An exploration of the spirit world as portrayed in the height of the J-horror era of the late ‘90s.
Naoto Ihara lives happily with his wife Miyuki and their son Haruto. Their happiness is crushed when Miyuki suddenly dies in a car accident. Naoto falls into deep grief over the death of his wife. Meanwhile, Naruto buries his dead mother Miyuki's finger in their garden and prays everyday for her to come back to life. The family is visited by video director Hiroko Kurasawa, who used to work with Naoto Ihara. There she sees Haruto shouting a strange spell in their yard. Unexpected and bizarre phenomenons soon take place around Hiroko Kurasawa.
Set in an actual forest said to be rife with supernatural phenomena, this next-gen horror film is based on witness accounts of people who saw "It" and the protagonists’ encounter with the mysterious "It".
Клуб «Какэру» — крупнейшее нелегальное игорное заведение. Однажды в нем появляется загадочный игрок Баку Мадарамэ, который может распознать любую ложь. Он бросает вызов сильным и опасным завсегдатаям «Какэру».
Yamano Yamame, an entertainer who can't sell, is unreasonably told by his seniors that he should live in the accident property because he will put it on TV, and he moves to the property where the murder occurred due to his appearance on TV and the low rent. At first glance, the room was a normal room, but a mysterious white object was reflected in the image of the room, and the sound was disturbed. The program in which Yamame appeared became lively, and Yamame moved around the accident property in search of new material. Yamame, who encounters various mysterious phenomena in the room where he lives, makes a big break as an "entertainer who lives in the accident property".
A mystery centered on remote conversation with six classmates in high school during the period of the coronavirus.
A couple of months have passed since the serial murder case. A new dead body is found in the same area. Detective Manabu Kagaya tries to find the truth. He goes to see serial killer Yoshiharu Urano in prison.
Пытаясь убить собственную малолетнюю дочь, женщина устраивает в квартире поджог и сама погибает в пожаре. Через некоторое время девочку находят на улице и отправляют в больницу, где работает молодая психолог Маю Акикава. Полиции не удаётся разговорить маленькую пациентку, но Маю замечает, что та обладает психокинетическими способностями. А в это время младший брат Маю — видеоблогер, ведущий развлекательный канал — для увеличения количества просмотров отправляется в сгоревшую квартиру, где, по слухам, обитают призраки.
Sexually abused as a child by her step-father, Kyoko is now an adult who lives with three other roommates, one of them a lesbian who's attracted to her. Amidst misunderstandings and more abuse at the hands of her mother, Kyoko is faced with a wave of murders, her mental state worsening.
After a man accidentally leaves his smartphone in a taxi, he and his girlfriend are plagued by stalkers and cybercrimes.
After decades of single-minded dedication to his work, a worker with an elite career course at a major bank is transferred or rather relegated to a subsidiary company, where he finds himself at a loos as he reaches retirement age.
Documentary about the director's films.
Несколько лет назад муж известной керамистки Токико подобрал на улице девушку Харуку, которой некуда было пойти. Та стала учиться гончарному ремеслу, увлеклась этим и осталась жить в их студии. После смерти мужа Токико Харука клянется никогда не покидать свою наставницу, всегда быть рядом и исполнять все её просьбы.
Nakata Hideo enlists Kagawa Kyoko, who immortalizes the youngest sister Kyoko in Ozu’s "Tokyo Story", to play an 80-year-old who suddenly receives a letter from her first love.
Говорят, что у кукол, сделанных настоящими мастерами своего дела, тоже есть душа. Такая кукла впитывает в себя эмоции своего создателя и бывших хозяев, но иногда она может стать настоящим проклятием. Сара — молодая амбициозная актриса, но все, что ей предлагают — лишь небольшие роли в эпизодах телевизионных сериалов. Чтобы как-то заявить о себе она решает принять участие в крупной театральной постановке. Она еще не знает, что этот проект может стать для нее последним, ведь одна из главных ролей в спектакле отведена кукле со страшной и кровавой историей.
В альманахе раскрываются отношения людей разных религий с Богом.
В альманахе раскрываются отношения людей разных религий с Богом.
A somber paranormal thriller that offers an original, exciting variation of the tale of two men with supernatural abilities, locked in a duel to the death. A battle between a man who can control people with a stare, and the only man he cannot control. When their fate cross, the survival battle begins. The two men with inevitable fate, who will survive?
Nursing student Asuka has just moved into an apartment complex with her parents and younger brother. On the first night in her new room, she is awoken by a strange scratching sound coming from the apartment of her neighbor, a reclusive old man who has refused all attempts at communication. Concerned over his well being, Asuka enters his home only to find him dead from malnutrition. Worse, it looks as if he had been trying to claw his way into her room. Asuka learns that there have been a number of strange deaths in the complex over the years from Shinobu, the handyman cleaning up the old man’s apartment. Even the girls at school whisper rumors of it being haunted.
Nursing student Asuka has just moved into an apartment complex with her parents and younger brother. On the first night in her new room, she is awoken by a strange scratching sound coming from the apartment of her neighbor, a reclusive old man who has refused all attempts at communication. Concerned over his well being, Asuka enters his home only to find him dead from malnutrition. Worse, it looks as if he had been trying to claw his way into her room. Asuka learns that there have been a number of strange deaths in the complex over the years from Shinobu, the handyman cleaning up the old man’s apartment. Even the girls at school whisper rumors of it being haunted.
Десять человек получают предложение поучаствовать в психологическом эксперименте. Участие сулит каждому баснословные деньги, но никто из них поначалу даже не догадывается, чем обернется их приход в дом с многообещающим названием Обитель паранойи. Аллюзии на известную игру «Мафия», отсылки к детективам Агаты Кристи, загадки и убийства — всё это в новом фильме режиссёра Хидэо Наката.
Компания друзей-тинейджеров — Эва, Джим, Эмили и Мо — знакомится в чате с Уильямом — харизматичным юношей, который мгновенно их очаровывает. Для Уильяма, однако, новые друзья — повод затеять игру в кошки-мышки. Притворившись, что хочет помочь Джиму отказаться от антидепрессантов, он толкает его на путь саморазрушения.
While filming in Transylvania, a crew unearths celluloid images of a woman’s murder and unleashes the wrath of evil spirits.
Hideo Nakata was invited from the J-Horror boom to helm The Ring 2, the American-made sequel to a remake of his own film Ring. In this documentary, Nakata details the never-ending difficulties he dealt with in Hollywood.
Hideo Nakata was invited from the J-Horror boom to helm The Ring 2, the American-made sequel to a remake of his own film Ring. In this documentary, Nakata details the never-ending difficulties he dealt with in Hollywood.
После окончания расследования по делу Киры L сталкивается с еще одним серьезным случаем. В мире снова появляется человек, который обладает страшным оружием. На этот раз L должен обходиться без своего верного помощника Ватари и у него остается всего 23 дня, чтобы раскрыть это дело.
Matsuda's signature is needed on some final documents to wrap up the Kira case. However, Matsuda refuses to sign. Seeking closure, Soichiro Yagami tells him to visit Ryuzaki so that he may understand L's sense of justice.
250 лет тому назад. Соэцу, мелкий ростовщик, убит жестоким самураем Синдзаэмоном, и его тело было сброшено в Касанэ-га-фути — омут извилистой реки, где, согласно легенде, тот, кто упадет в воду, никогда снова не всплывет на поверхность. 20 лет спустя Синкити, красавец-сын Синдзаемона, случайно знакомится с Тоёсигой, дочерью Соэцу, и они влюбляются друг в друга. Когда Тоёсига умирает от странной болезни, Синкити обнаруживает, что он не только не может избежать таинственных несчастий прошлого и неумирающей любви к нему Тоёсиги, но и вынужден посмотреть в лицо страшной правде, которую хранит Касанэ-га-фути.
A new wave of Asian horror movie filmmakers is capturing the attention of film studios desperate for box office success. From Tokyo to Hong Kong and Bangkok to Seoul, this two-part documentary describes how Asian directors have successfully married the power of local myths and superstitions with cutting-edge filming techniques and innovative storytelling, producing some of the scariest moments in the history of cinema. True Asian Horror includes scenes from The Ring - the movie voted by cinemagoers around the world as the scariest movie ever - and modern horror classics such as The Eye and Phone. Sit back as the directors of these classic films reveal how they manage to frighten the life out of their audiences and hear film critics explain why Hollywood is terrified to turn its back on Asian moviemakers whose meteoric rise to the top has been just plain scary.
Чтобы избавиться от кошмарных воспоминаний и начать новую жизнь, Рейчел с сыном переезжают в маленький городок в штате Орегон. Но, когда совершается убийство и на месте преступления обнаруживают загадочную, неподписанную видеокассету, Рейчел понимает, что мстительная Самара вернулась и решительнее, чем прежде намерена продолжить свой безжалостный террор. В отчаянной борьбе за жизнь, свою и сына, Рейчел вновь должна противостоять Самаре.
Ёсими и ее пятилетняя дочь Икуко живут в мрачном многоквартирном доме. Их преследуют как наваждение темная вода, капающая с потолка и сочащаяся из стен, и маленькая красная сумка, принадлежавшая девочке, которая пропала при загадочных обстоятельствах два года назад…
Young film star Ken Mihara is about to fall from stardom. His rise as a celebrity is solely credited to his onscreen counterpart, Keiko, who recently announced her retirement from acting in order to get married. Feeling frustrated and helpless, Ken turns to alcohol as he begins to provoke fights, attempts to lure a girl into bed, and argues with his wife, who came to visit him at the studio. All she says is thank you and leaves Ken puzzled. Ken Mihara, once a budding young star, takes a job as an extra. Although he's past his prime, he still manages to infuse a young filmmaker with the motivation to pursue her dreams as a director.
Documentary on Nikkatsu's Roman Porno film series, with a heavy focus on prolific director Masaru Konuma.
Documentary on Nikkatsu's Roman Porno film series, with a heavy focus on prolific director Masaru Konuma.
Documentary on Nikkatsu's Roman Porno film series, with a heavy focus on prolific director Masaru Konuma.
A mother is accused of murdering her daughter but when she tells her tale, things don't seem to make sense. Her husband says they have no daughter, there's a psychic that can trace phone calls, a blonde who sings the US anthem, a house with no bathroom, some Lynchian dream sequences, aliens, breeding experiments, very quirky FBI agents, and some other random events.
A man gets involved in a kidnapping scheme with the wife of a wealthy businessman. She lets herself be tied up and confined in his house while he sends the ransom demand. When he returns home that night, however, he finds her laying dead on the floor. In a panic he buries her body deep in the woods and tries to return to his ordinary life. One day, he thinks he spots her walking down the street. Is his mind playing tricks on him, or has she somehow returned from the grave?
Sleeping Bride is the story of a girl, Yumi, who since birth, has never been awake. A boy called Yuuichi finds the girl in the hospital while he is a patient there. A nurse remarks that the girl is 'Sleeping Beauty', and Yuuichi believes that a kiss from a prince will wake her, just like the story. Yuuichi returns to see Yumi every day, says 'Wake up, I'm the prince' and kisses her. Ten years later he restarts his daily ritual to see Yumi, one day she wakes up.
Чтобы избавиться от кошмарных воспоминаний и начать новую жизнь, Рейчел с сыном переезжают в маленький городок в штате Орегон. Но, когда совершается убийство и на месте преступления обнаруживают загадочную, неподписанную видеокассету, Рейчел понимает, что мстительная Самара вернулась и решительнее, чем прежде намерена продолжить свой безжалостный террор. В отчаянной борьбе за жизнь, свою и сына, Рейчел вновь должна противостоять Самаре.
Documentary about director Joseph Losey featuring many of his collaborators.
Молодая женщина-репортер расследует загадочное суеверие о смертоносной видеокассете. В доме того, кто посмотрит ее, сначала раздается странный звонок по телефону, еще чуть позже его находят мертвым.После того, как, видимо, такой же смертью умирает ее племянница, репортерша решает взяться за расследование и сама смотрит злополучную кассету. Чуть позже в ее квартире раздается звонок…
This is a biographical film about the late Yoko Araki, who was the wife of Japan's leading photographer, Nobuyoshi Araki.
A made-for-TV anthology horror film composed of three stories : Rei Video & Hoken-shitsu by Hideo Nakata and Haiko Kidan by Kiyoshi Kurosawa.
On the set of a dark war time drama at an old movie studio, a young director, Toshio Murai, is trying to complete his debut film. The two starring actresses, Hitomi Kurokawa and Saori Murakami, play sisters in his film. Murai has a crush on Hitomi, the seasoned leading actress, and keeps a photo of her by his bed. The younger and less experienced actress, Saori, is annoying and likes to have recess on the set. The production of the movie is consistently interrupted by strange occurrences and the cast and crew begin to get spooked.
On the set of a dark war time drama at an old movie studio, a young director, Toshio Murai, is trying to complete his debut film. The two starring actresses, Hitomi Kurokawa and Saori Murakami, play sisters in his film. Murai has a crush on Hitomi, the seasoned leading actress, and keeps a photo of her by his bed. The younger and less experienced actress, Saori, is annoying and likes to have recess on the set. The production of the movie is consistently interrupted by strange occurrences and the cast and crew begin to get spooked.
The film depicts the relationship between a beautiful teacher and a male teacher, popular among female students, an excellent student who tells the teacher about his feelings using an answering machine, and a high school student who bets on whether she can have a relationship with a male teacher. This is the debut full-length work by Hideo Nakata.
The film depicts the relationship between a beautiful teacher and a male teacher, popular among female students, an excellent student who tells the teacher about his feelings using an answering machine, and a high school student who bets on whether she can have a relationship with a male teacher. This is the debut full-length work by Hideo Nakata.
Three mean and a woman connected by a strange encounter.
Three mean and a woman connected by a strange encounter.
This is a series of three short supernatural-themed movies. The first tells the story of a teen girl who dreams of haunted doll. In the second movie, a widowed mother brings her children to a house in the woods to help them forget the death of their father. While in the woods one of the children meets a ghost that wants more than just to be friends. The last movie tells the story of three teen-aged girls who go on vacation, only to find themselves at a haunted inn.
Assistant Director
1985 Roman Porno released under the "Roman X" imprint. A young virgin is captured by an abnormal couple. The girl is kept locked in a wooden box, and subjected to sexual torture and abuse. Loosely inspired by the real-life case of Colleen Stan.
This is the 58 minutes Hulu version which contains spoiler/reveals throughout the special.