Соня - немецкая школьница. Однажды она решила написать эссе об истории своего города времен Третьего Рейха. К своему и ужасу окружающих перед Соней открылась нелицеприятная правда о сотрудничестве горожан и видных лиц с нацистами. Девушка не остановилась и решила капнуть глубже в историю.
Onkel Josef
TV star Benjamin inherits from his uncle a cloak of invisibility. Invisible he must discover that his wife is cheating on him with his best friend and asks her in front of the television camera, it does not do to. A journalist on the hunt for a story, adds to the confusion.
Rudolf Schündler, who played the role of Hardy, describes his experiences on Fritz Lang's Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse.
Based on the classic 19th century tale by German writer/composer E.T.A. Hoffmann, the film investigates the tale's themes of obsession and madness, emphasizing expressionist imagery and theatrical style. The story relates the life of the young student Nathanael, whose childhood memories are haunted by a sinister man. As a child, Nathanael believed this dark figure to be the mythic Sandman, who puts children to sleep by stealing their eyes. When confronted by this same evil presence as an adult, he is pushed toward madness as he tries to confront his childhood fears.
Dr. Heidenreich
Oberst Gustav von Przygodski
Пауль, участник первой мировой войны, пытаясь найти работу в Берлине в 20-е годы, становится танцором, а точнее — жиголо, который обслуживает стареющих женщин.
Йонатан Циммерман, неизлечимо больной владелец небольшой багетной мастерской в Гамбурге, еле сводит концы с концами. На аукционе его пути пересекаются с американцем в стетсоне. Это аферист Том Рипли, зарабатывающий на жизнь сбытом поддельных произведений искусства, но не понимающий цели своего существования и скользящий на грани депрессии. Пути двух уставших от жизни мужчин странным образом пересекаются, и между ними зарождается подобие дружбы. Рипли втягивает своего нового знакомого в деятельность международного преступного картеля, и последующие остросюжетные события, несмотря на то и дело проскальзывающую абсурдность, на время придают их поблёкшей жизни какое-то подобие смысла.
A 1977 TV movie by Dagmar Damek.
Otto Hoyser
Действие фильма, как и романа, начинается в канун мировой войны и кончается в середине 1960-х годов. В центре повествования — извращенная по милости нацистов немецкая история и сломанные человеческие судьбы. Все герои романа — люди, протестующие против существующего миропорядка.
Prof. Milius
Юная американка Сюзи приезжает в Германию обучаться мастерству танца в старой римской балетной школе. В ночь приезда ее туда почему-то не пустили, но она видела, как из здания школы выбежала девушка, которая в ту же ночь будет жестоко убита. Наутро недоразумение разрешится, Сюзи примут, и она приступит к занятиям. Ее принудят остаться жить в пансионате при школе, на ночь будут поить вином с подмешанным снотворным, но девушка все равно почувствует витающую в воздухе школы мистическую угрозу и захочет выяснить, что ей угрожает
Alter Mann
Directed by Alfred Vohrer, and written by Jürgen Lodemann and Werner P. Zibaso, «Anita Drogemöller und die Ruhe an der Ruhr» is a 1976 Crime film . Monique van de Ven and Harald Leipnitz are starring, alongside Helga Anders, Reiner Schöne, Brigitte Mira and Dirk Dautzenberg.
Robert's Father
Киномеханик разъезжает на своем фургоне вдоль границы ГДР, чтобы делиться с такими же чудаками своим черно-белым богатством и встречать в глубинке настоящую жизнь.
Konditor Kreutzkamm
This ethereal, three-hour biopic is the middle film in Hans-Jürgen Syberberg’s “German Trilogy” on the mythological foundations of the Third Reich. By fusing theater, music, and cinema, Syberberg conjures up Karl May (1842-1912), the immensely popular German author, who set many of his adventure novels in an idealized version of the American Wild West. His tales of the cowboy and the Ubermensch alike were beloved by many, including (Our) Hitler, who supposedly ordered his generals to read May works after defeats in the Russian campaign.
Father Conrad
Старик Винтер был распят неизвестным убийцей на воротах собственного дома. Дух убитого вселился в его внучку Магдалену, обитательницу пансионата для девочек.
Pastor Hans
В семью известной актрисы приходит беда - ее несовершеннолетняя дочь начинает вести себя неадекватным образом. Мать полагает, что это следствие ее личной трагедии, врачи подозревают психическое заболевание и не в силах поставить диагноз. Специально приглашенный священник подозревает, что девочка одержима дьяволом. Однако, в современном атеистическом мире никто уже не верит в то, что человек может быть одержим нечистым духом, даже сама церковь. Тем не менее, из Азии Ватиканом вызывается последний оставшийся в живых экзорсист («изгоняющий дьявола») отец Ланкастер Меррин, который приезжает, не зная о том, что идет навстречу своей смерти...
Alexander Arkens lives a happy life as the tenant of the Immenhof. His twin daughters Billy and Bobby also feel good. Then Alexander receives the message that the owner of the farm wants to increase the rent. A little later, Dalli, the farm owner, visits the estate of her youth. There is a huge spark between her and Alexander.
Professor Dr. Hartmann
Emil's reputation for being a troublemaker makes the Svensson family's neighbours take up a collection for sending the boy off to America. But even if he among other unfortunate mishaps causes his father to get stuck in the outhouse window and get bitten by crawfish, all is forgotten when he skillfully wins the family a free horse. And when Alfred the farmhand gets seriously ill, Emil puts his own life on the line, venturing into a snow storm to get his best friend to a doctor before it is too late.
Professor Smith
Tobias Wildenbrück
Над дворянским родом Вильденбруков довлеет давнее проклятье. Много столетий назад между двумя сёстрами — Красной и Чёрной королевами шла непримиримая вражда, которая закончилась тем, что Чёрная королева убила Красную, нанеся последней семь ножевых ранений. Красная королева восстала из мёртвых и убила Чёрную королеву, а также ещё шестерых связанных с ней людей, дабы возместить всё количество полученных смертельных ранений. С тех пор обстоятельства противостояния Красной и Чёрной королев повторяются каждые сто лет. Наконец настал очередной период возобновления действия давнего проклятья. Мартин Хофман пытается защитить свою невесту Китти Вильденбрук от родового проклятья.
Oberstudienrat Dr. Arthur Knörz
A German comedy from 1972 directed by Franz Josef Gottlieb. Mommsen Gymnasium director Taft reminisces about his own time as a student.
Dr. John Bodkin Adams
Professor Schmidt
Onkel Troll
It is about brawls, prostitution, a prison escapee, murder and manslaughter. The film wants to be documentary, the director himself appears as moderator and interviewer.
German sex comedy
По одноименному роману бельгийского писателя Жоржа Сименона «L'Homme de Londres» (1933).
Ottokar Mümmelmann
Oberstudienrat Knörz
Pepe Nietnagel's father has a valuable stamp collection stolen in Amsterdam. Street musician Pit recovers it. To show his gratitude, Pit is invited to Baden Baden and enters the Mommsen Gymnasium. There, he joins Pepe in his pranks.
Dr. Möbius
Onkel Theobald
Onkel Emmanuel
The title refers to the Feuerzangenbowle punch consumed by a group of gentlemen in the opening scene. While they exchange nostalgic stories about their schooldays, the successful young writer Dr. Johannes Pfeiffer realizes he missed out on something because he was taught at home and never attended school. He decides to make up for it by masquerading as a student at a small-town high school. At the school, he quickly gains a reputation as a prankster. Together with his classmates, he torments his professors Crey, Bömmel, and Headmaster Knauer with adolescent mischief. His girlfriend Marion unsuccessfully tries to persuade him to give up his foolish charade. Eventually, he falls in love with the headmaster's daughter and discloses his identity after provoking the teachers into expelling him from school.
Studienrat Dr. Arthur Knörz
Principal Gottlieb Taft's twin brother Gotthold Taft partakes in the most recent prank by faking his death and promising a large inheritance to the Mommsen-Gymnasium and the principal. Of course, the inheritance is tied to many embarrassing conditions.
Walter Liebreich
Jean-Marie Dalfour
Oskar Jennerwein
West German crime film directed by Rolf Olsen and starring Curd Jürgens, Andrea Rau and Corny Collins. It is set in the red-light district of St. Pauli in Hamburg.
When the bank clerk Klaus Helwig is arrested on suspicion of embezzlement, his son Heintje, whose mother died at birth, comes to his grumpy grandfather's house. Heintje manages to win his heart and prove his father's innocence..
Willy Stademann
Bruno Stiegler, a boxing promoter with a disreputable past, returns from America to Berlin to make some big things again with his friends. Fatally, he is always preceded by some gentlemen from better circles who are developing amazing criminal activity in their old days. They are led by Oberlandesgerichtsrat a. D. Herbert Zänker, whom it still hisses, that he could bring in his term Bruno never behind bars.
Susanne is the hostess who gives comfort to the visitors to her hotel. All of the vices in the country are heavily taxed, including drinking and making love. Susanne and a group of nude women try to give some relief to the beleaguered and overtaxed clientele.
Studienrat Dr. Arthur Knörz
A new teacher, Dr. Dr. Bach, is transferred from his quiet village elementary school to the Mommsen Gymnasium, bringing along his nephew Jan. Bach's lackadaisical methods raise the suspicions of the other teachers.
Wolfram Kent
Don't bother to ask. They always say yes.
Principal Neumann
Oberstudienrat Dr. Arthur Knörz
Mommsen Gymnasium director Taft secretly places his nephew as a spy with the difficult class of Pepe Nietnagel. During the celebration for the 100th anniversary, a simulated fire forces the school to shut down for a week. The director's attempt to get a tough teacher assigned by the department of education results in the exact opposite because of Nietnagel's intervention.
Dr. Bruhn
Dr. Krapp-Krapproth
A man is found dead in a London hotel. The knife is still firmly stuck in the victim's chest, and Inspector Perkins strangely finds a glass eye in his jacket pocket. Kurt after that a second, mysterious murder happens: A city-famous dancer of the Las Vegas Girls, who perform at the London Odeon Theater, is poisoned. Is there a connection between the pretty dancer and the hotel guest? Inspector Perkins and his colleagues are pressed for time. The "man with the glass eye" strikes deadly again and again. A first clue leads Scotland Yard to a billiard club, where one has to show a glass eye as an admission ticket.
Studienrat Knörz
Pepe Notnagel (who inexplicably had his name changed from the first movie's Nietnagel) and his classmates scheme to get around doing any actual school work by cheating or sending their teachers to the sanatorium. A Swiss documentary film maker disguises himself as his brother in law, who got a position as an exchange teacher, to aid his project of making a movie about the current youth.
Richter Thomas B. Warren
Two famous gunmen, Lord and Bull are called to a southern western town by a judge to retrace a gold reserve, worth $500.000 which was hidden in the last days of the Civil War, by a Confederate colonel and people have been looking for it ever since.
Oberstudienrat Prof. Dr. Arthur Knörz
Pepe Nietnagel and his fellow students of the Mommsen school come up with all kinds of ideas to get out of doing any actual school work. This includes simulating suicides, setting off the air-raid sirens and abusing the school director's new broadcasting system. They succeed in sending their teacher to a sanatorium and get a replacement that turns out to not be so bad after all.
Hanns Henningsen
A crime reporter (Erik Schumann) uncovers a lurid plot by a Hamburg gang to dose impressionable young girls with LSD in order to enslave them into prostitution. Featuring mad killers, psychedelic acid trips and ladies mud wrestling!
Towards the end of World War II, the fictitious French mountain village of Molinette is occupied by German troops. Because of sleep aid, served by his French girlfriend Hélène, the German corporal Karl Küppers misses the departure of his company to Russia. With the help of the purposeful Frenchwoman he becomes Ortskommandant.
Sergeant Hanfield
Во время церковной службы одна из воспитанниц пансиона Фостерс погибает. Инспектор Хиггинс подозревает учителя химии и брата миссис Фостерс Марка Денвера, в саду которого девушки устраивают вечеринки. Однажды ночью там появляется монах в красном, и еще одну девушку находят мертвой. И Хиггинс догадывается, кто станет следующей жертвой.
Liebrecht Mutius
Viktor Emmanuel Paulini
Baron Holberg, who looks back with pride on a long family tradition as hotel thieves, is horrified when his daughter Doris falls in love with the lawyer Robert Hammond, of all people, rather than choosing the art thief Sammy, as he would wish. Under the pretext that they are being pursued by the police, he lures his daughter away from the lawyer, but when he confesses the deception to her, Doris immediately sets off for Hammond's country estate near London. However, Hammond's father is not too fond of the connection either...
Franz Höllerer
Alexandra is a model who comes to Berlin to rekindle an affair she started in Rome with businessman Joachim Steigenwald. But he pretends to be too busy for her and has his employee take Alexandra sightseeing. He, too, immediately falls under her enchantment. When they encounter Steigenwald, she finds herself between the two men, as someone who is always up for flirting with men …
Rudolf Waschkühn
The 13-year-old Ludwig is to have for every joke. At boarding school he cuts his stern teacher, Captain a. D. Semmelmaier, during the nap from the beard. The angry pedagogue then sends the spoiled flail back to his beloved Bavarian village. The long-suffering mother persuades the rector to resume her reforming boy at the Latin school. Everything seems to be working out for the better, but the upcoming marriage of his sister Ännchen with the Berlin beer brewer Karl Schultheiss presents Ludwig with new challenges.
Alfons Short
A hooded serial killer finds a novel way to murder his victims--he lashes them to death with a whip. The police try to track him down before any more murders occur.
Ludwig Raabe
Prof. Krusius
Dr. Stefan Burger (Peter Weck) wants to take over the management of a home for children. Together with Rena (Gitte Hænning) he gets involved in a small scam.
Rufus Harper
After his parents are killed in a stagecoach holdup, a young man learns to be an expert gunman and with his dog Shorty, sets out to avenge their deaths.
Emanuel Paulini
Dr. Bergmann
Consul daughter Anne Stülcken wants to take her fiancee undetected under the magnifying glass and therefore slips in her father's villa in the role of a maid.
A German police man thinks his wife is a call girl.
Paying a rare visit to her estate, a countess clashes with the man she hired to manage it.
Military farce starring Harald Juhnke and Gunther Philipp.
Rural comedy set in the Black Forest.
A 1957 German musical comedy heimatfilm.
Her father urges Greta to marry the noble lawyer Dr. Hans von Spoerling. But her former boyfriend Fred Roland is informed of the planned engagement and arrives from America just in time. Put under pressure from both parties, Greta leaves and hits the road. She ends up in Schlaffenhofen, a small village in Southern Bavaria. The attractive woman and her modern car - with Berlin's number plate 'IA' on it - is a small sensation. But the two fiancée haven't given up on her, especially since her father promised her to the first who finds her.
Man in the store
After Clown Teddy lost his son, he lost his gift for laughter. He opened a joke shop and lives above the shop. His landlady has had a foster son since birth, and Teddy decides to raise the child, who always believed that Teddy was his father. When the mother suddenly appears five years later and wants her son, Teddy decides to run away with the child and goes back onstage with his son. Will the family catch up with them, or will the mother never get her son back?
Jerome Thibaut
Steuerberater Pagel
Herr von Kleewitz
Dr. Blümel
Gottlieb Bömmchen
Berlin tongue encounters Munich lifestyle. A comedy around Oktoberfest. Movies, FRG, 1951 Fita Benkhoff, Paul Kemp, Liesl Karlstadt, etc. A Berlin producer of nerve healing, vitamin-enriched and expanding its life-prolonging lemonade stand in front of all the Schottenhammel at the Oktoberfest on - under the slogan helps Berlin Munich: an intolerable provocation. And then come the Saxons ... Turbulent comedy about beer, Oktoberfest and a lot of originals from Germany!
Polter, Polizeiinspektor
Dr. Bertram
Der Journalist unterm Regenschirm
Dr. Bergmann
1944 film.
An attempt to mimic the artistic success of Urlaub auf Ehrenwort and zwei in einer großen Stadt though it's neither romantically nor in a patriotic way as involving. Three soldiers on very short home leave visit Berlin. One isn't from there and runs around with his guide book being perplexed by all the things that are different now. Another visits his wife and his baby. And the third enters a romance due to a mistaken identity which at the end provides a tiny bit of drama in a film which otherwise bends over to show how happy the home front is and supportive of its soldiers. Some nice location shooting, but neither story nor stars amount to much.
Junger Mann
A fake countess falls in love with an honest man.
Peter Ordner, der "Verlobte" Christls
The day before chemist Dr. Hans Wynhold leaves for a six months business trip to Africa, he meets chemistry student Christa Weiden. They spend the evening together in St. Pauli and fall in love. She doesn't tell him that she'll start the next day at the chemistry laboratory he works at too, because he says he doesn't like women in "men's jobs". Only after his departure the next day Christa learns about Hans' reputation as a Don Juan. In fear that she'll lose him to another woman, she follows him... and starts a series of complications.
Ernst Litfaß
A circus film made as a deliberately escapist release at a time when the Second World War was starting to turn against Germany and its allies.
Der Regisseur
Der 'Elegante' Juwelendieb und Einbrecher
Walter Hülsen
A player on a soccer team, where everyone matches together just perfectly, has fallen out of a championship tournament due to illness; which leads to a big problem: who would be the perfect man to replace him? Werner Fehling appears to be the perfect replacement for the sick man. The problem is, he's a bitter rival of the goalkeeper, Jupp Jaeger. Both men love the same girl, Grete Gabler. Grete is the daughter of a senior member of the sports club, which is why she feels doubly under pressure not to do anything to jeopardize the success of the team.
Schütze, Graphologe im Zivilberuf
The two stars of an upcoming operetta performance quarrel constantly. but they also fall in love with each other.
Generaldirektor Brenner
Ferdinand von Schwarzendorff
Schneider Melcher Böhni
The daydreaming tailor Wenzel is fired from his job, because the fancy frock he was supposed to cut for the mayor, he instead made for himself. He is allowed, however, to take the frock, which he appropriated for himself and he puts it on as he leaves the shop. A puppeteer picks him up in his coach and addresses Wenzel as "Count". So is he received in Goldach, where people think he is Count Stroganoff, the ambassador to the Czar of Russia.
Peter Brack
Herr Schmitz
1940 German film.
Max Mohr, Reklamezeichner bei Rössler
Zeichner Grelling
This is the war and everybody in Germany should beware : the enemy is listening. One family in particular had better be even more careful than the average citizen of the Reich : the Kettwigs. Indeed they own an armament factory and their engineers, technicians, workers and of course themselves belong to a highly sensitive sector. They are under the constant scrutiny of those who want to get hold of the secret weapons devised in the plant, notably of a wire which, when attached to a balloon, may become the most effective anti-aircraft ever. For sure, they should distrust everybody. Isn't Nolte, the waiter, an enemy agent? Should young Bernd Kettwig allow himself to be seduced by this pretty woman ? As for Bernd's secretary, is she right when she lets this handsome man woo her?
Freiherr von Bekker
Peters Freund
Inspektor Henning
The setting is Lugano (Switzerland), where an apparently very important world conference takes place. The film tells the story of the young Kitty (Hannelore Schroth), who works as a manicurist at the Eden Hotel, and who in the course of events gets to know both a young journalist (Christian Gollong) and the English minister of economics (Fritz Odemar). A lot of wild mix-ups, comic situations, a love story and occasional singing ensue, and in the end most of the VIPs have gained their share of laughter… There’s also a great performance by Paul Hörbiger as the hotel porter. For a 1939 film made in Germany, “Kitty” is remarkably irreverent and satirical about politics.
Kriminalassistent Semmler
Молодая женщина Ева теряет память после аварии и не знает, кто она такая. Ее лечащий врач предлагает ей работу в качестве ассистента. Вместе они ищут лекарство от малярии. Однако в её сумочке был обнаружен револьвер, поэтому ею заинтересовалась полиция. Ева подозревается в умышленном намерении найти укрытие у доктора. В этот момент она встречается со своим мужем, и её память возвращается. Её муж убивал, чтобы добыть наркотики. Орудием убийства был её револьвер. Теперь её муж планирует убить доктора и забрать его деньги и ценности. К тому времени доктор полюбил Еву…
After the two vagabonds Robert and Bertram flee from prison, they get to know the innkeeper’s daughter Lenchen at the “Silver Swan” Inn. Because her father is in desperate need of money, Lenchen is to marry the creditor Biedermeier instead of her beloved military recruit Michel. In order to prevent that, Robert and Bertram travel to the capital and, under false names, manage to make their way into the house of the Jewish commercial advisor Ipelmeyer, to whom Biedermeier is deep in debt. During an evening costume ball, the bums steal the family jewels and give them to Lenchen’s father. Lenchen and Michael get married and Robert and Bertram flee in a balloon into the sky.
English Lord Arthur Cavershoot is a passionate Napoleon scholar who badly neglects his wife Josephine for his obsession with the French emperor. When the cranky historian travels to a Napoleon conference in Paris, his smart spouse secretly follows him. Unnoticed by her, the city of love threatens to spark a romance between Arthur and a chorus girl.
Junger Rechtsanwalt
Von Tettenboom
Following the breakdown of her marriage to an artist, a female doctor goes back to her position at a hospital.
German all-star musical from 1938 that was a big commercial success.
Holzmann - Legationsrat
Martin, Diener
Peter - Riedingers Neffe
Polnischer Student
Hartwig - Sekretär
A drama film directed by Paul Wegener.
France in the 15th Century: The country is marked by the wars with England and internal power struggles. King Charles sees himself powerless against the state. As emerges from the people suddenly a young woman named Johanna, who claimed that the Archangel Gabriel to be appointed, to save France. First of all doubt the king in their words, but he remembers that the people through this "help of God" is gaining new courage. With the slogan "God and the Virgin!" pulls the revivified victorious army into battle against the English-Burgundian alliance. After Johanna King Charles is crowned at Reims, there breaks the plague over the country in. Now Johanna all the blame on the disaster: God would punish believe in the country for that a heretic; if Johanna were actual a holy, she would deal also with the plague. The waning faith weakens France, England is again on the rise. But Johanna is executed as a witch. Only years later annulled the verdict of the Holy and Johanna explained.
Экранизация пьесы, которую написал Бенито Муссолини. Она была впервые опубликована в Германии в 1933 году, после прихода к власти национал-социалистов. В пьесе рассказывается о Наполеоне, точнее, его последних ста днях правления, когда он стремительно возвратил себе власть во Франции. Во время своего заточения на острове Эльба Наполеон предстаёт зрителю как человек, который всего лишь хотел создать счастливый мир без войн. Он говорит: «Если бы я всё-таки победил в Москве, то исполнилась бы моя мечта — возникла бы единая Европа, которая бы не знала войн, а только мир». Противники Наполеона, правители европейских стран, рассматривают убийство в качестве «проявления человечности».
После того, как детектив подвергся нападению бандитов и был помещен в приют профессора Баума, он наблюдает за тем, как профессор увлечён другим пациентом, преступным гением - доктором Мабузе. Когда обнаруживается, что записи Мабузе связаны с целым рядом недавних преступлений, комиссар Ломанн пытается определить, как Мабузе общается с преступниками и несмотря на противоречивые сведения о местонахождении доктора, раз и навсегда схватить его.
Leutnant Williams
A military comedy in which Annemarie is the center of attention.
Before he can avenge a crooked card game, Dan Carrington suffers heart failure and dies in his chair. John Tralee, the cheater, feels a pang of guilt when he discovers that he has taken all of Carrington's money and adopts the dead man's little girl, Lois. The girl grows up and the gambling hall becomes her second home.