Traugott Buhre

Traugott Buhre

Рождение : 1929-06-21, Tschernjachowsk, Russia

Смерть : 2009-07-26


Traugott Buhre


Die Toten vom Schwarzwald
Martin Grünwald
A woman disappears mysteriously in the middle of a forest. Police begins his search, in addition to her husband, a forensic expert. When officers asked to provide them with a photograph of the missing, he discovers that someone has entered her house and stole all the images of women.
Schöne Witwen küssen besser
Corinnas Vater
Alter Mann
The film starts in the early evening of a normal day: Sophie, a 20 year old girl, is pregnant and wanders through the night to get sure about her future life. Does she want to be a mother or do an abortion? Does she love her friend or not? Who is the father of her unborn baby? Trying to figure out what to do Sophie encounters many people, and in the morning she has come to a decision. But this is not the movie's end...
Иди себе с богом
Abt Stefan
Непростые времена наступили для древнего монашеского ордена канторов — аббат скончался, монастырь разваливается, да и платить аренду нечем, так как нет доходов. К счастью в Италии осталась последняя обитель ордена, и теперь трем монахам — Бэнно, Тассило и Арбо — предстоит нелегкий путь. Сумеют ли они противостоять соблазнительным искушениям ужасного мира грешников, и в первую очередь — симпатичный Арбо, всю жизнь проведший в монастырских стенах?
Blumen für Polt
Professor Wehdorn
Братья Засс
Берлин в «золотые двадцатые». Город, в котором возможно все. Город, в котором братья Франц и Эрих Засс были самыми знаменитыми бандитами. Они никому не верили, никого не боялись и никогда ничего не просили. Братья стали любимыми героями берлинцев, с блеском проведя серию ограблений и оставляя каждый раз полицию с носом. О Франце и Эрихе писали в газетах и говорили на улицах. Их слава и богатство росли. Но этого им казалось мало. Братья задумали свою последнюю, самую дерзкую операцию: они решили проникнуть в хранилище самого охраняемого банка в Берлине. Банка, где нацисты хранили 15 миллионов марок для своей предвыборной кампании…
Prof. Grombek
Студентка медицинского института попадает на учебную практику к известному профессору, но девушка и не подозревала, что ей предстоит изучать странную и жестокую науку: маститый наставник оказывается вовсе не тем, за кого себя выдает. Когда его студенты это обнаружили, было поздно, слишком поздно…
Ein Mann steht auf
After the Truth
The famous Nazi-Doctor Dr. Josef Mengele - the "death angel of Auschwitz", who killed more than 300.000 people - comes back from his hide out in Argentina to Germany as a 87 year old man. He must stand up in front of a court for his crimes. The young solicitor Peter Rohm has to defend him. But Peter Rohm - himself an expert on Josef Mengele and his crimes - feels unable to do this. When he decides to take on the case he endangers not only the relationship to his wife but also their lifes. A fictional story around the non-fictional person of Josef Mengele who died in 1979.
All About Bob
Bob, a sympathetic young man, keeps telling women what they want to hear to have a good time. Just as he is about to marry the daughter of a very wealthy banker, her father does a little research on his future son-in-law and finds out the truth about Bob. He forces Bob to marry his daughter and behave like the perfect husband, or else... Unfortunately, Bob meets "The One" just a few days before the wedding and had also told her what she wanted to hear, all of this unbeknownst to his future wife. Then right as he's trying to extricate himself from those dilemmas, two very protective Turkish brothers of one of his past affairs are after him to take revenge for taking her virginity!
Drei Gauner, ein Baby und die Liebe
Barely out of jail, oldie burglar Karl is in for a surprise: accomplice Bruno gives him a baby.
Dumm gelaufen
Vater Harm
Peanuts – Die Bank zahlt alles
Dr. Dieter Brinkhoff
Der Trip - Die nackte Gitarre 0,5
Die Versuchung – Der Priester und das Mädchen
Pfarrer Johannes Landgraf
Leopold Wirttthgen
Rosamunde Pilcher: Wilder Thymian
Jock Dunbeath
Victoria Bradshaw was still very young when she fell in love with the playwright Oliver Dobbs. He left her one day for another woman and disappeared from her life. But the memory of him always stayed alive. Many years later, Oliver suddenly appears again, together with his little son ...
The Denunciation
Direktor der Dresdner Bank
By 1941, Adolf Hitler had taken personal command of the German military apparatus. His initial successes made this seem like a good idea at the time, but by 1944, after an unparalleled series of military defeats that Hitler refused even to acknowledge, a group of high-ranking military and political figures in Germany decided to assassinate him and take over the government. Unfortunately for them, their assassination attempt failed, and the knives were out to find all the people involved in the attempt. The most wanted person in the coup was Carl Goerdeler (Dieter Schaad), a respected figure in German public life for many decades. Twenty years earlier, a girl by the name of Helene Schwärzel (Katherina Thalbach) met Goerdeler. After the coup attempt, during the nationwide manhunt, Helene recognized him and notified the authorities. In addition to receiving a huge reward, she became the focus of a nationwide propaganda campaign, and was widely resented for her "success."
Winckelmanns Reisen
Vater Maas
Before Ernst Winckelmann, a sales representative for hair products, calls on hairdressing salons and chemist's shops, he rehearses what he intends to say, shakes the dandruff from his hair and slips into an innocuous pair of shoes. None of this helps. Winkelmann is no sales talent and his product is a failure. Meanwhile, in a small corner pub in the Barmbek district of Hamburg, Winkelmann's young girlfriend Aline uses some firm but gentle persuasion to make the last customer leave. Not much doing tonight. During the day, Rüdiger the barman, pulls most of the beers for the landlord, Aline's father, who survives on memories of good times at Miami Beach...
Mit meinen heißen Tränen
Schuberts Vater
Der Marquis von Keith
Konsul Casimir
Is was, Kanzler?
Die Tannerhütte
Kaiser Ferdinand
Haus ohne Hüter
Part-Time Work of a Domestic Slave
Dr. Genee
Roswitha runs an illegal abortion clinic in Frankfurt to support her student husband and children. When she is forced to close her practice she delves into political and social activism.
Die Dreigroschenoper
Jonathan Peachum
Der Andersonville-Prozess
Jasper Culver
Zur schönen Aussicht
Ende der Vorstellung 24 Uhr
Drama about the life of a travelling salesman.
Rebellion der Verlorenen
Kommissar Klose
Die Dubrow Krise
Das imaginäre Leben des Straßenkehrers Auguste G.
Auguste G.
Held Henry
Der Spaßvogel
Der Mantel
Zweiter Dieb