Jacques Dercourt


A Souvenir
At a turning point in his life, Thomas Lebey, a famous writer, decides to return to the location of his first love. That was in 1960 in a small coastal resort town in the south of England. Sheila was 17 and he was not yet 20.
For a Good Cause
Delegated Producer
When 12-year-old Tonin's teacher announces that he is looking for volunteers to house one of several orphan African refugees for a month during their visit to Paris, the exuberent, well-meaning youth immediately offers his own abode. His classmates cheer and he feels happy until he broaches the subject with his parents. Daniel, the boy's father is delighted by his son's humanitarianism, but still says no. Not wanting to lose face at school, Tonin decides to take the visitor anyway and just keep him hidden for the next few weeks. This family-oriented French comedy follows his efforts to keep his new African guest, Moussa, a secret.
Властелины времени
Delegated Producer
73-й сектор галактики. На планете Пердида 7-летний Пьель из семьи колонизаторов выживает после атаки гигантских шершней. Перед своей гибелью отец мальчика успевает отправить просьбу о помощи своему другу Джафару. Сможет ли ребенок выжить один на враждебной планете в ожидании Джафара, который спешит к планете на космическом корабле, держа контакт с Пьелем через гиперпередатчик?