Stephen Roloff


Защита от дурака
Production Design
Кевин, Саманта и Боб — члены частного клуба «Фулпрув» -занимаются разработкой технических способов защиты от грабежей и теоретическим осуществлением самых невыполнимых ограблений. В реальности же они не осуществили ни одного грабежа. Но все меняется, когда бандит Лео — криминальный авторитет, заполучает их план по краже бриллиантов и успешно осуществляет ограбление. Он шантажирует горе-умников, угрожая выдать их как соучастников, требуя разработать план еще одного ограбления, где на кон поставлены 10 млн $. Теперь ребятам нужен не только тщательно разработанный план ограбления, но как никогда раньше надежный способ остаться в живых...
Night of the Twisters
A coming-of-age story, adapted from Irv Ruckman's 1984 novel, about a teenager who bonds with his stepfather while the Blainsworth, Nebraska farm family battles a series of killer twisters.
After four years, Jake Cardigan is prematurely awoken from his fifteen year cryogenic punishment to a world very different than the one he knew. Much more than before 'Tek', the highly-addictive electronic designer narcotic of the 21st century, seems to be prevalent. His wife has divorced him and disappeared together with their son. He wants them back and he wants justice for those undercover policemen who were murdered by unknown conspirators which led to his imprisonment for a crime he did not commit.
Partners 'n Love
Production Design
David Grodin has an obsessive-compulsive personality. But he is also just plain obsessed with Maxine Smith, his ex-wife of five years and his business partner. Their small business is Mr & Mrs, a small swimwear company he founded but that only became successful when she became its creative director. They work well together and are best friends, but Max feels that they just could not live together and be married to each other. They learn that because of a legal technicality, their divorce was never executed and thus they are still legally married.
Rumi: Turning Ecstatic
Scenario Writer
In December 1997, Tina Petrova drove off a cliff - literally and figuratively. A tragic car crash in the California desert was the beginning of a journey that would lead her to the extraordinary works of 13th century Sufi mystic Mevlana Jellaludin Rumi and to a remarkable array of people whose lives have been transformed by his poetry and philosophy. Rumi: Turning Ecstatic is her true story, a timely, powerful docudrama that take the viewer into the very heart of Sufi mysticism.
Rumi: Turning Ecstatic
In December 1997, Tina Petrova drove off a cliff - literally and figuratively. A tragic car crash in the California desert was the beginning of a journey that would lead her to the extraordinary works of 13th century Sufi mystic Mevlana Jellaludin Rumi and to a remarkable array of people whose lives have been transformed by his poetry and philosophy. Rumi: Turning Ecstatic is her true story, a timely, powerful docudrama that take the viewer into the very heart of Sufi mysticism.