Suvi Korpela


Grandma Hófí
Assistant Director
Senior citizens Hófí and Pétur feel discarded by a system that has no use for them. They're tired of living in a poorly retirement home and plan to rob a bank to finally buy a place for themselves. Standing in their way are both hardened criminals and inept cops, but these are the most sly seniors around and they're going to show everyone that you can still teach and old dog new tricks...
Grandma Hófí
Production Manager
Senior citizens Hófí and Pétur feel discarded by a system that has no use for them. They're tired of living in a poorly retirement home and plan to rob a bank to finally buy a place for themselves. Standing in their way are both hardened criminals and inept cops, but these are the most sly seniors around and they're going to show everyone that you can still teach and old dog new tricks...
The Last Fishing Trip
Second Assistant Director
Six friends on their annual fishing trip realize leaving wives, work and worries at home is really hard work. What was supposed to be a cozy fishing trip, turns out to be a downward spiral to Hell. Let's go fishing.
The Last Fishing Trip
Production Manager
Six friends on their annual fishing trip realize leaving wives, work and worries at home is really hard work. What was supposed to be a cozy fishing trip, turns out to be a downward spiral to Hell. Let's go fishing.
Белый, белый день
Production Coordinator
В захолустном исландском городке начальник полиции начинает подозревать местного жителя в том, что у него был роман с его женой, которая недавно погибла в автомобильной аварии. Постепенно навязчивая идея узнать правду всё сильнее овладевает мужчиной, и он неизбежно начинает подвергать опасности себя и своих близких.