Matteo Rea


Иначе мы рассердимся
Camera Operator
Мафиози мелкого итальянского городка решает выгнать небольшой местный цирк с насиженного места, чтобы начать там застройку. Но на свою беду он переходит дорогу двум братьям, когда решает попутно украсть дюна-багги их покойного отца, с которым связаны милые их сердцам воспоминания.
Director of Photography
A moral discussion between sexes arises when an aspiring photographer secretly takes pictures of his barely dressed neighbour in the search for his artistic expression.
La piazza della mia città - Bologna e Lo Stato Sociale
Sweet Dreams
Director of Photography
Is there an alternative to the choices that lead each of us towards a destiny that is already written? Or is destiny only what we have decided for our end? In the words of a poem by Charles Bukowsky (Class), this is the story of that instant, a single moment, in which an intelligent thought gives life to an "absolute truth", that very truth that makes us free individuals capable of defeating death of thought and personal annihilation.