Yasuaki Kurata

Yasuaki Kurata

Рождение : 1946-03-20, Niihari, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan


Yasuaki Kurata (born March 20, 1946), a.k.a David Kurata, is a Japanese actor specializing in action movies. An accomplished martial artist, he has dan ranks in karate (5th degree), judo (3rd degree), and aikido (2nd degree). He is perhaps best known for his extended battle against Jet Li in Fist of Legend and for his villainous role in So Close. He is fluent in Cantonese. Kurata's home town is Sakura-mura, Niihari District, Ibaraki (now part of Tsukuba). Having studied performing arts at Nihon University and Toei Theater School, he began to work as an actor in the late 1960s. In 1971, Kurata made his Hong Kong debut in the Shaw Brothers Studio kung-fu movie Angry Guest  . Since then he has appeared in numerous other films and TV series within the genre. In addition to his work as an actor, Kurata runs the stunt agency Kurata Promotion (established 1976 under the name Kurata Action Club),  teaches at a private college (the University of Creation, Art, Music & Social Work),  is chief advisor to the All Japan Nunchaku League, and in 2004 published a book, Hong Kong Action Star Kōyūroku. Description above from the Wikipedia article Yasuaki Kurata, licensed under CC-BY-SA,full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Yasuaki Kurata
Yasuaki Kurata


Black Fox: Age of the Ninja
Hyoe Isurugi
The era when Samurai and Ninja existed in Japan. Rikka Isurugi was born and raised in a Ninja clan secluded from society. She soon meets Miya, a girl with a mysterious power, who is found lost in the mountains. As Rikka is concerned that someone is pursuing Miya, she also asks the head the of Isurugi Ninja Clan for permission to avenger her father's death. Soon Rikka faces danger with the attack of the Negoro group but…
Ледяная комета 2
Bei Tiao
Необычная находка повергла весь ученый мир в шок. Одна из китайских экспедиций обнаружила несколько солдат времен династии Мин, тела которых четыреста лет оставались замороженными во льду. Их отправили в Гонконг для дальнейшего изучения. Но произошло невероятное, мужчины сбежали и растворились в огромном мегаполисе. Поначалу беглецы были растеряны, ведь они никогда не видели того, что теперь предстало перед их глазами. Окружающие люди одевались и даже говорили по-другому. Слиться с ними и не выделяться, казалось трудно выполнимой задачей.
Fat Buddies
The film revolves around a pair of big-boned, bumbling cops who find themselves at the heart of a drug trafficking case. The agent "J" (Zhang Wen) was shot in the head during an A-level mission, causing damage to the intracranial hypothalamus. During the period of rehabilitating, J gradually became a big fat man of three hundred pounds and suffered from severe narcolepsy, but J still considered himself a ace agent. Finally, J received the task again and went to Japan to retrieve the confidential documents. After the file was obtained, J arbitrarily opened the file and decided to continue the task of hiding the organization for the organization, but he fainted in the izakaya. J who woke up in the hospital got to know the security guard Handsome Hao (Bei-Er Bao), Handsome Hao to prove that he is not a waste of nothing to resolutely join the mission. In the process of carrying out the task, the temporary partner has experienced the ridiculous and dangerous crisis of time over and over ...
Золотая работа
A group of former mercenaries reunite to plan an epic heist: boosting a truck full of medicine held by a foreign intelligence agency to supply a refugee camp in need. But when they find the truck is actually filled with stolen gold, the band of brothers realize they’ve been double-crossed by one of their own - and putting the situation right will be all out war.
The Brink
Reckless police inspector Sai Gau (Zhang Jin) is on a mission to crack down on criminal Shing's (Shawn Yue) gold smuggling scheme, yet fails to arrest him. As Sai Gau continues his manhunt, he discovers Shing's involvement with triad boss Blackie (Yasuaki Kurata), who hides on a casino cruise ship on the high seas. Shing has been involved in a power struggle within the smuggling ring, and is forced to kill his adopted father. He also loses his share of gold smuggling to Blackie. To get even, Shing appears on the cruise, while Sai Gau is there to hunt for him.
Охота на человека
Hideo Sakaguchi
Адвокат, обвиняемый в убийстве, которого он не совершал, скрывается от преследования полиции и наёмных убийц и пытается доказать свою невиновность.
Пустые руки
Mari's father
Наследница старого додзё после смерти отца решает продать зал, но выясняет, что 51% в деле принадлежит старому папиному ученику.
The One
Funny scramble of an esoteric book of cooking between a guy without feeling, a tough girl, a master out of date, a dark-minded rich man, a emotion-manipulating woman and a OCD-suffering samurai.
Бог войны
1557 год. Морские разбойники уже несколько десятилетий грабят восточные рубежи Поднебесной. После того, как пираты захватили большой портовый город Цэньган, столичный генштаб посылает на помощь старому полководцу Юй Дао его более молодого и амбициозного коллегу Ци Цзигуана, уверенного в том, что в войне с пиратами можно поставить точку. Для этого необходимы две вещи — железная дисциплина и новая армия.
KIRI – Profession: Assassin
Kiri was trained as a professional assassin. She carries out missions given by her boss. She has Rui whom she adores like a real younger sister. Rui was also trained as a professional assassin with Kiri. A horrific incident leads to the death of Kiri's mother and Rui losing her voice and right hand. Kiri swears to exact revenge.
Гнев Ваджра
Amano Kawao
В 1930-х, до того, как западные державы вступили во Вторую мировую войну, японскому культу смерти, называющемуся Храм Аида, поступает приказ начать сотрудничество с военными с целью помочь им в разрушении духовного здоровья Китая. Элитные воины верят, что войну можно выиграть без использования оружия, созданного руками человека. Они выкупают маленьких детей у бедных родителей и обучают их боевым искусствам, чтобы сделать из них наёмных убийц, которые будут служить на благо Японской Империи.
Красные слёзы
Genjiro Mishima
Два детектива идут по следу серийного убийцы, который издевается над своими жертвами, а затем обезглавливает их. Между ними возникают конфликты, связанные с извечной проблемой разности поколений, поскольку цинизм умудренного опытом и побитого жизнью напарника наталкивается на идеализм и чрезмерную прыть младшего коллеги. К тому же младший влюбляется в подозреваемую, которая так трогательно заботится о матери и выглядит как ангел во плоти, но внешность бывает так обманчива.
Кулак легенды: Возвращение Чен Жена
Chikaraishis Vater
Спустя семь лет после смерти Чен Жена, который, как выяснилось был убит во время войны, в Шанхай приезжает таинственный незнакомец из-за границы и оказывает поддержку местному боссу мафии. Этот человек и есть замаскированный Чен Жен, который намеревается проникнуть в круги власти, и нанести свой удар, если Шанхай заключит союз с японцами…
Последний вампир
Kato Takatora
Киноадаптация знаменитой японской манги. Работающий на правительство вампир командирован в спецшколу и обнаруживает, что один из учеников — замаскированный демон.
Инцидент Синдзюку
Taro Watagawa
События фильма происходят в 1990-х годах и рассказывают о жизни двух китайских иммигрантов, живущих в Токио.
GoGo Sentai Boukenger The Movie: The Greatest Precious
Kouichi Akashi
A mysterious being called Muse awakens, announcing the Precious to whoever gets to her first, causing a 5-way confrontation between the Boukengers, Gajah, the Jaryuu, DarkShadow and the Questers.
Исток: Серебряновласый Агито
Три века назад Лес пробудился, и Луна низвергла на Землю зловещего Зверя. Род людской обратился в ужас… Ныне мир совсем не похож на то, чем он был до катастрофы. Остатки человечества малочисленны и разобщены: часть пытается сосуществовать с Лесом, другая часть ищет способы покорить то, чего не способна понять.
Легенда о семи монахах
Действие фильма разворачивается в небольшом буддистском монастыре, где уже много столетий монахи охраняют мир от обитателей преисподней. Инфернальные существа и их непобедимый предводитель Владыка Грома давно мечтают о том дне, когда печати с врат преисподней падут и обитатели ада проникнут в мир живых, сея на своём пути разрушение и хаос. И вот однажды наступает момент, когда из семи хранителей печати в живых остаётся только один — старый, больной и отчаявшийся. Наблюдая за душевными муками последнего хранителя, его юная племянница решает в одиночку отправиться в большой мир, чтобы найти наследников других хранителей. Вскоре она возвращается в монастырь в сопровождении шестерых бойцов — трёх девочек и трёх мальчиков. Все они молоды, красивы, отважны, но совершенно не подготовлены к войне с врагом. Чего стоят такие хранители?
Dragon Get Angry
A national feud and the philosophy of martial arts cause a conflict between two big families, one from China and one from Japan, which forced a mixed couple to separate. Their love stirred up bloody fighting between the Chinese and Japanese in the ancient martial world. Rong Hoi Shan, a kung fu genius, settled the disputes with his high martial arts skills. Lignite your sensations with a series of true kung fu fighting scenes, and it’s the essence of Chinese martial arts.
Yellow Dragon
Executive Producer
Jun (Miyamoto) is a girl who is rumored to hold the key to the antibody to an infamous evil drug her father created known as Yellow Dragon. She is forced to go on the run from the various mobsters who want to know Yellow Dragon's secrets. To honor a promise he made to her father, former special forces operative Go (Kurata) pledges to protect her and the secrets of her strange birth.
Yellow Dragon
Jun (Miyamoto) is a girl who is rumored to hold the key to the antibody to an infamous evil drug her father created known as Yellow Dragon. She is forced to go on the run from the various mobsters who want to know Yellow Dragon's secrets. To honor a promise he made to her father, former special forces operative Go (Kurata) pledges to protect her and the secrets of her strange birth.
Yellow Dragon
Gouzaburo "Go" Azuma
Jun (Miyamoto) is a girl who is rumored to hold the key to the antibody to an infamous evil drug her father created known as Yellow Dragon. She is forced to go on the run from the various mobsters who want to know Yellow Dragon's secrets. To honor a promise he made to her father, former special forces operative Go (Kurata) pledges to protect her and the secrets of her strange birth.
Anna in Kungfu-land
Sword Shek
Miriam Yeung plays a half-Chinese who represents her father (a Shaolin monk who defected to Japan after falling in love with a Japanese) at a martial arts tournament. What she really wants is to experience first love (with Ekin Cheng, a marketing executive) and become a movie star. Both which are fulfilled in her stay in Hong Kong.
Fujiwara Morio
An ageless Demon Warrior is magically impregnated into the womb of a Parisian Kung-Fu Master's girlfriend. But what is the Demon's relationship with a new-release blockbuster fighting game?
Боевые ангелы
У сестер Линн и Сью очень необычный и крайне опасный бизнес. Линн — безжалостный киллер-профи, а Сью оказывает ей полную техническую поддержку в выполнении заданий. Смертоносная пара называет себя «Боевые Ангелы» и имеет грозную славу лучших из лучших в криминальном мире. Но после одного особенно громкого убийства на след сестер нападает дама-полицейский Ят Хонг, не уступающая «ангелицам» ни в хитрости, ни в боевых искусствах. Умная и упорная, она медленно, но верно подбирается к Линн и Сью, еще не ведая, что вскоре сама судьба заставит ее объединить силы со своими противницами и вместе сразиться с новым, могучим и страшным врагом!
Dark War
Ken Tsui, a member of an underground organization, is sent to Manila to execute a member of the Filipino government. When he succeeds, he is arrested and sentenced to death. When a psycho cop helps Ken escape, Ken finds refuge with Chang, a man who he helped save. While working in a hotel, Ken is also an assassin who takes a life for only 10 dollars. Meanwhile, the psycho cop begins a killing spree and must find Ken, as Ken's brother, Harry wants him back in the Triads.
Conman in Tokyo
Jersey is a popular gambler in Mongkok. One day, he takes a trip to Japan with her girlfriend, Nancy, they come to Chinese resaurant. Suddenly, a gang of Japanese triads comes in and starts a fight. Just at the moment when he is in danger, the restaurant owner uses a special card - casting skill to save him. Jersey recognize it is the skill of Cool, the Gambling King, but the owner refuses to admit that Cool is still alive. Cool finally admit his true identity and tells Jersey that Ho Yan was orginally his girlfriend but now she is the wife of Yeung. Cool treated Yeung like his brother, but he is jealous of Cool's beautiful grilfriend and wealth. Yeung conspired to take away Cool's everthing. With Jersey's help, Cool decides to get Ho Yan back, but he does not realizes that Yeung is setting another trap for him.
Ginza Midnight Story - Utopia 2
In a continuation of "Utopia: Midnight Story, White Flower Bud" Haruka Ichijou follows through in her vow to become the No1 Geisha. She develops intricate schemes and mindful manipulations in changing her "Papa-san's," or Sugar Daddies, on her way up the modern geisha ladder. After she pits one against the other, the men begin to compete for her in elaborate and very expensive ventures, and their fight to win her for their prize in all-consuming frenzy becomes the focus for the No1 Spot. A barrage of young geisha's karate fighting seals their fate at last!
Ginza Midnight Story - Utopia
Japanese gangster drama set in the exclusive Ginza district of Tokyo, following Haruka (Atsuko Sakuraba), a young geisha who is attacked by an influential businessman who plans to abduct her. When she is rescued by the members of a club called 'Utopia', Haruka joins them and becomes a hostess, rapidly establishing herself as one of the most sought-after geisha's in Ginza. At the same time, Haruka learns of a plan by a corrupt, gangster-owned club to set itself up as a rival to Utopia. Such is her loyalty to the club that first helped her, she is willing to do anything to protect it.
Quiet Don 11
Shizuya thought that he had won the deadly battle with Kaifu, the fifth generation of Kishu-gumi, and put an end to the long-standing conflict, but the tenacity of Kaifu's overthrow Shinsei-gumi does not change even in a dying state. He is a hitman who attacks Shizuya many times. Not only that, the Kishu-gumi buys the company that Shizuya works for, disbands the design department, steals the face of the day and drags him into the world of conflict. Shizuya, who has promised Akino his dream as a designer, solidifies his resolve to overcome this crisis... It's been 10 years since the series started. The immortal series is completely revived. In addition to the combination of Teruyuki Kagawa and Mai Kitajima, the original cast of Yasuaki Kurata, Isamu Ichikawa, Shinichi Ishii, Hiroaki Iiyama, Takashi Sasano, and Yozaburo Ito will all appear. What is the conclusion with Kishu-gumi? What is the fate of love with Akino?
Quiet Don 10
"I can't live for the Shinsen-gumi." Shizuya wanders between the yakuza and his love for Akino. What is the truth!?
Quiet Don 9
Shouldn't gangsters love stubborn people? To protect true love, the Shinsen-gumi gather at night in Tokyo!
Quiet Don 8
The 8th installment of the series that depicts the activities of the main character, Shizuya, who has two faces: an office worker who works for a women's underwear manufacturer and the president of Shinsengumi, the largest gang in the Kanto region. In Tokyo, which seemed to have regained peace, Kaifu of the Kishu-gumi plots to assassinate Shizuya again.
Quiet Don 7
I made the same mistake again... Bullets pouring down like rain! Love for Akino running through! Shinsengumi division! Kisu-gumi plotting assassination!
Кулак легенды
Fuimo Funakoshi
В начале XX века во время японской оккупации Китая самураи, кичившиеся своим непобедимым каратэ, жестоко убили миролюбивого учителя кунг-фу Хо. Деморализованный народ даже не помышлял о сопротивлении. Устрашились все, кроме Жень Чена, самого одаренного ученика погибшего мастера. Узнав о случившемся, герой клянется во что бы то ни стало отомстить убийцам. И когда приходит час возмездия, стонущий под пятой захватчиков Шанхай превращается в поле грандиозной битвы между дерзким одиночкой и сонмом опаснейших врагов.
The Fighting King
A drama filled battle that goes beyond acting unfolds!
Quiet Don 6
Shizuya, who appeared on the first anniversary of Ken Sakamoto's death, the fourth Kishu-gumi. He again asks Ryuko to accept the sake cup. What about Shizuya and Ryuko? On the other hand, Shizuya, who went to see Akino after studying abroad in France, was frustrated by his gangster side...
Quiet Don 5
Ken Sakamoto, the 4th generation of Kishugumi, is disbanded in mid-career, and his wife, Kumi Sakamoto, succeeds to the name of Ryuko Sakamoto, the 5th generation sister. Shizuya goes to Osaka and tells Tatsuko that he wants to receive Kishu-gumi's sake cup. However, for Ryuko, the fresh group was nothing more than an enemy.
Violent Islands Dirty Manager
A former lover who reunited in Arashi's Okinava The woman was a widow , and the man was a yakuza Tatsuo Nadaka and Seiji Matano have teamed up to develop a hard action set in the scorching Okinawa !
Violent Island: Dirty Money Hijack
In the scorching heat of Okinawa, former lovers meet. Now, he is a gangster on a mission, she is a window trying to protect what is hers. Together, they get caught in the crossfire.
Quiet Don 4
Ken Sakamoto, a member of the Kishu-gumi, who is aiming to dominate the Kansai region and conquer the whole country, has come to crush the fresh group. Saying goodbye to his beloved Akino, Shizuya stands up. However, Kishu-gumi plans to use Akino's younger brother to trap Shizuya.
Quiet Don 3
The news of Naruto's attack!! "Punching into the heavens"-Inokubi and Okita's anger has reached its peak, and it's finally time for an all-out war with Kishu-gumi. However, "Quiet Don" Shizuya Kondo remains silent and does not move. Seeing such Shizuya, the Shinsei-gumi was split internally.
The Devil's Messenger DEATH MESSENGER
A man with darkness in his eyes has returned from hell for revenge.
Zodiac Killers
Ishikawa (cameo)
Hong Kong student Ben Lee becomes friends with his mainland Chinese classmate Chang Chih while studying abroad in Japan. Ben is unmotivated to study and only cares about money and on the other hand, whenever Chih encounters a Chinese person, he would ask whereabouts of his childhood sweetheart. Ming is also from Hong Kong and in order to elevate his social status, he becomes involved with a bar hostess and owner Yuriko, hoping to become Yakuza leader Yamada Ishikawa's brother in-law.
Кровавый бой
Masahiko Kai
Бывший победитель Гонконгского чемпионата мира по боевым искусствам, переживая потерю титула чемпиона, берет на обучение талантливого молодого бойца, которого на очередном турнире настигает несчастье: его убивает мерзкий, но сильный и крутой Ли, представитель вьетнамской школы борьбы. Спившись вначале от горя, тренер тем не менее находит в себе силы отомстить, поскольку, протрезвев, он стал усиленно готовиться к ответному поединку…
Above the War
Somewhere in North Vietnam, an American base is overrun by V.C. and a golden Buddha statue is stolen. The American high command won't have this and sends in an elite force of goof-offs to recover the item. The team (the B-TEAM!!) is to be led by Rom Kristoff and feature two white guys and two Asian guys in order to (hysterically!) trade-off who is keeping who prisoner among them in order to infiltrate enemy lines.
Seven Days War
A community is in turmoil when junior high schoolers barricade themselves in an empty factory to protest the draconian rules of parents and teachers. They're sick of heavy-handed teachers and iron-fisted parents. And now they're going to do something about it.
Carry on Hotel
Mr. Lau (Kent Cheng) is a seedy detective who sets up cameras to record an illicit affair. Things go awry however when a hideously glam rock band checks into Lau’s room, and gets a free show via his hook-up. Meanwhile, silly thief Donald Ng (Richard Ng) uses ninjitsu to fool the locals while a womanizing tour guide (Eric Tsang) gets stalked by not one, but two pretty women (Cherie Chung and Pat Ha). And Buddy Cheung (Jacky Cheung) is a lowly mechanic at the hotel who lusts after gorgeous executive Sunflower (Joey Wong). But his tomboy co-worker Boy George (Cecilia Yip) secretly pines for him.
Восточные кондоры
Vietnamese Captain
Когда американцы покидали Вьетнам, был оставлен секретный запас ракет и стратегического оружия, который не обнаружила вьетнамская армия. В 1976 году полковник армии США Лам получает задание уничтожить склад, прежде чем ракеты попадут в руки врага. Он набирает команду из китайских и вьетнамских заключенных. Всем, кто уцелеет, обещана свобода. После десантирования на территории Вьетнама, весь их путь по вражеской территории сопровождается постоянными стычками с вьетнамскими регулярными войсками во главе с безумным генералом…
Седьмое проклятие
Captain Ho
Однажды молодой доктор Чен Юань, будучи в экспедиции в джунглях Таиланда, героически спас прекрасную девушку, обречённую стать жертвой кровавого ритуала, но при этом сам попал под действие семи кровавых проклятий. Спасённая девушка с помощью конртзаклинания сумела приостановить действие проклятий, но спустя год их действие всё же настигло доктора Юаня, а также и саму девушку. Чтобы избежать смерти, доктор вынужден вернуться в Таиланд, чтобы разделаться со злобным колдуном и избавиться от проклятий.
Книга героев
Yamashita sensei
Группа бандитов именуемая как «Пять крыс» прячет тонны золота. Крутой японский мафиози Ямашита (Ясуаки Курата) решает присвоить себе эти богатства и убивает «крыс», но так и не узнаёт местонахождение золота. Единственная оставшаяся у него зацепка — сестра одного из «крыс», у которой есть карта, указывающая где спрятаны эти сокровища, и она вместе с муженьком уже отправилась на их поиски. Но Ямашита внезапно вмешивается в их планы. А по следам и тех и других идут коп и его подружка, желающая работать в полиции.
Экспресс миллионеров
Japanese Ninja
Конец 30-х годов. Авантюрист Чин после увлекательных приключений в России возвращается в родную деревню на китайской границе. За время его отсутствия дома многое изменилось. Местный начальник полиции со своими подчиненными ограбил банк и сбежал. Его место занял бывший начальник пожарной охраны Тсао. В окрестностях городка появляется конная банда, в рядах которой два американских ковбоя, собирающиеся напасть на экспресс из Шанхая с целью завладеть картой древних сокровищ.
Мои счастливые звезды 2
Parachute Assassin
Особый отдел полиции Гонконга ведет расследование деятельности мафиозного клана. Агенту отдела удается внедрить в мафию своего осведомителя. Но в Бангкоке мафия расправляется со «стукачом». Полицейский из Бангкока и специальный агент начинают совместную операцию по ликвидации мафиозного клана.
Мисима: Жизнь в четырёх главах
Takei (segment "Kyoko's House")
25 ноября 1970 года. Знаменитый японский писатель Юкио Мисима встал рано утром, надел военную форму и вместе с соратниками из «Общества щита» отправился на базу сухопутных войск сил самообороны в Итигая с целью призвать солдат совершить государственный переворот. По пути Мисима вспоминает свою жизнь и ее влияние на его произведения.
To Catch a Thief
Businessman Cedric Chan hires ninja Richard Ling (Yasuaki Kurata) to steal a valuable jade horse that he's insured for a large amount of money. On the case is cop Don (Don Wong) who loses his wife when he makes an enemy in the ninja as well as an asskicking insurance agent (Yin Su-Li).
Ninja Thunderbolt
The Ninja Empire has been run by an evil master and one member decides to leave the empire. The ex-Ninja wants a Hong Kong detective to track down the new leader and end his reign of terror. "Cut-and-paste" transformation of Taiwanese movie "To catch a thief" (1984; directed by Gam Ming) with new Hong Kong footage.
Aces Go Places II
An assassin called Filthy Harry is hired by a shady figure and charged with killing the heroes. The men are framed twice for different robberies by King Kong's new girlfriend, nearly committed to a mental hospital by their devious boss, and forced to battle Filthy Harry's weaponry-laden robot while covered with time bombs.
Chairman Sun Shao Hung
A family implodes after the reading of a will. They fight over the inheritance, forming and re-forming alliances, and spend most of the film searching for a crucial key.
Deadly Life of a Ninja
Iga Ninja Leader
A businessman and his sister-in-law are targeted for assassination by a band of evil ninjas and their vicious leader (Yasuaki Kurata). The ninjas are committing bizarre murders all over the city, and the police can't seem to pick up their trail -- so they call in ninja hunter and Kendo master Mr. Chow (Kuan Tai Chen). To take down the silent killers, Mr. Chow will have to fight against incredible odds in this campy ninja classic.
Impossible Woman
A female Ninja starts a war against the drug cartel she was forced to work for.
Legend of a Fighter
Teacher Kong Ho San
This is a powerful, yet fictionalized life story of Huo Yuan Chia, a real kung fu master in Southern China who brought respect to the populace and allowed kung fu to be taught to all Chinese during a time of revolt and low morale in the country's history.
The Legend of the Owl
A masked mastermind named The Owl holds an exclusive auction every year, selling special slaves and rare objects of art. One of the customers requests that he obtain the 36th wife of the emperor, for the next auction. The Owl agrees and arranges for the woman to be kidnapped. The emperor sends a messenge to a trusted royal guard, assigning him the task of rescuing his wife. Unfortunately the guard has died, but his son, David Chiang, takes the assignment. He hunts up two of his father's friends for assistance. They have both retired, but their sons, Barry Chan and Eric Tsang, agree to help out. So David, Barry, and Eric go forward on their quest to rescue the woman and unmask The Owl.
Seed of Evil
A 1981 Hong Kong thriller from actress turned directed Kao Pao-Shu.
Shaolin Fighters vs. Ninja
Lonely Winner
After her father, Golden Rings, is killed by the Deadly Blade, the Moon Goddess sends out invitations to all the top fighters in the region to try and lure out the Deadly Blade and force him to kill his own son. However, things do not go according to plan.
Ну и черт с ним!
Действие фильма происходит в 1866 году, накануне реставрации Мэйдзи. Эпоха правления сёгунов Токугава подходит к концу благодаря усилиям сторонников императора и действиям западных бизнесменов, прежде всего американских.
Ninja In The Deadly Trap
Shi Ping-Wei, the Ninja Leader
The story unfolds during The Ming Dynasty, as Japanese pirates wreak havoc along the Chinese coast, laying waste to entire towns. The situation becomes even more desperate when bands of ninjas start appearing and target the Chinese military commander, General Chi (Ti Lung). The Master of the Three Arts (who possesses a book illustrating various ninjitsu techniques) is the only one who can combat this new enemy, so he pledges that his students Chau (Chiang Sheng), Mao (Kwok), and Tung (Lu Feng), will join Chi's army in their fight to wipe out the killers. - From website Hong Kong Digital
The Magnificent 3
Japanese tourist
After getting into a brawl in a Discotech in Dominica, three strangers; a Japanese tourist (Yasuaki Kurata), a Chinese restaurant worker (Tony Poon) and an American (!) painter (Tadashi Yamashita) find themselves thrown in jail together and left to rot there. Just when things seem their grimmest, the three are released, their bonds posted by an ex Army General. His intention is to put their supreme fighting skills to use against his family's black sheep, a powerful mafioso who employs top fighters from all over the world as protection.
Шаолинь вызывает ниндзя
Takeno, Japanese ninjutsu expert
А-То (Гордон Лиу), молодой сын богатого промышленника, должен жениться на дочери партнера отца, японке, при этом даже ни разу ее не видев до этого. Однако девушка оказывается настоящей красавицей, и А-То без промедления организовывает свадьбу. Впрочем, он не учел "некоторые" различия между нациями, и уже в первые дни "медового месяца" Кудо (так зовут эту японку) начинает ломать стены дома, упражняясь в традиционном японском каратэ. Поругавшись с ней на почве различий в боевых искусств, А-То обижает ее, и Кудо уезжает обратно в Японию, откуда немедля приезжают семь мастеров различных стилей, горящие желанием отомстить за поруганную честь всей нации и на деле выяснить, боевые искусства какой страны наиболее действенны.
Edge of Fury
Mr King
A chauffeur is pursued by drug dealers after his boss, a convicted drug kingpin, is sentenced to death.
Secret of the Shaolin Poles
Tiger Lei (as Shoji Kurada)
Legendary Chinese rebel Fong Sai Yuk (Fei Meng) takes on the Manchu dynasty in this high-octane martial arts actioner. After killing one of the governor's thugs, Fong must not only elude authorities, but also face a deadly assassin. Discovering the governor has murdered his two kung fu brothers, Fong vows to take on the corrupt leader. The film includes a slew of awe-inspiring battles using lethal Shaolin poles.
Bandit-bandit international also known as V.I.P. and The Mad, the Mean, and the Deadly is an action movie starring Chan Wai Man.
Which Is Stronger, Karate or the Tiger?
Ryuzaki Tetsuji
Yasuaki Kurata plays a masked ring brawler who is out for revenge against an evil, megalomaniac entrepreneur played by Japan's most reliable bad guy of the '70's, Masashi Ishibashi.
Young Hero of Shaolin
This film is about Fong Sai-yu going under cover as a servant in the villain's mansion. He is a famous fighter that fights for justice. While at the mansion he met the great Kow Lee played by Tao-Liang Tan also a great fighter that works there for the villain. He recognize Fong Sai-Yu right away and challenge him to a fight because he wanted to match his fighting skill with the famous fighter. At first Fong Sai-Yu declined but eventually agreed after the great Kow Lee threatens to reveal his identity. They met on top of a mountain where they fought to a draw and then became great friends. The great Kow Lee later help Fong Sai-Yu at the end of the film to defeat the villain who was very tough to beat.
Masahiko Okizaki
У мастера Игаки была лучшая школа восточных единоборств в городе. Его главный соперник на этом поприще по имени Никадо решил избавиться от него при помощи команды киллеров экстра-класса. Лишившись глаза, Игаки был вынужден покинуть страну вместе с маленькой дочуркой Юми. Всю свою оставшуюся жизнь он посвятил тому, чтобы сделать из дочери орудие возмездия. После смерти отца Юми отправляется в Токио, чтобы найти Никадо и его головорезов. Неожиданного союзника она находит в лице молодого ученика Масахико. Оказывается, много лет назад Никадо убил его отца — честного полицейского, и Масахико стал учеником убийцы.
Возвращение сестры уличного бойца
Go Kurosaki
Исчезает Сурей, давняя подруга Корю. Детектив Со просит Корю отправиться в Йокогаму и поговорить с Сьюзи Вон, которая работает в клубе Империя и которая последней видела Сурей. Корю незамедлительно следует в Йокогаму и вступает в противоборство с бандой контрабандистов золота.
Fists for Revenge
3 felons facing the death penalty, escape the night before they are due to be executed and plot their revenge on the people that put them there.Prepare for the hardest hitting martial art action that never stops.
The Golden Triangle
A coalition of anti-narcotics brigades from many countries make a daring attempt to halt the flow of opium and heroin from the part of Southeast Asia, known as the Golden Triangle. The major syndicate operating in the area is led by Big Boss Norton, who is the target of their raid.
Fighting Dragon
Lung Yen Fei returns from Japan to investigate the cause of his teachers' death.
Женщина co смертоносным кулаком
Shunsuke Tsubaki
Заговор вращается вокруг военного художника. Когда ее брата похищают наркобароны, она ступает на путь мести.
Call Me Dragon
Panther / Leopard Head
Golden Sand City is filled with brothels and casinos funded by drug lord Yim Kung Ho (evil Mr. Yem) and policed by the iron fist of his henchman Panther (Leopard Head). Vigilantes Inspector Big Dragon (Bruce Liang), Little Mouse, and Black Cat plan to bring Yum Kung Ho and his evil empire to its knees, but face fierce opposition in the deadly Panther, who has the stolen pearls sought after by Big Dragon and his new ally Mei Ling.
Karate teacher
Джон Шей, агент британской секретной службы, убеждён, что в их системе работает двойной агент. Более того, он убеждён, что это — его прежний коллега Адам Бут. Вопреки воле начальства, он отправляется на поиски улик способных доказать вину Бута.
Little Godfather from Hong Kong
Sakada (Chong)
Bruce Liang plays a Chinese Kung Fu movie star, who during his free time carries on a one-man crusade against drug dealers. The villains trick Liang into signing up to appear in a new martial arts movie. The plan is to kill Our Hero while the cameras are running, and make it look like an accident.
Fatal Strike
Two policemen try to defeat a drug lord using the ancient art of Kung Fu.
Ferocious to Ferocious
Jackal Lam's gang and the police commissioner steal Tiger Wong's shipment of illegal gold. In order to avenge himself and reclaim the gold, Tiger Wong hires the justice fighter, Frank Chan. Frank Chan soon learns that Jackal Lum may be the head of an illegal gun-running operation... Let the violence begin!
Gold Snatchers
Two foster brothers fight in a deadly struggle for possession of their mother's gold fortune and a beautiful young woman.
Knight Errant
Taiwan taxi driver Jimmy Wang Yu has good intentions -- he wants to pay for an operation to help his sister recover her sight -- but he's saddled with some bad luck of his own. When Jimmy's dad angers three brothers who are looking for payback for their parents' deaths, Jimmy must now defend his father and try to save his sister. This crazy 1970s martial arts action flick will delight fans of the genre.
The Black Panther
Chang Hui-Feng
Cheng Sing gets betrayed by his crime Partners and lands in Jail. After he gets out he's starting his trail of Revenge.
The Unsubdued Furies
The story of a Chinese patriot who avenges his father's death, agitates Chinese tungsten miners against their Japanese masters and falls in love with a Japanese beauty at the same time.
Seven to One
In contemporary China, hip and sexy Ting, in flare polyester pants and platform shoes, seeks revenge for her father's murder, and is on the run from the hooligans who want to take the seven diamonds' ring she inherited. A suave male singer shows up to help her when things get to hand-to-hand fighting - which is aplenty.
Win Them All
Iron Fingers
Filial daughter seeks revenge on father's killer. She must associate with dishonest people to finance her mission.
A Gathering of Heroes
It's the 1979 movie "A Gathering of Heroes" (Gan jin sha jue).
Ладонь Единорога
Маленький мальчик лет 6-и, лазая по кустам, видит разборку меж разбойниками на предмет чья доля больше с последующим закапыванием трупов. Мальчик бежит поделиться новостью с семьёй - чем выдает всех, а свидетели никому не нужны.... Семейству - конец - спасается только мальчонка. Бурный речной поток вынес его к монахам . И вот прошло 10 лет и он стал молодым человеком. Перед тем как покинуть монастырь этот 16-ти летний юноша узнаёт САМУЮ СТРАШНУЮ ТЕХНИКУ БОЯ от великого сенсея ( Брюс Ли на фоне кинокамер , свето-приборов и толпы народа ) и с этим багажом, изображая слабака, идет по Китаю в поисках мести
Rage Of Wind
Japanese occupation of China breeds an ill wind which stirs the wrath of China's greatest kung fu killers.
The Fists of Vengeance
Chinese mine workers are being cruelly suppressed by the Japanese, and a Chinese officer is sent to the scene. In an effort to hide the evil truth, the East Asia society decides to hire a samurai to kill the diligent young Chinese investigator.
Kung Fu Inferno
Chiang Hung
During the Manchu (Qing) Dynasty, a mainland Chinese patriot becomes a one-man resistance force to defend a timber works against the invading Japanese army.
A Girl Called Tigress
Chiau Kung
Here's a foxy tale of love, pigtails and slapped faces with a spitfire heroine that fights Yasuaki Kurata and his bully gang in old china town.
Four Riders
Lei Tai
Four Korean War veterans pool their talents to take on a venal drug smuggling gang.
Kung Fu: The Invisible Fist
This martial arts film set in the 1920s pits masters from kung fu and karate styles of fighting against each other. The Japanese are planning an invasion of China, and spies are sent to infiltrate the mobsters regime on the island.
The King of Boxers
Tu Pien
A King Boxer named Chow (Meng Fei) visits a friend in Thailand. She introduces him to her boyfriend, who's a Thai boxer. Chow saves the Thai boxer from some thugs and the two become friends. Chow teaches him the knife style. Meanwhile back in China, Chow's brother and sister look after his kung fu school. A Japanese martial artist (Kurata) visits the school looking for Chow. Kurata fights and beats his brother instead and develops strong liking for Chow's sister. Chow returns to China and has to defend his school's honor against Kurata.
The Prodigal Boxer: The Kick of Death
Iron Hand Tan
THE PRODIGAL BOXER features Chinese folk hero Fong Sai Yuk (aka Fong Si Yu), the subject of dozens of HK kung fu films. The role is played by Meng Fei as a callow, unschooled youth and wrongfully accused murderer. Two vicious masters of the local kung fu school, seeking revenge against Fong Sai Yuk, attack his home and kill his father while Fong is away. Fong’s attempts to avenge the death of his father result in his being badly beaten. Fong trains at the hands of his martial artist mother as she puts him through rigorous training and an herbal bath that makes him invulnerable. A trail of revenge is set in motion with Fong against the two masters, played by formidable kung fu villains Yasuaki Kurata and Wang Ching. Can a year's worth of training prepare Fong Sai Yuk for his deadly confrontation with the vicious masters?
The Angry Guest
The Angry Guest is a direct sequel to Duel of Fists which had two long-separated brothers, Ti Lung and David Chiang, reuniting in Bangkok and running afoul of the local mob after Ti Lung, a boxer, beats the local favorite in the ring. In this film, the action shifts from Bangkok to Hong Kong to Japan and then back to HK as the brothers contend with a Japanese mob led by crime boss Yamaguchi, who is played by the film's director, Chang Cheh, in a rare screen appearance.
Tze Chiang
A young Chinese all-karate champion, Tze Chiang (Kurata Yasuaki), along with his Japanese wife, arrives home in Shanghai only to find that the situation there has become intolerable. Now, he is a foreigner in his own land due to a Japanese occupation! Tze Chiang soon discovers that his parents have been murdered by a local Marshall, so the military can use the Chiang's family home as a post.