Молодая обворожительная девушка найдена убитой после ночи любви. Какой из ее любовников убийца? Подозрение падает на Бобби Медину — парня, уже имевшего неприятности с полицией. Его берется защищать лучший адвокат — Китт Деверо. Но все попытки Деверо спасти подзащитного наталкиваются на хорошо организованное и мощное противодействие со стороны помощника окружного прокурора — Джека Кампиони. И у нее единственный выход — найти настоящего убийцу.
В монашеский пансионат отправляется Моника, развратная и беспринципная девушка. Сестра Эммануэль, которая нашла в монастыре приют от грехов мира, пытается наставить её на путь истинный, но манипуляции Моники заводят Эммануэль в мир обмана и греха…
Сексуально озабоченного пилота Джорджа Телора ограбили. Кроме этого, его еще жесткого избили, и он оказался в комфортабельной клинике. Возвращение к полноценной жизни возможно и за дело берутся две очаровательные красотки. Одной из них стала доктор Эми Вонг, а другой – секретарь авиакомпании Хелент Миллер.
Emanuelle is now confined to a Manhattan psychiatric clinic with an acute case of extreme amnesia and depraved fantasies. Can her doctor unravel a Freudian nightmare of incestuous hungers, lesbian longings, rampant nymphomania, and inexplicable body painting to solve the shocking mystery of her bizarre sexual trauma?
Emanuelle is now confined to a Manhattan psychiatric clinic with an acute case of extreme amnesia and depraved fantasies. Can her doctor unravel a Freudian nightmare of incestuous hungers, lesbian longings, rampant nymphomania, and inexplicable body painting to solve the shocking mystery of her bizarre sexual trauma?
Executive Producer
Молодая, очаровательная и невероятно сексуальная девушка Эммануэль работает фотографом в редакции одного журнала. По работе ей приходится много путешествовать, чтобы собирать материалы для своих «горячих» репортажей. Из-за склонности к авантюризму она постоянно попадает в различные пикантные ситуации.
A man who has tried to kill his unfaithful wife goes to prison, escapes, ends up in a convent, teaches the nuns to make cookies, captured again and before going back to prison tries to take his long awaited revenge again. Does he eventually succeed in killing his wife?
Line Producer
A baron, nicknamed Paolo il caldo (Paul the Hot One) because of his womanizing, asks his son, on his deathbed, to leave women alone and only think about work. The son tries hard but only gets into trouble.
A woman feeds her husband with scraps and gives the best food to her lover, whom she hides in the attic. The husband abandons her and goes and lives with a young girl who drags him into a sadomasochistic relationship.
A woman feeds her husband with scraps and gives the best food to her lover, whom she hides in the attic. The husband abandons her and goes and lives with a young girl who drags him into a sadomasochistic relationship.
Production Manager
Профессиональный убийца из могущественной организации начинает опекать юного ученика и обучает его всему, что знает и умеет. Когда его студент позднее оборачивает приобретенные знания против учителя, ситуация разрешается самым необычным образом.
Production Manager
Богатая супружеская пара, уставшая от жизни, смотрит домашнее порно в своем замке. Через пару часов они знакомятся с девушкой, которая как две капли воды похожа на одну из разнузданных проституток на экране. Кто она? Начинается игра в прятки, которую можно назвать эротическим дуэтом для четверых. Эротика переплетается с детективом, прошлое с настоящим. а экранная жизнь с реальностью.
Production Manager
Dick Worth (Ken Clark) is an American racing driver in Stockholm to put on an exhibition that his boss Bennet (Jess Hahn) hopes will result in orders for cars, and instead gets drawn into CIA business when he is mistaken for a spy and takes on the job of recovering the Fuller Report, CIA information about an assassination plot.
Production Manager
Группа бандитов совершает ограбление поезда с золотом. Скрываясь, бандиты разделяются. Грабителя, который знает где спрятано золото, убивают. Сможет ли тройка оставшихся, банкир, бандит и наёмный убийца, работать сообща, или они перестреляют друг друга?
Production Manager
A journalist and secretary get involved in espionage.
Production Manager
Argoman is practically invincible with powers beyond the scope of mortal man. Who is Sir Reginald Hoover, he seems to know what mission Argoman is involved with? Will Jenabell become the Queen of the World and achieve her wishes to outsmart Argoman?
Production Manager
Северяне уже вовсю теснят по всем фронтам южан, общая победа предрешена, но война ещё не окончена.. Одного из пленённых южан Гэри Диамонда, которого сыграл героический Джулиано Джемма, просят в качестве проводника довести двух северян до форта Юма…
Production Manager
Lady Chaplin is a beautiful woman, she is a fashion stylist and she owns an atelier in Paris. Zoltan is a rich American specialized in submarine researches. Dick Malloy is an American secret agent. What have the three in common? Perhaps a sunk American atomic submarine with sixteen missiles still on board? And why every other scene one, two, ten or more men are trying to kill Malloy in every conceivable way?
Production Manager
For a misunderstanding Franco and Ciccio, two Sicilian immigrants of very limited intellectual faculties, are enrolled in the police force in New York.
Production Manager
Nefarious villain Goldginger (Fernando Rey) is thwarted by bumbling secret agents Franco (Franco Franchi) and Ciccio (Ciccio Ingrassia) in his scheme to spark an international war by zombifying all government employees in this Italian spoof of the James Bond movies.
Production Manager
During the War of Succession, Franco and Ciccio are arrested for being accused of desertion from the Northern army. Rather than condemn them to death for his carelessness, they will be chosen for a special mission: to infiltrate as expert officers on a delicate espionage action.
A young married woman who is desperately unhappy is tempted into a lesbian relationship with an interior decorator.
Count Karnstein sends for a doctor to help his sick daughter Laura. Her nurse believes she is possessed by the spirit of a dead ancestor;Carmilla. A young woman becomes intrigued by the mysterious deaths surrounding Laura after a carriage accident outside the castle forces her to stay. They become close friends until Laura becomes convinced the spirit of Carmilla is forcing her to kill.
Production Manager
I Brutos arrive in the town of Fresno during a gunfight and mistakenly think it is a celebration of their arrival and start shooting their guns and kill all the villains and the town undertaker. They take over the undertaking duties but bury the bodies in an Indian burial ground upsetting the local Indian tribe.
Two strange street musicians end up in jail and exchange sexy stories to while away time.
Nini and Mimi are strolling musicians-bassist. For days they are playing on the streets of Rome. One day Nini announced that he has one million and one thousand pounds, having inherited from her grandmother died. Now world belongs only to them, and they can do everything! Ahead of them are Paris, Madrid, England, Scotland, Hong Kong, the United States ....
Antonio goes to West Berlin and meets Giuseppe. But Antonio looks like Canarinis, a wanted war criminal, So the daughter of the criminal pays Antonio to impersonate him.
A clerk has had a picture taken during W.W.I with the future Italian dictator Mussolini and tries to exploit the situation pretending he is a dear friend of his. When he finds out who Mussolini really is he changes his mind and goes back to his bleak life.
Antonio goes to Rome to represent his fellow peasants, to request a highway that will be built in their region. But the guy is mastered by 'la dolce vita' and wastes the money entrusted to him for his mission. When Peppino is sent to to find out what happened, he lets himself be trapped by the gentle grip of 'la dolce vita'
First Assistant Director
In this Biblical epic, a brave Chaldean rebel takes on his evil nemesis, a cruel Assyrian king. En route to his fateful meeting, the rebel hides in the humble hut of a luscious peasant girl.
First Assistant Director
First Assistant Director
First Assistant Director
Жулик и воришка обманул жадного и наивного американца. Комиссар дает сержанту Боттони, отслужившему уже 30 лет, последний шанс остаться на работе, получить, наконец, повышение и не сесть в тюрьму за то, что он упустил этого самого «жулика и воришку»: сержант должен поймать вора, ему (сержанту) отводится на это три месяца.
First Assistant Director
Totò is a tailor but not a great tailor. He is married and his son is to be baptized and Totò hopes that his grand-mother will be moved by the baptism, so moved to help him. Unfortunately his wet nurse Maria loses his son in the garden. Totò doesn't lose heart and rents Rita's daughter and leaves looking for his son. Many adventures are awaiting for him.
Second Assistant Director
Greedy Baron Antonio Peletti refuses to give to his town the heredity left by his father, a box full of precious jewels, which he keeps for himself. The major and the rest of the townspeople therefore organize a trick at his expense: they'll make him believe he is dead, and, in a fake "afterlife", they'll try to convince him to finally show them where the money is hidden to save his soul.
Second Assistant Director
Young swain Toto Esposito tries to abduct his beloved to marry her, but he makes a mistake: he kidnaps an ugly woman named Carmela, who loves him--and chases him when he escapes.
Second Assistant Director
Губернатор Севильи издал указ, запрещающий цирюльникам работать по воскресеньям, но ничего не подозревающий Фигаро открыл свою цирюльню. От штрафа и наказания Фигаро спасает граф Альмавива, случайно находившийся там же. В ответ Альмавива просит Фигаро помочь ему жениться на Розине, дочери губернатора, которую собираются выдать замуж за Дона Алонцо, капитана гвардии.
Second Assistant Director
Aunt Agatha writes to Toto, informing him that she won't send him another penny until he is married.