Set in an underground dungeon inhabited by bundled, ragged human beings, after the nuclear holocaust. The story follows the wanderings of a hero through the situations of survival. People wait for the Ark to arrive and rescue them while their habitat falls apart.
In 1931, just before the New Year, in a house of architect Henryk Zaremba scream rips the night. The daughter of Zaremba is found killed in her bedroom, obviously killed with a pickaxe. The police arrives and starts the investigation. Rita Gorgonova, the governess of the girl and also lover of Zaremba becomes the main suspect. Film based on real events - investigation and court trials of the most famous pre-war Polish murder case. Despite being historically accurate the movie is both involving and entertaining since the case was simple on the surface, but very complicated in details.
Молодая девушка, Бася, живет со своей старой тётей Казией в особняке. Несмотря на близость Варшавы, только отголоски войны достигают их. Мирная жизнь двух женщин прервана появлением «Хьюберта», загадочного мужчины, которому после побега от немцев нужно укрытие. Героини, несмотря на то, что они не принадлежат к движению сопротивления, решают позаботиться о беглеце. Постепенно любовь рождается между Басей и её неординарным гостем.