John Calvert


Фильм о силе детского воображения, дружбы, братской поддержки и любви. В центре внимания — 11-летний мальчик, у которого в школе совсем нет друзей. И тут он выдумывает себе нового друга Губи, — плюшевого зверя, немного страшноватого, но если приглядеться, милого и доброго. Вместе со своим новым другом мальчику предстоит пережить головокружительные приключения, похождения, и, наконец испытать силу дружбы и братской любви.
Partners 'n Love
David Grodin has an obsessive-compulsive personality. But he is also just plain obsessed with Maxine Smith, his ex-wife of five years and his business partner. Their small business is Mr & Mrs, a small swimwear company he founded but that only became successful when she became its creative director. They work well together and are best friends, but Max feels that they just could not live together and be married to each other. They learn that because of a legal technicality, their divorce was never executed and thus they are still legally married.
Production Manager
Spin off from the classic 1946 Jimmy Stewart film "It's A Wonderful Life" finds his protecting angel, Clarence, again returning to Earth to help another human.
PMS - Premenstrual Syndrome
Production Director
Short film for David Letterman's Holiday Film Festival in 1985 produced by Andrea Martin and Catherine O'Hara.