Wi Kuki Kaa

Wi Kuki Kaa

Рождение : 1938-12-16,

Смерть : 2006-02-19


Wi Kuki Kaa was a New Zealand actor in film, theatre and television. He was from the Maori tribes of Ngati Porou and Ngati Kahungunu.


Wi Kuki Kaa


Королева реки
Old Rangi
Молодая ирландка живет в военном форте на Те Авануи — Большой Реке. Она рожает мальчика от сына местного вождя маори, но ее возлюбленный умирает вскоре от гриппа. Когда мальчику исполняется семь лет, его похищает дедушка. Потрясенная семья девушки сбегает из страшных мест, она же остается, чтобы найти и вернуть сына. Тем временем отношения между маори и поселенцами ухудшаются, и к тому времени, когда мальчику исполняется тринадцать, начинается жестокая война.
The Diamond of Jeru
Based on Louis L'Amour novel, The Diamond of Jeru tells the story of an American scientist and his wife who hire an ex-pat war veteren to act as a guide on a journey up an unchartered Borneo river in search of diamonds.
Expelled from school for repeating one of his father's very down-to-earth philosophies in an English lesson, Thunderbox Jnr finds himself in the workforce and getting into trouble with the law.
Set in and around the fictional town of Kapua in 1948, Ngati is the story of a Māori community. The film comprises three narrative threads: a boy, Ropata, is dying of leukaemia; the return of a young Australian doctor, Greg, and his discovery that he has Māori heritage; and the fight to keep the local freezing works open.
Mr Nathan
Willie, a likeable kid, forms a friendship with Rikki, a new arrival at the reform school. Willie discovers that Rikki is maybe tough enough to take on Karl, the kingpin. Although Rikki is strong, he does not like to fight, but tensions mount as Karl's bullying become more obnoxious. After being shown up by Willie, Karl loses his temper and gives Willie a thrashing. As a result, Willie joins with some other boys in an escape. They steal a car, get drunk, and have a serious accident. Meanwhile Rikki is in hospital, injured in a forestry "accident' engineered by Karl.
König Tynah
Бесконечно опасные плавания приводили отважных моряков к райским островам, и часто никакая кара не могла заставить опьяненных раем людей отправиться в обратный путь, навстречу новым ужасам. Это случилось в 1789 году: фрегат «Баунти» возвращался с Таити с грузом хлебного дерева, когда ссора между капитаном и его лучшим другом расколола команду надвое. Вспыхнул мятеж…
In New Zealand in the 1860s the native Maori people fought the British colonials to keep the land guaranteed to them by treaty. The warrior Te Wheke fights for the British until betrayal leads him to seek utu (revenge). The settler Williamson in turn seeks revenge after Te Wheke attacks his homestead. Meanwhile Wiremu, an officer for the British, seems to think that resistance is futile.