Taissia Krugovykh


Пепперштейн, сюрреалити-шоу
Director of Photography
Pavel Pepperstein is one of the iconic artists of his generation and an active participant in the international art scene. The film "Pepperstein, surreal show" explores the origins and turning points in the life and work of the creator of the direction of "psychedelic realism". Pepperstein talks about his childhood in the circle of Moscow conceptualists, friends of his father Viktor Pivovarov and the raves of the 90s, and his whimsical graphics come to life thanks to animation, complementing the kaleidoscope of the artist's life.
Пепперштейн, сюрреалити-шоу
Pavel Pepperstein is one of the iconic artists of his generation and an active participant in the international art scene. The film "Pepperstein, surreal show" explores the origins and turning points in the life and work of the creator of the direction of "psychedelic realism". Pepperstein talks about his childhood in the circle of Moscow conceptualists, friends of his father Viktor Pivovarov and the raves of the 90s, and his whimsical graphics come to life thanks to animation, complementing the kaleidoscope of the artist's life.
Нос, или Заговор «не таких»
В основе фильма – два величайших творения русского гения: повесть Николая Гоголя «Нос» и опера «Нос», которую создал в 1930 г. композитор Дмитрий Шостакович. Фильм посвящен пионерам, новаторам в искусстве. Людям, которые опережали свое время. И, что самое главное, имели бесстрашие идти против течения. Ценой собственного благополучия, а зачастую и жизни. Главными героями фильма являются писатели Николай Гоголь и Михаил Булгаков, режиссер Всеволод Мейерхольд и композитор Дмитрий Шостакович.