants of the Dark Lord.
Златовласый Гаш Белл: Нападение Мехавулканов
Key Animation
В их мире началась борьба за трон. Необходимо выбрать короля, а им, конечно, должен стать самый сильный. Для того сто маленьких демонят и были отправлены в реальность людей. В их распоряжении книги. Каждому выделена одна из них, полная самых искусных заклинаний. Но использовать их сразу же не получится. Только при взрослении и повышении мастерства появляются новые строки. Есть ещё одно, главное условие. Надо обязательно заиметь партнёра, которым должен стать человек. Таким образом, два мира пересекаются один с другим. Соперничество предстоит нешуточное, ведь на кону – власть, а это стоит риска.