Chen Haoming

Chen Haoming

Рождение : 1990-11-01, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China


Chen Haoming


Mini Hero
My Fair Dad
Du Xiaoqing
The film tells the story of an accidental soul exchange between a father and a daughter who are separated by many distances, and gradually eliminate the barriers and understand each other in the process of pursuing each other's dreams
Warm Hug
An Quan
About a boy with an OCD, who originally thought he was an insulator of friendship and love, but after meeting a unique doctor and a careless girl, staged a love story about the healing of yin and yang.
Привет, мистер Миллиардер
Traffic Contoller
Обычный неудачник Ван Доюй вдруг узнаёт, что сказочно богатый двоюродный дед оставил ему многомиллиардное наследство. Но не всё так просто - чтобы получить тридцать миллиардов, Доюй должен потратить миллиард за месяц, причём на невыполнимых, на первый взгляд, условиях.
The War Records of Deification
Wang Guiren
The film tells the story of mankind in the ancient times, from peaceful coexistence to slaughter and cruelty, so Jiang Shang traced it back to the Shang Dynasty, thus setting off a story of his past life with Xin Emperor
Awakening Boy
Meng Xueer
Ono, the mechanical goblin, received the prophet's prophecy and embarked on a journey to find the legendary leader of the natural disaster, and resist the coming end times. In the college, Lin Mo, a Muggle boy, was abused and molested by a campus bully. He couldn't help but refused the help of Luo Xiaowan, a genius kendo girl who rescued him. The lonely Lin Mo was in his dreamland and saw The mysterious elemental creature awakened a black mark in his palm. Since then, his life has become no longer ordinary. Lin Mo, who was attacked by the assassin of the mysterious guards, was rescued by Ono, who pretended to be a transfer student. In order to become stronger and protect the girl he likes, he embarked on assiduous practice. When Lin Mo was finally with Luo Xiaowan, the glamorous beauty, Meng Xueer, who had landed in the air, attacked with a bigger conspiracy . Faced with the seriously injured Ono and Luo Xiaowan, who did not know his life or death, Lin Mo no longer chose to escape.
Joy of Second Child
Xia Chunlan
The Little
Прощай,мистер Неудачник
Неудачник Сяо Ло ничего не добился в жизни не знает, чего он на самом деле хочет. Однажды он попадает на свадьбу к девушке, в которую был влюблен еще в школе, и во время торжества происходит нечто странное. Сяо Ло возвращается в свои школьные годы, и чтобы теперь-то уж точно не профукать свой шанс, становится «автором» и «исполнителем» хитовых песен того времени до момента, когда настоящие авторы их сочинили.