Wang Yabiao

Wang Yabiao

Рождение : 1930-01-01, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China

Смерть : 2002-01-01


Ябяо Ван (род. в 1930 году — умер в 2002 году) — китайский актёр, режиссёр и сценарист.


Wang Yabiao


Brave Cops and Inteiiigent Detective
Murder in the Island Country
The Synthetic Man
Trading company CEO Wu Hao died of brain caner, medical professor Pang transplanted the brain of Wang Jiapei, who was a farmer died of car crash, into Wu Hao's body. By this, Wang came back to life through the identity of Wu.
The Synthetic Man
Trading company CEO Wu Hao died of brain caner, medical professor Pang transplanted the brain of Wang Jiapei, who was a farmer died of car crash, into Wu Hao's body. By this, Wang came back to life through the identity of Wu.
This movie accurately describes the accomplishment of chief hydraulic engineer Mr. Bing Li 2500 years ago, and his name is used as the title of this movie.
Answer You Tomorrow
Lu Xi, a female engineer at a locomotive factory who lost her husband during the decade of turmoil, and Feng Shaoheng, a young engineer, are working on the automation of lathes.
Cross the Dadu River
Chang kong xiong ying
PLA Pilots during the Korean War
Где ты, друг мой?
Soldier C
О маленьком китайском племени Лаху, о том, как оно отважно боролось против гоминьдановцев. В центре сюжета — история отважного юноши Чжа То, скрывавшегося в лесу от гоминьдановских солдат в течение двух лет. За это время Народная армия Китая освободила страну, а понять великие перемены, произошедшие на родине помогла ему его невеста На Ва, которая разыскала его и вернула в родной посёлок.