Lotta Schmelzer


Not the 80s
Two people, one restaurant, some preconceptions and a bit of fish.
How to Properly Kill Dead Animals
After shooting stuffed animals into pieces YouTubers and wanna-be-hunters Mike and Herman cross path with their opportunity of becoming big game hunters: An ice bear and rabbit on a date. A grotesque on beastly humans and human beasts in the age of the internet.
Коктейль «Мазаль Тов»
Русско-еврейский подросток Дима ввязывается в школьную драку, затем ломает четвертую стену и увлеченно-яростно излагает свои взгляды о том, как лицемерно-толерантно устроен его мир.
Tears And Cake
Emil is unable to cry. Lively moments of joy and sadness do not occur to him. But as even the disgruntled neighbor sheds a tear in the cinema, he decides to finally learn how to do it. He braces himself against an icy storm and gets into a nasty fight with his girlfriend Ida. But no matter what he does - crying just won’t work for him. Only when he starts to talk to his father whom he meets with every week to eat cake in his car, he gets overwhelmed by his emotions.